Cat Preventative & Other Health

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A trip to the vet sometimes costs a pretty penny. Emergency situations and chronic health concerns can rack up the bill quickly. Shopping around for a vet you trust whose prices you can handle is an investment for years to come. Read
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All Cat Articles in Preventative & Other Health
A trip to the vet sometimes costs a pretty penny. Emergency situations and chronic health concerns can rack up the bill quickly. Shopping around for a vet you trust whose prices you can handle is an investment for years to come.
READ FULL STORYCats are susceptible to developing acute pancreatitis, which is a dangerous and potentially fatal illness. Learn more about it in this article.
READ FULL STORYCopper storage Hepatopathy is a liver disease found in cats. It is caused by excessive copper amounts in the liver cells. This article talks about how to identify and overcome this liver disease in cats.
READ FULL STORYCowpox is a viral disease that primarily occurs in cattle and other farm animals. The virus is also found in wild rodents, such as voles and squirrels.
READ FULL STORYThere is not much known about the source of the fungal disease CNF, but a lot can be deduced through common sense. The crux of the matter is to keep up your catโs general well-being.
READ FULL STORYCryptorchidism is a condition in which one or both testicles fail to remain in the scrotal sac. Find more details in this article.
READ FULL STORYCats with Cushing's Disease, also known as hyperadrenocorticism, have excessive cortisol production in their body. We discuss more of this here.
READ FULL STORYA rare disease that most often strikes large breed dogs, German Shepherds, and Corgis, degenerative myelopathy is a sad diagnosis. Find out what this disease is.
READ FULL STORYWater makes up 80% of your petโs body, and it is necessary for all biological processes. As such, a lack of water in the body -- or dehydration -- can result in some serious health consequences. Find out what you need to know about dehydration in dogs and cats.
READ FULL STORYIn cats with a feline diaphragmatic hernia, the diaphragm develops a hole or rip that allows the abdominal organs to shift into the chest cavity. This article will help cat owners to be better equipped to spot the symptoms of feline diaphragmatic hernia and seek proper care for their cats.
READ FULL STORYPrescription medications for pets are similar to medications for humans in that there are both generic and brand name options for many drugs. Find out here if going the cheaper route will give you the same benefits without breaking the bank.
READ FULL STORYWe are often quite conscious of the various side effects of the medications we take, but have you ever considered the side effects of your pet prescriptions? If your cat or dog is taking anything, it is a good idea to know about any secondary effects. Here are some of the most commonly taken pet prescription medications, and a list of their side effects.
READ FULL STORYIs your cat overweight because you're not following the guidelines for proper cat nutrition and care? Read how to prevent and treat feline obesity.
READ FULL STORYCarrying extra pounds could put your senior cat at risk of certain diseases. So what food and nutrition strategies can be implemented to help aging felines slim down and get healthy?
READ FULL STORYCats require electrolyte balance for several things like nerve and muscle function, acid-base balance, and blood pressure regulation amongst others. This article explores the signs of electrolyte imbalance and how to overcome it.
READ FULL STORYDon't you just love those dog and cat breeds with the smooshed faces like Pugs and Persians? Although this very distinctive look might be cute, it can be the cause of breathing difficulties. Learn more about how to care for pets with shorter muzzles.
READ FULL STORYMeningitis affects the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, whereas encephalitis affects the brain. Learn more in this article.
READ FULL STORYCoccidia is a parasite that's hard to kill and can be quite harmful and even fatal to your precious feline. Learn all you can about these parasites, to keep your cat safe and healthy.
READ FULL STORYFemale cats that haven't been spayed may experience false pregnancy, also known as pseudopregnancy. We delve into this condition further in this article.
READ FULL STORYA rare and frequently disregarded hormonal condition that affects cats is called feline acromegaly. In this article, we discuss this hormone disorder further.
READ FULL STORYA uncommon yet deadly neurological condition known as Feline Audiogenic Reflex Seizures (FARS) affects cats. In this article, we break down all you need to know about this condition.
READ FULL STORYCats with severe anemia or other blood-related illnesses frequently require life-saving blood transfusions. In this article, we break down the reasons for this procedure and the risks involved.
READ FULL STORYCats with cerebellar hypoplasia, sometimes referred to as "wobbly cat illness," have balance and coordination issues. We take a closer look at this disease in this article.
READ FULL STORYFeline Chediak-Higashi syndrome (FCHS) causes progressive neurological degeneration and abnormal pigmentation of the skin and hair follicles, leading to abnormal blood cell production in the bone marrow.