Cat Preventative & Other Health
Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis: An Overview
Numerous domestic cats suffer from the severe illness known as feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS). It is distinguished by persistent inflammation and ulceration of the tongue, gums, and oral lining. We discuss this further here. Read
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All Cat Articles in Preventative & Other Health
Numerous domestic cats suffer from the severe illness known as feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS). It is distinguished by persistent inflammation and ulceration of the tongue, gums, and oral lining. We discuss this further here.
READ FULL STORYFeline cutaneous asthenia (FCA) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the cat's skin and connective tissue. It occurs in Abyssinian cats but also has been found in Cornish Rex and British Shorthair cats as well.
READ FULL STORYFeline Hemotropic Mycoplasmosis (FHM), also referred to as feline infectious anemia, is a cat disease that ruptures red blood cells. Learn more in this article.
READ FULL STORYCats are susceptible to developing acute pancreatitis, which is a dangerous and potentially fatal illness. Learn more about it in this article.
READ FULL STORYLike HIV, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) can take a toll on your catโs immune health. Learn more about how to manage the disease and improve an infected catโs quality of life.
READ FULL STORYFeline infectious anemia, commonly known as Feline Hemobartonellosis, is a dangerous and sometimes fatal illness that affects cats. In this article, we discuss this condition more.
READ FULL STORYFIP is caused by a virus and can be fatal to cats. Learn how to prevent FIP.
READ FULL STORYSince Feline Leukemia results in such a slow deterioration, it may be tough to notice any symptoms for months, or even years. Here is what you need to know in order to keep you eye out for FeLV, or cat leukemia.
READ FULL STORYFeLV infection is one of the principal causes of death in cats under the age of three. The virus principally affects the immune system, making it harder for your cat to fight off other infections and diseases.
READ FULL STORYCats' mammary glands are frequently affected by the disorder known as feline mammary hyperplasia. It is characterized by the mammary tissue's aberrant development and proliferation. We take a deeper look into the condition here.
READ FULL STORYFeline oral tumors are a common and possibly grave problem with cats' dental health. We will discuss this condition further in this article.
READ FULL STORYPeripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNSTs) can arise from any peripheral nerve in the body, including those in the limbs, trunk, or head. This article will provide an overview of PNSTs in cats, their treatment, and management options.
READ FULL STORYFeline tonsillitis is a somewhat frequent illness that affects cats' tonsils. Here are more details on this disease.
READ FULL STORYFever of unknown origin (FUO) in cats is a prolonged fever and can be caused by a range of underlying illnesses. In this article, we will consider this condition in detail.
READ FULL STORYFibrosarcoma is a form of cancer that is most commonly found in the skin and soft tissue of dogs and cats. Find out more here in order to better understand this particular form of cancer and what options are available.
READ FULL STORYThe progressive condition known as fibrotic hardening of the lungs causes the lung tissue to thicken and stiffen, making it challenging for the cat to breathe. Learn more here.
READ FULL STORYWe spend so much time worrying about our pets (or ourselves) being overweight, we forget that the other end of the spectrum is a major issue as well. If you're not sure if your cat or dog looks malnourished, here are a few things to look out for.
READ FULL STORYWinter can be a brutal time of year for pets who enjoy spending time outdoors. Frostbite is not only painful, but potentially fatal as well. Here are some helpful tips on how to keep your pet safe during those cold months.
READ FULL STORYGallstones, commonly known as choleliths, are a prevalent issue with cats. Severe cases can lead to infection, inflammation, and other fatal complications. This article looks at the types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of gallstones in cats.
READ FULL STORYHere is a list of generic alternatives for some of the most popular pet medicines used by pet parents today. Use it to keep your pet healthy and happy.
READ FULL STORYGiardia is a species of parasite that can cause an intestinal infection when your pet drinks contaminated water, eats contaminated feces, or otherwise ingests the tiny organism. Read on to learn what symptoms to look out for and what treatments are available.
READ FULL STORYCats with the rare hereditary condition known as glycogenosis experience an abnormal buildup of glycogen in their tissues. We discuss this disorder extensively in this article.
READ FULL STORYA healthy weight is essential to keeping your indoor cat healthy. In this article, we discuss simple weight management tips for your cat.
READ FULL STORYEarly detection of heartworms can protect your dog from serious illness or worse. Read about heartworms in dogs and how to combat them at PetCareRx.