Dog Ear & Eye Health

5 Things to Know about Dog Dry Eye
Dry eye can be a dangerous disease if not detected early and treated properly, that can lead to blindness. Here are 5 things you should know about canine dry eye. Read
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All Dog Articles in Ear & Eye Health
Dry eye can be a dangerous disease if not detected early and treated properly, that can lead to blindness. Here are 5 things you should know about canine dry eye.
READ FULL STORYEar mites are highly contagious, and, if left untreated, they can have some serious side effects. Learn what you need to know about this pest here.
READ FULL STORYUnlock effective solutions for dog conjunctivitis. Explore a comprehensive guide to diagnosis and treatment strategies, ensuring your canine companion's eye health and happiness.
READ FULL STORYEar infections for dogs are common. Choosing the right antibiotic is crucial to ease your furry friends pain. It is important to maintain the cleanliness of your pet's ears to keep them happy and healthy!
READ FULL STORYDogs tend to experience blepharitis, a disorder that affects the eyelids and may be uncomfortable and irritating. Learn more about this condition in this article.
READ FULL STORYConjunctivitis, better known as pink eye, can be a real pain -- especially when it is affecting your dog or cat. Learn what to expect from dog conjunctivitis treatments and cat conjunctivitis treatments by comparing and contrasting these two popular medicines.
READ FULL STORYGlaucoma is an eye disease that can cause blindness in dogs and cats. Learn its symptoms and how to treat it here.
READ FULL STORYA nictitans gland is a small, triangular-shaped gland that lies in the corner of your dog's eye. When it bulges out enough to look like a cherry, it's officially known as "cherry eye."
READ FULL STORYCholesteatoma is a rare condition in dogs that involves the development of a benign tumor in the middle ear. We will examine what you need to know about Cholesteatoma in this article.
READ FULL STORYDogs' eyes can develop chorioretinitis, a disorder that, if ignored, can cause vision loss. However, there are ways to treat and even prevent the condition. We discuss this eye condition in canines further in this article.
READ FULL STORYDogs frequently suffer from a skin condition called cutaneous vasculitis, which affects the blood vessels in the skin and results in inflammation and damage. Learn about this condition more here.
READ FULL STORYGlaucoma is a disease of the eye that results in increased pressure within the eye. Glaucoma is more common in dogs than cats, but both species can be affected by it.
READ FULL STORYEar infections are very common in both dogs and cats, and can be caused by numerous different things. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of ear infections.
READ FULL STORYEar mites are a common (and itchy) condition in cats and dogs. They can cause some serious damage if not treated quickly and properly. Learn more about your pet's risk for ear mites.
READ FULL STORYThe tiny parasites living in your dog's ear canals can cause intense ear irritation that can result in head shaking or scratching, rubbing of the ears, and secondary ear infections.
READ FULL STORYExplore the applications and effectiveness of EasOtic for dogs. Uncover insights into this veterinary solution for ear issues in canines. Learn how EasOtic addresses various ear conditions, ensuring your dog's well-being.
READ FULL STORYEctropion is a widespread eye disorder that affects dogs with slack or sagging skin around the eyes. Learn more about this eye disease in this article.
READ FULL STORYThe excessive tearing or watering of a dog's eyes is known as canine epiphora. We discuss this eye condition further here.
READ FULL STORYThere isn't a cure for glaucoma in pets, but there are some treatment options available to help relieve pain and postpone blindness. Learn more here.
READ FULL STORYHigh blood pressure in dogs is a dangerous and potentially lethal condition that is difficult to diagnose, but something that needs to be tested for nonetheless. Knowing your dog's blood pressure is important, and while it might not be a routine part of a veterinary checkup, it's worth mentioning to your vet. Here's why.
READ FULL STORYCocker Spaniels require regular eye maintenance in order to prevent stains. Learn how to maintain your Cocker Spaniel's eyes here.
READ FULL STORYTraining a dog can be quite the task it itself, let alone trying to train one that can't hear. Deaf dogs can be trained just as well as dogs who aren't deaf, but with some differences. Here are some tips on how to get started.
READ FULL STORYEye infections in pets may need to be treated with eye drops, medications, or surgery, depending on the cause of the infection. See what the options are for treating eye infections in pets.
READ FULL STORYLens Luxation is when the lens becomes detached from its normal location. This can cause major problems for your pet and even lead to blindness. Learn how to treat this eye disorder here.