The Best Heartworm, Flea, Ticks, and Parasite Prevention Medicines for Dogs Keep Your Pets Free From Parasite Attacks

The Best Heartworm, Flea, Ticks, and Parasite Prevention Medicines for Dogs

Many pet owners are concerned about how well their dogs are protected from heartworm, fleas, ticks, and other parasites. This article will examine the best heartworm, flea, tick, and parasite preventative medicines for dogs.

Heartworm, flea, tick, and parasite prevention medicines are a great way to keep your dog healthy. The best thing about these medications is that they protect against more than just one kind of disease at once, so you can save money by buying fewer products. In this article, we'll look at the best Heartworm, flea, tick, and parasite protection for your dog.


Heartworm is a serious threat to dogs and cats. It's a parasitic worm that lives in the heart and lungs of animals, growing up to 12 inches long. Heartworm disease can be spread to pets by mosquitoes.

It's important to keep your pet on heartworm prevention medicine year-round because several different types of mosquitoes can carry this infection. It's shocking to know that more than 100,000 dogs in the USA are infected with Heartworm related diseases every year. Hence it is necessary not to take these diseases lightly and take preventive medicines to avoid any severe health conditions.

Heartgard Plus Chewables

You should give your dog one chewable tablet once a month or as directed by your veterinarian. If you have a small or toy dog breed, use the correct amount for that weight group.

You may begin giving Heartgard Plus Chewables to your dog at six weeks of age and older, when it weighs at least 5 pounds. However, you must wait until four weeks before you start your puppy on this medication if he weighs less than 5 pounds or is under four weeks old when you start treatment.

Interceptor Plus

Interceptor Plus is a monthly heartworm preventative, flea and tick prevention, and dewormer all in one. Interceptor Plus also contains an ingredient that helps to eliminate tapeworms. You can give this medication to dogs over six weeks old and up to 24 pounds of body weight, two tablets per month. The tablet must be administered once a month on the same day for dogs six weeks or older. We recommend administering this medication at least 30 minutes before feeding your pet so that it does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients from their diet.


Trifexis is a chewable tablet that can be given monthly to prevent fleas, heartworms, and intestinal parasites. Trifexis is given every month to protect from these parasites in dogs weighing 5 pounds or more.

Sentinel Spectrum

As the name suggests, this product works to protect against heartworms in dogs and cats. It also protects against several internal parasites, including hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, fleas, and ticks. It does not need to be given every month, but it is administered orally every three months at the rate of one tablet per 30 pounds of body weight. The medication comes in 3 different sizes: small dog (6-10 lbs), medium dog (11-20 lbs), and large dog (21-40 lbs).

Sentinel Spectrum can be used for puppies at six weeks or older. You can also use it for pregnant or nursing dogs due to its safety profile for breeding animals.

Advantage Multi

One of the best options for your dog is Advantage Multi. This topical treatment is easy to apply and easy to use. It's safe and effective for dogs and puppies over six weeks and cats over eight weeks old.

Advantage Multi for dogs kills fleas before they can lay eggs. It also kills ticks that may transmit Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. In addition, you can use it during pregnancy and lactation without risk to either the mother or her offspring.

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are an annoying problem for dogs. Not only can they cause your dog to scratch itself to the point where it loses hair and skin, but they also carry dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis.

Preventing fleas means keeping them off of your pet with a monthly medication that kills fleas in their early stages of development before they harm your dog.

It is estimated that every 1 out of 6-7 dogs carries fleas, resulting in severe conditions later. Hence getting proper prevention medicines for fleas and ticks is important to avoid any flea or tick-related infections in your dog. Following are some medicines that are very effective for flea and tick prevention in dogs.


NexGard is a monthly chewable tablet for dogs and puppies seven weeks or older. NexGard is the first FDA-approved chewable tablet for dogs and puppies, making it easy to administer to your pet.

NexGard works by killing fleas, ticks, and their larvae when consumed by the animal in an infected environment. It also protects your dog from heartworms, so you won't have to worry about administering additional medications or giving your dog an additional pill every month.

Bravecto Chews

Bravecto for dogs is the first chewable, beef-flavored oral flea and tick preventative for dogs over six months of age that provides up to 12 weeks of protection against fleas and ticks. With a convenient single-dose administration, Bravecto also protects your dog from flea infestations and heartworms and prevents infestations by the Asian tiger mosquito that may transmit the Zika virus.

Simparica Plus

Simparica Plus is a monthly chewable tablet that kills fleas and prevents flea infestations for a full month. It's also the only medicine that treats paralysis ticks, which can cause serious illness in dogs.

Simparica Plus is for dogs and puppies seven weeks of age and older. That said, it's not recommended for puppies younger than seven weeks because their immune systems aren't fully developed yet. For example, suppose your dog has had its first set of vaccines. In that case, however, you can start using Simparica Plus immediately. But give him another vaccine within 48 hours after starting treatment with this medication to ensure maximum protection against tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Frontline Plus

It is a topical medicine to prevent flea and tick infestation in dogs. Frontline Plus kills fleas, ticks, and lice. The product also repels mosquitoes, sand flies, and stable flies. In addition, frontline Plus is waterproof, so it remains effective even if your pet gets wet.

K9 Advantix II

K9 Advantix II is a once-a-month topical medication used to kill and repels fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. It's also effective against biting lice. With a unique combination of ingredients, K9 Advantix II starts to kill fleas within 20 minutes of application. In addition, this powerful formula protects your dog against all stages of adult fleas' life cycle, preventing them from developing into eggs or larvae that may cause further infestations in your home.

K9 Advantix II also protects dogs from ticks, including those that can transmit Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases, such as Ehrlichia and deer ticks which transmit anaplasmosis. In addition to killing all life stages of ticks, it effectively repels them, so they don't come near your pet again for at least three weeks after treatment with K9 Advantix II.

It is important to note that this product does not kill brown or American dog ticks found in southeastern states such as Texas and Florida.


Sentinel is a heartworm, flea, and tick prevention medicine effective against intestinal worms. The chewable tablet is safe for puppies, pregnant dogs, and lactating dogs. It's also safe for dogs with epilepsy.

The only downside of Sentinel for dogs is that it doesn't protect your dog from heartworms but protects them from other parasites like hookworms and roundworms. However, it's a good choice if you can get past the price tag, about $180 per year.


Parasites are a common problem for dogs and, when left untreated, can cause serious health problems in your pet. Parasites can be transmitted to humans through flea, tick bites, and contact with other infected animals. The most common way to treat these infections is by using an oral medication that kills the parasite or prevents it from multiplying further inside your dog's body.

Panacur C

Panacur C Canine Dewormer is the best Heartworm, flea, tick, and parasite protection. This product treats roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and giardia in dogs. It's available as a powder that can be mixed with food or placed on the back of your dog's tongue. When used correctly, this product will kill all parasites living within your pet, including heartworms.

Panacur has been around for many years, so it's not only safe to use but well-known by vets, too, which means you can ask them any questions about how to use the medication safely and effectively on your pet at home.

Do You Really Need Flea and Tick Medication in the Winter?

Many pet owners want to stop giving their dogs flea and tick medication during winter. However, even in cold climates, veterinarians recommend continuing treatment all year. Fleas and ticks can remain real dangers even during the dead of winter.

Fleas and Ticks Are Tougher Than You Think

Once the calendar turns to fall, many pesky bugs, such as mosquitoes, disappear for the most part, but that doesn't mean all insects and parasites are gone. All New Pets explained that fleas could live at temperatures as low as 33 degrees for up to five days outside. And if your pup catches one of these fleas and carries them indoors during these near-freezing outdoor temps, the fleas can thrive in the balmy indoors and stick around all season. 

Similarly, ticks are active when temperatures rise to 40 degrees. It means that when you take your dog out for a long hike on a gorgeous winter day, they're as exposed to ticks as they can be in early fall or late summer when ticks wreak the most havoc.

There's No Warning For Risks

Another reason you shouldn't stop your dog flea and tick preventives during the winter is that other dogs may carry ticks or fleas from warm environments to your puppies, such as at doggie daycare or the airport. There are also no rules about when winter starts and ends. So if you take your dog off on Dec. 21 and put it back on medication on Feb. 21, there may have already been spring weather and outdoor dangers, and they may be scratching away at fleas.  

Veterinarians advise using medication all year round because the side effects are mild, and the risks of stopping treatment are serious. Continuing through the winter ensures your puppy is never unprotected from fleas and ticks, which are irritating and can carry an array of illnesses.

Invest in the Right Medication

There are various treatments to prevent fleas and ticks for an entire month, so discover which is best for your pet. 

  • Frontline Plus for Dogs - This over-the-counter medication works in only 12 hours to kill ticks, fleas, lice, and mites. It's also an easy-to-apply topical dog flea medicine that's waterproof and provides 30 days of protection.

  • K9 Advantix II - This flea and tick medicine doesn't just protect against ticks, fleas, lice, and mosquitoes, killing all within 12 hours of application. Advantix is safe for puppies older than seven weeks and protects for 30 days.

  • Advantage II for Dogs - Advantage II protects from new fleas two hours after it's taken and kills all eggs, larvae, and fleas after 12 hours. While Advantage flea and tick prevention for dogs don't protect against ticks, it's perfect for dogs who live in areas where lice are a far more significant issue. 

Use PetPlus to save on these popular preventative medications and many more over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

How Do Ticks and Fleas Survive The Winter?

A cat or dog is at a lesser risk of falling prey to a flea infestation during winters if living in the natural environment. It is because fleas tend to lay dormant in very cold weather conditions. However, pets are mostly kept indoors during winter with central heating. And this warm artificial environment can allow the breeding of fleas throughout the year.

Let's put it like this. It may be a myth that fleas do not survive during winter. They can very much live through the winter, particularly in the indoor environment, which is warmer and more humid. As a pet owner, you must take specific essential steps to rid your home and pets of these parasites. Otherwise, they will continue to breed even in the extreme winter months.

No Hibernation for Fleas

It is true that no flea (egg, pupae, larvae, or adult flea) is capable of surviving in a near-freeze temperature environment for a very long time. But fleas are innovative and opportunistic creatures and find their way into warm-bodies hosts such as opossums, raccoons, cats, and dogs. They may also survive in warm shelters like your home, garage, or shed. This way, they can live throughout the year.  

Further, fleas do not hibernate like other animals or birds during winter. An adult flea can stay inactive inside its cocoon for 5 to 9 months. However, temperatures falling below 37.4°F (3°C) have the potential to kill pre-emerged fleas. Hence, adult fleas seek insulated or warm areas for laying eggs. The flea larvae emerge from these eggs during springtime when the weather conditions are more suitable. 

The Weather Doesn't Matter to Fleas and Ticks

You may think that fleas and ticks are affected by the weather. In fact, they're cold-blooded, which means they don't rely on warmth to stay alive. They can survive in freezing temperatures and extremely hot temperatures. They even thrive in humid conditions and dry conditions alike.

Fleas do have a few limitations to their survival capabilities. They cannot survive in an environment with no food supply or hosts (you or your pets). But if there's an option for them to feed off of something else, they'll take it any day, and so will your pet.

It's Harder to See Ticks in the Winter Months

You'll find that ticks are harder to see in the winter months. Ticks are active during warmer seasons, so you're more likely to spot them in your yard or on your dog when temperatures rise. But that doesn't mean a tick-free winter is guaranteed!

When it comes to diagnosing ticks, it's important not only to know what they look like but also what they sound like, and this can be especially helpful during colder months. If you're unsure whether or not you've been bitten by one of these hitchhiking pests, we recommend listening closely for their telltale sounds: The larvae call out with a high-pitched hum as they suck blood from their host (similar to crickets) while adult females emit shrill chirps if disturbed or removed from their host.

Winter Survival for Ticks

Ticks will be more active during selected months of the year, depending on the region and the species. While summer is a suitable time for breeding ticks, they might survive the winter months too. Let's find out how ticks can live through the winter. They may latch onto a host or go dormant. Ticks often hide leaf litter commonly present in bushy or wooded areas.  

With snowfall, these dormant ticks stay protected under the debris layer and manage to survive. Soft-shell ticks can survive since they stay underground in dens or burrows. Generally speaking, many tick species may be harmless as far as your pet's safety is concerned. However, it would be best if you took some precautions like a flea collar for dogs to avoid infestation even during wintertime. It's best to have flea and tick treatment for dogs done throughout the year, including the winter season. 

Keep Fleas Out of Your Home This Winter 

While many pet parents think that their furry friends are only in flea danger during warm weather, the truth is that fleas can pester a pet all year long. Although these parasites typically thrive in warmer environments, heated homes can provide excellent alternatives to a hot summer yard. As the American Hospital of North Asheville in North Carolina explained, fleas, which lay up to 40 eggs each day, can plant eggs on your pet during the peak months between April and October.  

Then, these eggs can fall off your pet in your home and find their way into the carpet or flooring. The AHNA explained that pupa could form from these eggs and remain dormant for months before becoming fully grown in the warmth of your winter home. Without warning, you could have a flea infestation on your hands. In other parts of the U.S., where it's warm all year long, flea protection is even more critical. Make sure you keep flea treatment for cats and dogs up to date on all flea medication no matter what the calendar says so that nothing will catch you by surprise.

What flea treatments are the best?

There's no one flea treatment that's the best. Still, luckily there are a variety of brands and types so that your trusted companion won't have to worry about the diseases and discomfort associated with these pests.

  • Frontline Plus - Frontline Plus for Dogs and Cats are two of the best-known treatments in the business. This once-monthly topical flea treatment for dogs protects against ticks, mites, lice, and fleas and doesn't require a prescription.

  • Advantage II - With formulations for dogs or cats of all sizes, Advantage II also offers easy-to-use, over-the-counter medication to prevent these pests and clear up any infestations. Advantage II is waterproof and lasts all month.

  • K9 Advantix II - K9 Advantix II is a dog-specific, waterproof topical flea medicine for dogs that protects against fleas, ticks, mosquitos, flies, and lice. It's safe for dogs older than seven weeks and a great way to protect your dog each month.

  • Comfortis - This flea and tick medication has formulations for both cats and dogs. Comfortis is one of the most effective prescription flea pills for dogs that starts working in 30 minutes!

  • Seresto - If you're tired of monthly topical or oral treatments, consider the Seresto collar for eight months of uninterrupted protection against fleas and ticks. There are Seresto flea collars for dogs and cats.

Whether or not you need flea and tick medication depends on where you live. The weather and temperature, the type of pets you have, the type of environment you live in, and the type of flea and tick medication your pet uses are all important factors. Your vet will also take into account whether or not your pet has allergies to certain ingredients that might be found in some types of flea products. They’ll also check if other conditions exist that would make it unsafe for them to use certain kinds of products, such as heartworm preventatives for cats or dogs with kidney disease.

Use your PetPlus membership for affordable year-round protection from fleas.

I hope this article has helped you decide what to treat your dog for when it comes to parasites. I have listed some of the best products on the market, but there are many more options available, so do your research and choose one that suits your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a shot for dogs for fleas, ticks, and heartworm?

If you find it difficult to feed your dog monthly doses of heartworm preventive medication, you can administer one shot of ProHeart 6 or 12, which can protect your dog from heartworms. ProHeart 6 is effective for 6 months, whereas ProHeart 12 is effective for 12 months. ProHeart is the only FDA-approved shot against heartworms. However, there are no shots for flea and tick prevention, so you will have to use chewable preventives.

Can you get rid of heartworms without a vet?

A lot of people (including holistic vets) claim that natural remedies can treat heartworms. However, a veterinary doctor has to be consulted if you notice signs of heartworm infection in your dog. Heartworm disease is a very serious one and can even be fatal for a dog if it is not treated in time. Since the worms grow inside a dog's heart, killing them and flushing them out of the body can be quite painful for the dog. Therefore, preventive medicines are the best way to keep heartworms at bay.

How do dogs act if they have heartworms?

A heartworm-positive dog can show several signs, such as a mild but persistent cough, lack of energy, fatigue, loss of appetite, and abrupt weight loss. It is important to note that the dog may not show any symptoms in the early stages. Most symptoms start showing when the dog has been suffering from heartworms for some time. Too many heartworms in the dog's body can even cause blockage in the blood flow and cardiovascular collapse, known as caval syndrome. If that happens, the dog will have sudden difficulty in breathing, pale-colored gums, and very dark-colored urine. At this stage, very few dogs survive if they get immediate treatment.

How much does a heartworm injection cost?

ProHeart 6 can cost between $50 to $150 for one dose (for 6 months), whereas ProHeart 12 can cost between $75 to $350 once a year. As we mentioned above, these are the preventive doses. For heartworm-positive dogs, the treatment happens in several stages. First, the vet administers a shot of Doxycycline, which can cost between $30 to $150. The shot of antibiotics weakens the heartworms. The vet might also administer a shot of steroids if the dog is coughing, which is $10-$40. In the next stage, 3 melarsomine injections will be administered in stages, costing between $500 and $1500. If the dog advances to caval syndrome, the option is surgery, which can cost between $3000-$5000.

What to do if you can't afford heartworm treatment?

If your dog is heartworm positive, but you can’t afford heartworm treatment, you should start the Doxycycline dose and preventive medicines at least. That way, there won't be further infection as the preventive medicines kill heartworm larvae. However, you should understand that without melarsomine, there is no way to flush out the dead heartworm from the dog's body. Therefore, your dog might develop exercise intolerance with time.

Heartworms are parasites transmitted by mosquitos that leave a larval form of the parasite behind when they bite. When the heartworms reach adulthood, they travel to the lungs and, if left untreated, can cause a whole host of health problems that threaten your pet’s survival. That is why most people choose to give their pets heartworm preventatives like Heartgard Plus, Heartgard for dogs, or Sentinel Spectrum and Sentinel for dogs.

Dogs tend to be targeted by heartworms more often than cats, and because of this, treatment for heartworm disease is only available to dogs. However, preventative measures are available for both dogs and cats, and according to the American Heartworm Society (AHS), heartworm prevention for dogs is much safer and much less costly than treatment.

While oral and topical heartworm meds for dogs are the most traditional choices for heartworm prevention, some veterinarians endorse heartworm shots. Heartworm preventative shots are available only to dogs at this time, and as with any heartworm pills for dogs, there are pros and cons. Read on to decide if heartworm shots are right for your pet.

Heartworm Shots: What Are They?

Unlike oral or topical medications that require monthly dosing, heartworm shots are administered just twice a year. ProHeart 6 (Moxidectin) is the only FDA-approved heartworm shot, and it provides six months of protection. It also treats hookworm infections.

ProHeart 6 is a unique preventative option because it uses microspheres to prolong the effects of the active ingredient moxidectin. Microspheres are small, solid spheres made of absorbable lipids. The active ingredient, moxidectin, is dispersed throughout these spheres. When the medication is injected, these spheres begin to dissolve, slowly releasing moxidectin into the dog’s body. Moxidectin is a neurotoxin that paralyzes and kills parasites.

To ensure that dosing is accurate, ProHeart 6 can only be administered by a certified veterinarian. It is injected subcutaneously (under the skin) on either the left or right side of the base of a dog’s neck.

Heartworm Shots: Pros and Cons

It is important to do plenty of research before deciding on a heartworm preventative for your pet. Here we will present some pros and cons of heartworm shots.

Heartworm Shots Pros

  • Because heartworm shots are administered only twice a year, you won’t have to worry about forgetting your pet’s monthly dosing. Forgetting your pet’s dosing puts them at risk for heartworm disease.
  • The 6-month duration of the shot and the need for a veterinarian to administer it encourages twice-annual check-ups.
  • In addition to preventing heartworms, ProHeart 6 also treats hookworm infections.
  • ProHeart 6 is FDA-approved.

Heartworm Shot Cons

  • ProHeart 6 is only available to dogs.
  • ProHeart 6 can only be administered by a certified veterinarian.
  • ProHeart 6 cannot be used in dogs under 6 months of age or be started in dogs over 7 years of age.
  • Unlike most monthly chewable preventatives, ProHeart 6 does not protect against common intestinal parasites like whipwormsroundworms, and hookworms (though it does treat hookworm infections).
  • Some adverse side effects have been reported, including allergic reactions, lethargy, vomiting, diarrheaseizuresweight loss, weakness, increased thirst/urination, and bleeding/bruising.

Prevents Dogs From Contracting Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Heartworm, a disease that can be transmitted by mosquitoes, doesn't present itself in dogs until it's already too late. While heartworm is bad enough on its own, other mosquito-borne diseases cause even more harm to your dog. These include fleas and intestinal parasites (roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms). The Zika virus has also been known to infect dogs as well.

All of these diseases are preventable with routine vaccines, which are given in conjunction with each other every year at the same time as heartworm medicine like Sentinel Spectrum and Sentinel for dogs. A single shot will protect your pet against all four threats—heartworm plus fleas and intestinal parasites—for up to 12 months!

Convenient and Effective, but They Aren’t Right for Every Pet

If you're thinking about getting your pet vaccinated for heartworms, it's important to know that not all pets will respond well to the medication. In some cases, your pet may be allergic to the dog heartworm med or have an adverse reaction to it. Heartworm shots are also expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

If your dog exhibits any of these signs within a week of receiving a heartworm shot:

  • Sudden lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Then you should take him or her back to the vet immediately.

Heartworm Shots: Important Safety Information

ProHeart 6 should not be used on dogs who are sick, underweight, or have a history of weight loss. The product should be used with caution in dogs who have allergies or a history of adverse allergic reactions.

Safe as Injecting a Vaccine to Protect Against Viral Diseases

Vaccines are administered in the form of an injection, but this does not mean that you should be concerned about side effects or pain. Vaccines are recommended by veterinarians and doctors because they work well on your pet's body and do not cause any harm.

Vaccines are highly effective when used correctly. The main goal of vaccination is to prevent an infection from happening in the first place rather than treating an existing infection with medication or other remedies after it has occurred.

In most cases, pets need only receive one dose of a vaccine before they will be protected from diseases such as distemper or parvovirus for life! However, some animals may require multiple doses over time if their immune systems aren't strong enough initially; these animals should still see their veterinarian annually for booster shots until they achieve sufficient immunity levels (meaning their bodies can fight off any potential infections).

We hope you found this article helpful. If you're considering heartworm shots for your pet, make sure to talk with your veterinarian about which type of shot is best for them. We also recommend asking about other options that may be available in your areas, such as oral medication or topical application of preventative medications like flea and tick products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do dogs really need heartworm shots?

Yes, dogs do need heartworm shots as part of their overall preventative healthcare. Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition caused by a parasitic worm that is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. The worm can grow up to a foot long and can live in a dog's heart, lungs, and blood vessels, causing severe damage to these vital organs. The best way to prevent heartworm disease in dogs is through a combination of monthly preventive medication and annual heartworm testing, as recommended by a veterinarian. ProHeart 6 and ProHeart 12 are long-acting injectable medications used to prevent heartworm disease in dogs. They both contain the active ingredient moxidectin, which belongs to a class of drugs called macrocyclic lactones. These medications are administered by a licensed veterinarian via injection under the dog's skin.

How long is a heartworm shot good for?

ProHeart 6 provides six months of continuous protection against heartworms, while ProHeart 12 provides 12 months of continuous protection. One of the benefits of using ProHeart 6 or 12 is that they provide long-lasting protection against heartworms, so dog owners don't have to remember to give their dogs monthly preventive medication. However, it's important to note that ProHeart 6 and 12 are prescription medications that should only be administered by a licensed veterinarian after a thorough examination of the dog's health status and medical history.

How much does ProHeart 12 cost?

The cost of ProHeart 12 will vary depending on a number of factors, including the geographic location of the veterinary clinic or hospital, the size and weight of the dog, and any other medical conditions the dog may have. In addition, the cost may also include additional fees, such as the cost of a veterinary examination and any required blood tests. Usually, the cost of the shot alone varies between $120-$185.

What are the side effects of heartworm prevention shots for dogs?

Some of the common side effects of heartworm prevention shots in dogs may include swelling, redness, or soreness at the injection site; lethargy or decreased activity level; vomiting and diarrhea; loss of appetite or allergic reactions, which can include difficulty breathing, hives, and facial swelling. These side effects are usually mild and self-limiting, and they typically resolve within a few days. However, if you notice any of these symptoms in your dog after receiving a heartworm prevention shot, you should contact your veterinarian.

Why is my dog acting weird after a heartworm shot?

In rare cases, heartworm prevention shots can also cause more serious side effects, such as anaphylactic shock, seizures, or neurological problems. These severe side effects are very rare, but they can be life-threatening, so it's important to seek immediate veterinary attention if you notice any unusual or severe symptoms in your dog after receiving a heartworm prevention shot.
More on Heartworm Disease

Cat Heartworm Treatments Comparison Guide
Can People Get Heartworms?
How Testing For Heartworm Changes With Life Cycle

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