Playing with senior cats

Playing with senior cats

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Playing with the cat serves multiple functions. It exercises the muscles and the joints, helping to keep your kitty lean and fit. It also keeps the cat sufficiently entertained. The latter is important as it keeps at bay a number of health and behavior issues. This is more valid for senior cats than most. If you own an older feline, consider a number of issues while playing with the senior cat.

Being healthy is vital

It is important that your senior cat remains healthy. Do not forget to conduct regular veterinary examinations. These may uncover health conditions which are not immediately evident to you, the owner. To give an example, if your senior cat suffers from heart problems, then it could be unable to play or engage in other kinds of strenuous exercise. The cats suffering from diabetes benefit from an unchanging daily schedule. The play sessions could be adjusted or altered to satisfy the individual health needs of your kitty. Consult the veterinarian to find out which kind of play schedule could be done safely by your cat. Less intense and shorter play sessions done at frequent intervals could be in the best interest of the cat.

Alleviating pain and toys

Senior cats may suffer from a greater incidence of pain compared to their younger counterparts. Cats of advanced age suffer from painful chronic diseases. Arthritis could be common in case of senior cats. These can cause sufficient pain to stop its any desire to play, The veterinarian could provide a number of options for relieving this pain, including the ingestion of multiple pain injections and also neutraceutical joint formulas and joint mobility foods. The list of other treatments includes a bouquet of procedures including massage therapy and acupuncture. Consult your veterinarian if you suspect your senior car of experiencing pain.When it comes to cat toys, the senior cat can play with the same toys as played by kittens. It is important to know that different cats have different preferences. A few cats enjoy rolling toys or which that move across the floor. Such toys mimic a prey or mouse to interest your kitty. A few cats may like toys that mimic birds. Such toys could take the form of a car wand or even teasers created from colorful items or feathers. The price of toys varies, from the cheap ones to painfully expensive and luxurious buys. Almost every pet store stocks an adequate range of cat toys. Finding out which toy your cat likes the most is a hit-and-miss game. Encourage your senior cat to play by buying catnip. Rub toys with catnip. You could place catnip inside toys to attract the kitty. Do remember that all cats may not prefer catnip.

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