Cat Preventative & Other Health

How to Know if Your Pet is Underweight
Several symptoms can point to an underweight pet. Here's what you'll need to look for to watch your pet's weight. Read
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All Cat Articles in Preventative & Other Health
Several symptoms can point to an underweight pet. Here's what you'll need to look for to watch your pet's weight.
READ FULL STORYCats frequently display territorial aggression, which can be problematic for both the cat and the owner. Learn how to manage this condition here.
READ FULL STORYYou probably know that cats need a good diet and exercise just like humans. But when kitty sleeps away most of the day, how do you ensure they get enough exercise? Here are some play-time tips to help.
READ FULL STORYCats and their owners frequently engage in rough play, including biting, scratching, and other physical contact. While they might be adorable right now, such playful bites could have negative long-term effects.
READ FULL STORYUlcerative colitis, or inflammatory bowel disease, is a form of colitis or inflammation of the colon. The condition causes ulcers and sores that can affect any part of your body's large intestine (colon).
READ FULL STORYPet meds are often an essential expense for pet parents. However, some pet parents may not realize the dangers of buying cheap and inexpensive pet medications from untrustworthy websites or overseas. Find out how to safely buy budget pet care here.
READ FULL STORYCat tail injuries can be very minor, needing only a bandage, or they can be extremely serious. Your cat's tail can get into all types of mischief and it's important to know how to treat an injured tail quickly and properly.
READ FULL STORYYour cat may jump around like he's invincible, but the reality is that cats get roughed up just like anyone else. While a serious injury should receive professional attention, minor scraps and bumps can be taken care of at home. Here's how.
READ FULL STORYWhen it comes to treating feline leukemia, some veterinarians have opposing opinions. Here's what you need to know about common treatments, and discussing all available options for you and your cat with your vet.
READ FULL STORYStenotic nares are severe nasal abnormalities that are usually seen in brachycephalic dog and cat breeds. This condition can hinder your pet's ability to breathe. Luckily, there are treatment options available.
READ FULL STORYWhipworm infections can be scary, but treating and preventing further infections can be simple and very effective. Here are the medications and techniques for treating your pet's whipworm.
READ FULL STORYHigh blood calcium levels in cats are a symptom of the disorder known as hypercalcemia, which can result from several underlying medical issues. The causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of hypercalcemia will be examined in this article.
READ FULL STORYHypertension occurs when the blood pressure in the arteries gets excessively high, placing additional strain on the cat's heart and blood vessels. Learn about how to prevent them in this article.
READ FULL STORYHyperthyroidism is the medical term for when the thyroid gland generates excessive amounts of the hormone T4, responsible for producing the hormones that control metabolism and energy levels.
READ FULL STORYCats can occasionally be calcium deficient. This article covers the symptoms, treatments, and prevention tips on cat calcium deficiency.
READ FULL STORYHypothermia can be a serious health condition during the cold winter months if not taken care of quickly and properly. Learn helpful tips on how to spring into action if your dog or cat is showing signs of hypothermia.
READ FULL STORYKey-Gaskell affects the immediate automatic responses to a stimulus. It affects your cat's body, and the cat's body language can tell you a lot about what's going on inside her body.
READ FULL STORYAs helpful as insecticides are for pets, they can pose as harmful in the long run. In this article, we look at how to avoid and treat insecticide poisoning in our cats.
READ FULL STORYInsulinoma is a scarce type of pancreatic cancer in dogs and cats. This article exposes the causes, symptoms, and treatment of insulinoma in dogs and cats.
READ FULL STORYIf you've heard about canine influenza, you might be wondering if it's something your dog could get and whether or not it's fatal.
READ FULL STORYCats can contract the virus known as herpes. Although it's not harmful, your cat could find it uncomfortable and bothersome. Cats can contract herpes from other cats by coming into close contact with them.
READ FULL STORYSporotrichosis is a fungal disease caused by the organism Sporothrix schenckii. It typically affects skin, hair, and nails but can also affect the lungs and other tissues.
READ FULL STORYSince cats snooze so much of the day away to begin with, it can be hard to tell if your cat isn't sleeping enough. Here are some of the signs your cat is having trouble sleeping.
READ FULL STORYWhen a pet stops eating, that can be a sign that something is wrong. Learn how to spot--and take care of--appetite problems.