Heat stroke is a dangerous condition in cats that happens when their temperature becomes too high. Learn about ways to treat and avoid this feline condition.
Heat stroke is a potentially fatal illness that occurs in cats when their body temperature rises too high. Cats may experience it if they are very active in hot weather or if they are left in warm areas without enough ventilation.
In this article, we will discuss the diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of heat stroke in cats, as well as ways to prevent it from occurring in the first place.
Causes of Heat Stroke In Cats
Cats may have heat stroke for a number of reasons, such as being left in a hot location without adequate air, being left in a parked vehicle, or engaging in excessive physical activity in hot weather. Some cats are more susceptible to heat stroke than others, such as older cats, overweight cats, and cats with certain medical conditions.
Cats are also at risk of heat stroke if they have a long hair coat or a thick undercoat that prevents them from dissipating heat effectively. Cats with short noses, such as Persians, are also more prone to heat stroke because they have a harder time panting and regulating their body temperature.
The risk of heat stroke in cats is also increased by several drugs. For instance, some drugs used to treat heart illness, thyroid issues, and hypertension can have an impact on a cat's capacity to control body temperature.
In addition, cats that are not acclimated to hot weather are more likely to develop heat stroke. Cats that live in air-conditioned homes may be especially susceptible to heat stroke if they are suddenly exposed to hot weather.
However, with all these precautions, heat stroke can happen unexpectedly and quickly. Thus, it is important to always be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat stroke in cats and to take action quickly if you suspect your cat is suffering from the condition.
A physical examination by a veterinarian is often the first step in the diagnosis of heat stroke in cats. The veterinarian will take the cat's rectal temperature and check for signs of panting, rapid breathing, and increased heart rate. They will also check the cat's gums, eyes, and other vital signs to assess the cat's overall condition.
If the veterinarian suspects heat stroke, they may also perform additional tests to evaluate the cat's organ function and to check for signs of dehydration, such as a dry mouth, sunken eyes, and a decrease in skin elasticity.
Blood tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC) and a blood chemistry panel, may also be performed to evaluate the cat's organ function and to check for signs of dehydration or electrolyte imbalances.
In some circumstances, a urinalysis or urine culture may be conducted to look for symptoms of kidney injury or infection.
Imaging tests, such as x-rays or ultrasounds, may also be performed to check for signs of organ damage or fluid buildup in the lungs or abdomen.
Based on the results of these tests, the veterinarian will be able to determine the extent of the heat stroke and will be able to develop a treatment plan accordingly.
The symptoms of feline heat stroke include:
Panting: Cats do not pant as a normal means of regulating their body temperature, so heavy panting can be a sign of heat stroke.
Rapid breathing: Cats with heat stroke may breathe rapidly in an effort to cool down.
Increased body temperature: A body temperature above 104°F (40°C) is considered a sign of heat stroke.
Bright red or dark purple gums: The gums may appear bright red or dark purple due to increased blood flow and lack of oxygen.
Vomiting: Cats with heat stroke may vomit as a result of the high body temperature.
Diarrhea: Some cats may experience diarrhea due to the stress on the body and the loss of fluids.
Loss of appetite: Cats with heat stroke may lose their appetite and may not want to eat or drink.
Staggering or confusion: Cats with heat stroke may appear disoriented or confused and may stumble or appear uncoordinated.
Seizures: Seizures can occur in severe cases of heat stroke.
Coma: In the most severe cases, a cat may slip into a coma and may not be able to be revived.
Heat stroke can be fatal if left untreated, so if you suspect your cat is suffering from heat stroke, it is essential to take action quickly and seek veterinary care.
Cats who get heat stroke often need to have their body temperatures lowered and supportive care given to them. Some typical treatments for heat stroke in cats include the following:
Cooling down: The first step in treating heat stroke is to lower the cat's body temperature as quickly as possible. This can be done by immersing the cat in cool (not cold) water or by placing wet towels or ice packs on the cat's head, neck, and chest.
Oxygen therapy: Cats with heat stroke may have difficulty breathing, so oxygen therapy may be necessary to help them breathe more easily.
Intravenous fluids: Cats with heat stroke may be dehydrated, so they may need to receive fluids through an IV to help replenish lost fluids.
Medications: Cats with heat stroke may be given medications to help reduce inflammation, prevent blood clots, and prevent organ damage.
Monitoring: Cats with heat stroke will be closely monitored for signs of improvement or deterioration, and additional treatment will be given as needed.
Hospitalization: Cats with heat stroke may need to be hospitalized for several days to receive around-the-clock care while their body temperature and organ function are closely monitored.
How to Prevent Heat Stroke In Cats
Heat stroke in cats can be prevented by taking certain precautions to keep your cat cool and comfortable during hot weather. Here are some strategies for shielding cats against heat stroke:
Provide plenty of fresh water: Make that your cat always has access to fresh, clean water, especially during the hotter months.
Keep indoor temperatures cool: Use air conditioning or fans to keep your home cool during hot weather.
Limit outdoor time: Keep your cat inside during the hottest hours of the day, and only let them out in the evening or early morning when it is cooler.
Provide shade: Make sure your cat has access to shade when they are outside, and make sure they have a cool place to rest indoors.
Keep your cat groomed: Regular grooming can help to remove excess fur, which will help your cat to dissipate heat more effectively.
Be aware of the risks: Be aware of the risk factors for heat stroke in cats, such as age, weight, and medical conditions, and take extra precautions to keep them cool and comfortable.
Avoid leaving your cat in a parked car: Never leave your cat alone in a parked car, as the temperature inside can quickly become dangerous. Instead, if you can, carry your cat with you when you and place it in a well-ventilated area until you are done.
Acclimatize your cat: Gradually expose your cat to the heat if they are not used to it. It will help them to adapt to the heat better.
These actions will help you keep your cat safe and comfortable during hot weather while lowering its risk of suffering from heat stroke.