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Whether it is going on a road trip or flying to another country on vacation, you want to share the experience with your best friend. Dogs do not just make great companions at home, and they are also wonderful travel buddies. Unlike humans, they do not complain or make you change plans, which is why you should rather plan a trip with your canine buddy. Here are some dog breeds that make amazing travel partners.
- Chihuahua: These dogs are travel size, no larger than a regular utility bag. Given their size, Chihuahuas do not take up a lot of space, so all you will need is a small carrier. They also do not need large quantities of food, which gives you the freedom to travel light.
- Beagle: These adorable medium-sized dogs are a lot of fun to travel with. They are loyal and energetic, so you will not get bored during the trip. Beagles also have a great sense of direction and always shadow their owners, so you do not have to worry about your pet wandering off.
- Labrador Retriever: These large, cuddly dogs love adventure as much as they love their humans. Although your Labrador cannot fit into a small carrier, they are still rearing to follow you anywhere. These dogs are obedient and loyal, so you never have to worry about your Labrador misbehaving during the trip.
- Pomeranian: These fuzzy cuties are amazing travel companions because of their no-nonsense attitude. They are well-behaved as they are adorable. Pomeranians are small and non-fussy dogs, so you can take them anywhere.
- Dachshund: These adorable wiener dogs make journeys a lot more interesting because they love exercise and adventure. Dachshunds are small and low-maintenance dogs, but they can sometimes get annoyed by children or strangers. It is best to keep this fellow inside his carrier during the journey.
- Poodle: It is no secret that Poodles are high-maintenance dogs, but that does not mean they do not enjoy the adventure. These dogs come in different sizes, so make sure you have appropriate travel plans in place. Poodles are smart and obedient dogs, so you do not have to worry about a stressful trip with these canines.
- German Shepherd: German Shepherds are one of the larger breeds of dogs out there, so you will not be able to squeeze one into a small carrier on a plane. These intelligent dogs are extremely loyal and hardworking. They are always eager to please, which makes them very easy to train. German Shepherds are not easily excitable, which means you can enjoy a peaceful trip.
Your dog loves you and would want to follow you everywhere you go. Why not share your wanderlust with your canine best friend and take him along on your next trip?!
The next section gives an overview of your traveling companion by classifying them into different sets.
What Are the Best Dogs to Travel With?
Globe trotters, train hoppers, world travelers, ramblers—some of us just love to get up and go. But even with the excitement of travel and seeing new places, we can miss our pets, the dogs that we leave at home.
For those who want to take their canine companions with them, there are a number of excellent breeds that travel well. These dogs will not only be low-stress companions, but they’ll also enjoy the experience as well.
Characteristics of Good Travel Dogs
Traveling can be a challenging experience for people and pooches alike. A dog who likes to ramble will have many of the same characteristics as a travel-ready person. Your dog should be adaptable, social, and obedient.
The Adaptable Dog
To begin with, a good travel dog is one that doesn’t get too stressed out in new situations. These are dogs who can handle changes in the environment, routine, and sometimes even diet without much trouble. Breeds that adapt well to novel conditions include the English Bulldog and the Maltese.

The English Bulldog is one of the most easygoing breeds out there. These dogs are great companions on the road especially, and will enjoy long rides in the car. The English Bulldog also won’t mind time spent in a hotel room or cabin as long as they get a few minutes to stretch its legs a couple of times a day.
It is worth mentioning that while the English Bulldog might be great on a road trip, many airlines refuse to let any "snub-nosed" breeds fly, as their condition, known as brachycephaly, makes it difficult for them to breathe at higher altitudes.
The Maltese are another breed with an even, stable personality that can make for a great travel companion. These dogs are smart and loyal and love to spend time with their masters. The Maltese is also on the small end for dogs and therefore is great for cramped car trips or for flying.
The Sociable Dog
A traveling dog will also likely encounter a lot of strangers while out and about, both human and canine kinds. For this reason, dogs who get along with a lot of other dogs and other people make for good road partners.

The Spaniels, both Cocker Spaniels and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, fit this description well. These cheerful, playful dogs will enjoy nothing more than romping with a strange group of dogs in some Parisian park or Amsterdam square. They also take readily people other than their owners.
The Beagle, which was bred to work in groups for sporting and hunting in England and Europe, is another highly sociable dog. This breed, with its friendly, affectionate dispositions, won’t mind meeting new people and new dogs from Alaska to Australia.
The Obedient Dog

Finally, a good dog to take with you no matter where you roam is one that will respond to your commands readily and quickly. After all, you never know what you might encounter while out on the road, and obedience to a dog will help keep both of you safe.
The various breeds of Collie, whether the Rough or Smooth Collies, the Shetland Sheepdog, or the Border Collie, are the epitome of well-mannered pets. These dogs were bred to herd and to respond immediately to orders from their masters. They are also keenly intelligent dogs and are able to respond quickly to changes in the environment or situation.
So, too, the Poodle -- both Standard and Miniature varieties -- are dogs that love to please their owners. Having originally served as hunting dogs, Poodles are alert to your commands and ready to serve at a moment’s notice. What’s more, because these dogs don’t shed to the extent of many other breeds, you can take your Poodle on business trips with no fear of dog hair all over your best suit!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I switch from Advantage to Frontline?
It's generally safe to switch from Advantage to Frontline or vice versa. Both Advantage and Frontline are effective against fleas and ticks, but they have different active ingredients and modes of action. Advantage contains imidacloprid, which kills fleas on contact, while Frontline contains fipronil, which spreads through the oils of the skin and hair follicles to kill fleas and ticks. So, switching between the two products may be useful if your pet develops resistance to one of them. However, according to the manufacturer's instructions, Frontline products should not be used in conjunction with Advantage or Advantix products, as it can lead to overdosing and potential adverse effects on your pet's health. Additionally, it's recommended to wait at least 24 hours after applying any flea or tick treatment before giving your pet a flea bath or using other flea and tick control products.
Why do I still see fleas after using Frontline?
The active ingredient in Frontline, fipronil, works by affecting the nervous system of fleas, making them hyperactive before dying. After treatment, dying fleas often rise to the top of your pet's hair coat, which can make it seem like there are still fleas present. However, this is a sign that the product is working, and the fleas will eventually die and fall off your pet. It can take up to 24-48 hours for Frontline to kill fleas, and newly hatched fleas can continue to jump onto your pet even after treatment. Even with regular treatment of your pet with Frontline, there may still be fleas in your pet's environment, such as in carpets, bedding, or other areas your pet frequents. These fleas can jump onto your pet, leading to re-infestation. Also, Flea eggs can remain dormant in your pet's environment for several weeks and then hatch all at once, leading to a sudden increase in the number of fleas on your pet. This is why it's essential to continue using Frontline regularly as directed to prevent new flea infestations. In rare cases, fleas may develop resistance to Frontline or other flea and tick prevention products, making them less effective at controlling flea infestations.
Can fleas live in human hair?
Fleas are primarily external parasites of mammals and birds, and they feed on blood to survive. While fleas typically infest pets, they can also bite humans and feed on their blood. However, fleas do not live on human hair, as human hair is not a suitable environment for them to live and reproduce. In rare cases, fleas may jump onto a human's hair to feed, but they will quickly jump off after obtaining a blood meal. Unlike pets, humans do not have the dense fur or hair coat that fleas need to live and breed.
Why is Frontline not prescription?
Frontline is classified as an over-the-counter (OTC) product, which means that it can be purchased without a prescription from a veterinarian. This is because the active ingredient in Frontline, fipronil, is considered safe and effective when used as directed and is unlikely to cause harm to pets or humans when used appropriately.
What is the generic brand for Frontline?
Fiproguard is a generic flea and tick prevention product that contains fipronil as its active ingredient, just like Frontline. Fiproguard is available for both dogs and cats, and it is sold over the counter without a prescription. Like Frontline, Fiproguard works by killing fleas and ticks through their nervous system, preventing them from feeding on your pet and reproducing. Fiproguard is applied topically to your pet's skin, typically between the shoulder blades, and it provides protection for up to 30 days. While Fiproguard and Frontline contain the same active ingredient, it's important to note that there may be differences in their inactive ingredients and formulations. Additionally, different pets may respond differently to different flea and tick prevention products, so it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before switching to a new product.
More on Traveling with Your Dog
Training Your Dog to "Load" into Your Car
Socializing Your Dog
Take Your Dog for a Drive