Notoedric mange, also called scabies. Mange is a skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin, causing severe itching and hair loss.
If you have a cat, you probably know that they have special needs. They require grooming, lots of attention, and sometimes pet medication if they are sick. That’s why it’s so important to be able to recognize the signs of illness in your cat and seek medical attention before things get out of hand.
This article will discuss one common condition that can affect your feline friend: notoedric mange (also called scabies). While you may think this is just another name for fleas or ticks and give them flea and tick medicine and let it go, it presents a much more serious health threat than combined in those two conditions.
Mange Can Be Misdiagnosed.
If you’re concerned that your cat has notoedric mange, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of the condition. Mange can be misdiagnosed if you don’t know what to look for, as it shares many of the same signs as other skin conditions. 90 % of young, healthy pets with localized mange infections recover within two months.
Mites are often mistaken for fleas because they share similar characteristics in that they both live on your cat's body and leave behind irritating bites. If your pet's itching seems like fleas cause it, but the flea medicine for cats doesn’t seem to be working, or scratching has left open sores on their skin, then it could be a case of mange instead. Pets under a year old have a 30-50 % chance of recovering even if it is widespread, and less than 50 % of skin scrapings are positive for the sarcoptic mange mite.
Mites may also be confused with allergy-like symptoms such as hives or rashes on their bodies due to an allergic reaction from being bitten by mites or insect bites/stings (which are sometimes confused as well). However, these allergies aren't always considered harmful enough on their own. They also cause discomfort, such as itchiness, before any treatment begins being administered. It can be treated with similar pet medicines like interceptor used for heartworm prevention.
Itching Is The Major Notoedric Mange Symptom
Itching is one of the major signs of notoedric mange. It's also one of the most common symptoms, so don't panic immediately if you see your cat scratching more than usual. Heartgard Plus is an effective pet medication that can even be given to cats for infestation.
Many different things can cause itching, so it's important to ensure that what's causing your cat to itch isn't something else. Here are some other common causes of itching:
Other Common Signs Of Mange
Mange is a skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin, causing severe itching and hair loss. If you think your cat has mange, see your veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment.
The most common sign of mange is hair loss; your cat will have bald patches on the top of his head, ears, eyes, and nose. He may also have crusty scabs over his body or in between his toes. If he scratches at himself often or bites at his skin, it could be a sign that he’s suffering from severe discomfort due to an infection caused by mange mites getting under their skin as they burrow into it (the second most common sign). Some cats simply stop grooming themselves because they’re too uncomfortable; this can lead to the matting of fur, making them feel worse yet again.
Ticks May Appear Along With Other Signs
Ticks can be another sign of mange. They are external parasites that feed on blood and come in the forms of mites, fleas and ticks. They may appear along with other signs of notoedric mange.
Ticks are found on the head, legs, and tail. They look like tiny spiders, which is why some people mistake them for lice or bed bugs at first glance. However, they do not bite humans but can carry diseases like Lyme disease when they attach themselves to your pet’s skin and suck their blood out through a tiny bite wound you cannot see with the naked eye.
Mites Can Infect Both Cats And Humans
Mites can infect cats and humans, causing health problems for your whole family. The mites are transmitted to other animals through direct contact with an infected animal or by sharing bedding or clothing with a pet that has mange.
The mites can also be passed from human to human, again through direct contact or shared clothing or bedding. In addition, if you have notoedric mange on your body and then touch your face, the mite could transfer from your hand to your nose, for example.
Often overlooked areas that are frequently affected by this mite infection include the head, feet, and tail. The cat will scratch at these areas more than other parts of its body. Look for crusty skin and hair loss in these three regions. If your cat is itching in these places or smells bad, it may suffer from this infection. If you notice any of those signs on your cat’s body, take it to a vet immediately.
Recognize The Signs And Seek Treatment Early
Treatment is easily available, and pet meds can be easily found in any pet pharmacy. If you notice any of the following signs, it's time to schedule a visit with your vet:
Your cat has scabs on his or her skin. If you see crusty bumps or scabs on your cat's body, this can indicate that notoedric mange may be present. These lesions are caused by the mite burrowing into the epidermis and creating scales as it moves around under the skin. The mite also causes hyperkeratosis—excessive growth of cells at the surface of infected tissues. This results in thickened skin that forms crusts and scales as it heals over time.
Your cat has hair loss around his or her face and ears. This is another sign that notoedric mange might be present; when cats have mites feeding off their blood supply under their skin, they experience itching and other symptoms like hair loss around their face, ears, chest, and abdomen areas where most people touch them regularly during playtime sessions with humans who love them dearly (but may unknowingly spread disease).
If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. They can be treated using heartworm medicine Notoedric mange is an infection that can affect both cats and humans, so it’s important to ensure you stay healthy while treating your pet. If not treated properly, mange can cause serious health problems in people and pets!