What to Do About Cat Excessive Grooming Too Much Licking and Scratching Can Harm Your Cat

A Cat Grooming Herself
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Cats tend to groom a lot throughout the course of the day. Is there such a thing as too much grooming, though? Here's a list of reasons why your cat may be excessively grooming these days, and what you can do about it.

Grooming is a normal part of every cat’s life, but some cats take the behavior to the extreme and cause hair loss or skin damage. Because cats groom away a large portion of their day -- anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of it -- it can sometimes be difficult for a pet parent to become aware of the problem until they notice a physical manifestation of it, such as a bald spot or skin lesions.

You can keep your cat from reaching this point by keeping an eye on their grooming habits and taking note of licking, chewing, or scratching that is happening too often or goes on for too long. Read on to learn what you need to know about excessive cat grooming.

Causes of Cat Excessive Grooming

The causes of excessive grooming in cats can either be medical or psychological, and the grooming may be spread out over the entire body or focused on one specific area. Cats who excessively groom one area of the body are often referred to as “fur mowers,” and the location they are grooming can provide clues into the cause of the compulsion.

  • Allergies: If a cat is allergic to their food, fleas, or something in the environment, the allergic response may be itchy, irritated skin, and your cat may obsessively lick or scratch to try to relieve the discomfort. With allergies, your cat may obsessively groom their entire body, or they may focus on only the back or abdomen.

  • Parasites: Parasites such as fleas, ticks, mites, and roundworms can all cause itching and irritation, which may lead to excessive grooming. With fleas, you may see a focus on the base of the neck. With mites, you may see a focus on the ears and head.

  • Pain: If a cat is in pain because of a condition such as anal sac impaction or disc disease, they may lick or chew on the painful area incessantly.

  • Dry Skin: Does your cat’s excessive grooming start when winter rolls around or when the heater is turned on? If so, they may be licking or scratching because of dry skin. Other common causes of dry skin include poor nutrition and allergies.

  • Stress: Cats are creatures of habit, and if something happens to interrupt their normal daily routine, it can result in stress. Moving to a new home, welcoming a new baby into the family, the loss of a family pet, or a change in their daily schedule can all cause a cat to seek out comfort through the familiar act of grooming. This is what is referred to as “displacement behavior,” and it serves to calm the cat’s anxiety. If left untreated, however, it can become habitual.

  • Boredom: Indoor cats who spend a large portion of the day alone or do not have adequate stimulation may turn to excessive grooming as a way to pass the time.

Treatment for Cat Excessive Grooming

Treating your cat’s excessive grooming is incredibly important. If left untreated, it can result in hair loss that exposes your cat’s skin to environmental harm or skin infections if the skin is broken during grooming.

The treatment for the behavior will always depend on the cause:

  • Parasite-induced scratching is treated by attacking the parasites. A flea control (or other parasite control) product should be started.

  • If allergies are suspected, your cat may undergo allergy testing at the veterinarian to determine the cause of their allergic reaction. Food allergies are treated by eliminating the irritating food from the cat’s diet, and any inhalant or contact allergens should be removed from their environment.  

  • Some severe cases of excessive grooming are treated with medications such as antibiotics to fight infection, antihistamines to treat allergic reactions, and steroids to ease inflammation. If the cause of your cat’s compulsive grooming is psychological, an anti-anxiety medication such as clomipramine or amitriptyline may be prescribed.

  • However, psychologically motivated excessive grooming is often successfully treated without medication. You can ease your cat’s stress by keeping their life very predictable -- feeding should happen at the same time every day, food and water bowls should stay in the same place, and the litter box should be changed on a schedule.

  • You can also reduce your cat’s stress or relieve their boredom by providing them with stimulating toys, scratch posts, cat condos, and plenty of love and attention. Just be sure to introduce any new toys or activities into their routine slowly so as not to compound their anxiety.

  • Behavior modification may also be useful for cats whose stress is caused by something specific (for example, separation anxiety).

If you are ever in doubt about whether your cat’s grooming has gone too far, it’s always better to be safe than sorry and contact your veterinarian. They will let you know if your cat’s symptoms warrant an examination.

My Cat's Not Grooming 

Most cats are fastidious creatures and can spend up to half their waking hours engaged in grooming. However, some cats may need help with their grooming. Sometimes, due to age or breed traits, or because of a new medical condition, grooming may fall to the way side.

When your cat falls short in their own grooming, you can step in to help. Keeping your cat well groomed is important to their health and well-being.

The Importance of Grooming

Cats learn to groom by watching their mothers clean themselves when they are kittens. If a cat was taken from their mother too soon or if their mother never learned grooming habits herself, a cat may need help staying well-groomed.

In addition, some older cats become unable to groom if they suffer from joint pain or become overweight. Both conditions can make it difficult for a cat to get at the nooks and crannies where they used to spend so much time. Cats with medical problems may also find it hard to groom.

Finally, some cat breeds, particularly long-haired breeds, need help keeping their fur clean and tangle-free.

Without help, cats who lack the ability or will to clean themselves can develop health problems. Cleaning not only keeps the skin free from dirt that may cause allergies and infections, but it also helps to distribute the cat’s natural skin oils. These oils help keep the skin healthy and parasite-free and the coat shiny. Removal of excess hair through regular brushing also helps prevent hairballs.

Good grooming is also important for the ears, eyes, and teeth. The long hair of some cats can irritate a cat’s eyes and lead to inflammation. Dirty ears can be prone to infections and mites. Good oral health for your cat is also essential.

Grooming Tips

The following pointers will help your cat stay well-groomed.

Brushing and Bathing

Cats that have trouble self-cleaning and all long-hair breeds should be brushed regularly, daily if possible. Most cats will enjoy being brushed, especially if they become used to it as kittens. Contrary to what you might think, some cats also like being bathed as long as you remain calm and avoid getting water or soap in your pet’s face and eyes. Use a washcloth for these areas. If your cat has fleas, ask your vet for recommendations on flea shampoos. “Tear-free” shampoos are also available for sensitive cats. Supplements like Shed X Cat can be used along with topical grooming products to provide nutritional support for a healthier skin and coat.

Ears and Eyes

Pet owners with long-hair cats should keep the hair trimmed around the eyes to prevent irritation. Also, make sure no discharge is leaking from the eyes, which can indicate health troubles and will require a vet trip. Some cats are prone to ear mites and infections. Special ear-cleaning solutions can be obtained from your vet. If your cat’s ears become wet for some reason, gently towel them dry to keep infections at bay.


Keeping your cat’s teeth and gums clean and disease-free is one of the best things you can do for her health. Diseases that start in the mouth can lead to infections throughout the body. Also, your cat’s ability to chew their food is important to their digestion and nutrition. Cats with dental pain may refuse food and begin to lose weight. Weekly tooth brushings are recommended. It may take a bit of practice for your cat to become comfortable with teeth cleaning. Remain calm and patient with your cat, and use special flavored cat toothpaste.


Cats need to keep their claws clean and most will spend time chewing and licking their paws. They also need to remove the sheaths that cover their claws, and this is an important reason for their scratching, whether on the couch or the scratching post. Regular cleaning, as well as trimming, of the claws, will help your cat stay well groomed and will help your furniture stay in one piece. Your vet can teach you how to clip the claws, which is quite simple once you’ve got the hang of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my cat suddenly obsessively grooming?

According to Dr. Natalie Stilwell, DVM, MS, PhD, one of the most common medical causes of overgrooming is fleas. Fleas bite and irritate a cat's skin, leading to intense itching and discomfort. In response, your cat may groom excessively to alleviate the itching, sometimes to the point of fur loss or skin damage. Similarly, ear mites can cause significant irritation, particularly around the ears, prompting cats to excessively scratch and groom the affected areas.

Skin mites like Demodex or Cheyletiella can also lead to overgrooming. These tiny parasites infest the skin and hair follicles, causing itching and inflammation. As a result, cats may groom excessively to try to remove the mites. Food allergies are another potential cause. Cats can develop allergies to certain ingredients in their diet, leading to itchy skin and overgrooming as they try to soothe the irritation.

Behavioral issues can also play a significant role in overgrooming. Psychogenic alopecia is a condition where cats groom themselves excessively due to stress, anxiety, or boredom. This compulsive disorder can result in significant fur loss and skin damage. Changes in the household, new pets, or environmental alterations can trigger such behaviors.

Various underlying medical conditions can also contribute to overgrooming. For instance, a hormonal imbalance or other medical issues can lead to skin changes that provoke excessive grooming. A thorough medical diagnosis by a veterinarian is necessary to identify the specific cause. Medical causes might include infections, inflammations, or other dermatological conditions that must be addressed.

How do I stop my cat from compulsive grooming?

Anti-anxiety drug therapy can be effective for cats that groom compulsively due to stress or anxiety. Your veterinarian may prescribe medications such as fluoxetine (Prozac) or clomipramine (Clomicalm) to reduce anxiety and help manage compulsive behaviors. Several natural remedies may also help reduce anxiety and decrease compulsive grooming in cats. Options include pheromone diffusers (like Feliway), herbal supplements, and essential oils (such as lavender) used under veterinary guidance.

Calming supplements can reduce stress and anxiety in cats. These may contain ingredients like L-theanine, tryptophan, or casein proteins, which promote relaxation. Products like Zylkene or Composure Chews can be helpful. Providing environmental enrichment is crucial to keep your cat mentally and physically stimulated. Interactive toys, scratching posts, climbing trees, and puzzle feeders can divert your cat’s attention from grooming and encourage natural behaviors.

Combining behavioral interventions, medications, and environmental changes is an effective treatment for compulsive grooming. Consistency and patience are key to implementing these strategies. Stress relief techniques such as regular playtime, massage, and maintaining a predictable routine can help alleviate anxiety in your cat. Ensuring a calm and safe environment is essential.

Environmental modifications like creating quiet, safe spaces and using pheromone sprays or diffusers can help reduce environmental stressors that may contribute to compulsive grooming. Work closely with your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of the compulsive grooming and to develop a tailored treatment plan. Regular check-ups and adjustments to the treatment plan can achieve the best outcome.

What is considered excessive grooming in cats?

Excessive grooming in cats, often referred to as a cat's over-grooming habits occurs when it grooms itself more frequently or intensely than normal. According to a Bloomfield Animal Hospital post, this behavior can lead to bald patches, skin irritation, and other health issues. A cat that overgrooms itself may engage in excessive licking, biting, or chewing of its fur and skin.

Overgrooming can be caused by various factors, including stress, anxiety, allergies, parasites, or skin infections. In extreme cases, a cat's overgrooming can result in significant hair loss and lesions on the skin. This condition is sometimes called "fur mowing," where the cat systematically removes large areas of its fur.

Consult a veterinarian if you notice your cat grooming excessively or developing bald patches. They can help identify the underlying cause of the cat's overgrooming and recommend appropriate treatments to address the issue and prevent further complications.

What medication is used for overgrooming cats?

Ensuring the cat is free of fleas and other parasites is a critical first step. Parasites can cause significant discomfort and itching, leading to overgrooming. Regular use of flea preventatives and thorough cleaning of the cat’s environment can help eliminate these parasites and reduce the urge to overgroom.

For cats experiencing stress or anxiety, anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed. Anti-anxiety drug therapy can help reduce the psychological triggers that lead to overgrooming. According to a post by Clinician’s Brief, Common medications include amitriptyline (Elavil-Zeneca), a tricyclic antidepressant that helps manage anxiety and compulsive behaviors in cats. Diazepam (Valium-Roche) is a benzodiazepine that can reduce anxiety and has a calming effect. Clorazepate (Tranxene-Abbott), another benzodiazepine, is also used to treat anxiety in pets. Additionally, hydrocodone (Hycodan-Endo Labs), primarily an opioid used for pain and coughing, may have calming properties that can benefit anxious cats.

Calming supplements can also reduce anxiety and stress in cats. Common calming supplements include L-theanine and alpha-capsazepine, which promote relaxation without sedating the cat. Pheromone diffusers, such as Feliway, release synthetic pheromones that mimic those produced by cats, creating a sense of security and well-being.

How do I know if my cat is stressed?

One of the first signs of stress in a cat can be changes in grooming habits. Cats typically spend a significant portion of their day grooming themselves. If you notice your cat spending more or less time grooming, it could be stress-related. Over-grooming can lead to bald patches or skin irritations, while under-grooming might result in a matted or dirty coat. According to cats.org.uk, withdrawal or hiding more than usual can be signs of stress in cats. 

Another aspect to consider is your cat's routine. Cats thrive on predictability and routine. Disruptions to their daily schedule, like changes in feeding times or litter tray/box usage, can indicate stress. Pay attention to your cat's behavior around the litter tray and scratching posts. If your cat avoids the litter tray or uses it more frequently, it might indicate stress. Similarly, excessive scratching or a sudden increase in the use of scratching posts can be a stress-related behavior. These actions are often your cat's way of coping with anxiety or trying to mark their territory more assertively.

Increased vocalization, hiding, aggression, or changes in social behavior are also signs of stress. If your cat suddenly becomes more reclusive or aggressive towards you or other pets, they may be a sign of stress.

More on Cat Grooming

My Cat Is Not Grooming
The Cat Brush Buying Guide
Easiest Cats to Care For

This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian with respect to your pet. It has, however, been verified by a licensed veterinarian for accuracy.

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