Tick-Borne Diseases in Dogs

Tick-Borne Diseases in Dogs

Image Credits: Pixabay

Tick-borne diseases are a growing threat to the health of dogs as well as that of their human parents. Ticks may be tiny but donโ€™t let their sizes fool you. They pack a big punch, causing big problems for our beloved furry friends. A tick is a parasite that attaches itself to animals and humans, feeding on their blood and transmitting rare and dangerous diseases into the hostโ€™s body. The disease is transmitted through the bite of the tick. Some of the most dangerous that ticks can pass onto dogs are Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Babesiosis, Hepatazoonosis, and Bartonellosis.

All of these diseases have serious health effects on dogs and some of these also affect people negatively. Many of these diseases are diagnosed at an annual rate. But many are also left undiagnosed and untreated. A diagnosis can only be made through blood analysis. Dogs are most likely to be affected by ticks because they are inquisitive by nature. So wandering into meadows and forests are common for them. Furthermore, their stature is more low-lying, making them closest to the ground in comparison to humans. Here are some of the most common tick-borne diseases in dogs.

1. Lyme Disease

This disease comes from a deer tickโ€™s bite. Although it was first discovered in Lyme, Connecticut, it can now be found all over the world. Symptoms of the disease range from lethargy, joint pain, decreased appetite, fever, and fever. These signs may take months to become noticeable.

2. Anaplasmosis

More famously known as dog fever, this infection has similar symptoms to Lyme disease with the inclusion of vomiting and diarrhea. If the infection becomes severe, your dog may also experience seizures. Deer ticks spread Anaplasmosis.

3. Ehrlichiosis

This is one of the most common tick-borne diseases in the world. Itโ€™s caused by a brown dog tickโ€™s bite. Symptoms of the disease range from decreased appetite, fever, depression, weight loss, watery eyes, runny nose, bloody nose, enlarged limbs or lymph nodes, and respiratory distress.

4. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Contrary to the previous tick-borne diseases, the onset of symptoms for the Rocky Mountain spotted fever is much quicker. Allowing for early diagnosis and faster treatment. Symptoms include muscle or joint pain, fever, anemia, anorexia, skin lesions, depression, vomiting, and neurological abnormalities. This disease is spread by four ticks. Namely, the wood tick, brown tick, Lone Star tick, and the American dog tick.

5. Babesiosis

This disease is spread by the brown tick and American dog tick. Symptoms of the disease include anemia, fever, dark urine, weakness, and swollen lymph nodes.

6. Hepatazoonosis

Unlike most other tick-borne diseases, this disease is transmitted when your dog ingests an infected Gulf Coast tick or brown dog tick. Symptoms range from a runny nose, diarrhea, muscle pain, and watery eyes.

7. Bartonellosis

This infection is transmitted by the bite of an infected brown tick as well as other parasites like fleas and lice. Symptoms include fever, nausea, shivering, lameness, painful lymph nodes, and restlessness. Donโ€™t start panicking the moment you find a tick on your dog. Not all ticks are carriers. Only those that are infected. You can prevent the transmission of tick-borne diseases by using tick prevention collars. Furthermore, there are monthly liquid treatments and pills available for the prevention of tick-borne diseases.

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