Do I Need Flea and Tick Protection Where I Live?

Do I Need Flea and Tick Protection Where I Live?

No matter where you go or decide to live, you will never be able to escape a possible flea or tick infestation. These tiny pests can live everywhere, so it is important to always keep your pet protected.

Yes, you do. Fleas and ticks are a universal problem. While some areas of the country are more susceptible to fleas year-round due to the overall heat and humidity index, no one area, state, or region is completely free from flea infestation.

Ticks thrive in heavily wooded areas. This is due to the fact that ticks require a certain amount of moisture in the air in order to undergo metamorphosis. Wooded areas and forests provide this type of climate in droves, creating areas where ticks can develop at a more consistent and continual pace. When ticks are faced with cold and dry temperatures, their lifespan halts because low temperatures inhibit their development from egg to larva.

Regional Breakdown

Fleas, like ticks, also thrive in hot and humid climates. This is particularly true during the spring and summer seasons, no matter where you live. If you reside in a southern state such as Florida or Georgia where humidity levels are high all year, your pet is even more susceptible to flea problems and should be given preventative treatment each month. In drier climates, such as Colorado or in states with harsh winter climates such as Wisconsin, fleas are the biggest problem in the spring and summer when the ecosystem is shifting seasons.

Regional climates aside, it is the harsh reality that your pet can suffer from flea and tick bites year-round. No matter where you live, fleas are still easily passed between animals and even though the carpet and furniture in our homes. Donโ€™t let the possibility of a blood-thirsty insect invasion catch you off guard. Follow veterinarian recommendations and administer your pet with flea and tick prevention year-round to avoid even the possibility of a bug bite. Prevention methods are varied and vast, so finding a product that fits your petโ€™s lifestyle is simple. Taking proper measures to keep your dog pest-free will not only save them from future discomfort but will save you the inevitable time, money, and energy it takes to address and solve a flea or tick infestation in your home, no matter where that home might be.

Can Humans Get Fleas?

Can humans get fleas? At the end of the day, fleas are blood-sucking insects and humans are warm-blooded mammals, just like your dog or cat. Therefore, we are targets. Fleas cause more problems for our pets than for us, but we can still fall victim to their biting ways.

The reason fleas are not a more common problem for humans is due to our lack of body hair. Fleas thrive in dark, moist, and warm environments like our petsโ€™ fur. This also makes these pests difficult to spot on our pets, while on humans, they would be more easily noticeable.

How Can Humans Get Fleas?

Human flea bites do happen and nine times out of ten it is due to our pets being infected. When your dog or cat is the target of a flea infestation, they are essentially acting as a carrier. Not only do you need to battle the live fleas, but you need to protect your home from future pest problems in the form of larvae and unhatched eggs. Similar to pet fur, flea larvae and eggs are often found buried in thick carpeting and furniture, as it is most like their natural habitat.

However, unlike pets, humans do not need, nor can they take tick and flea prevention medication. We repeat, do not use pet prevention products on yourself or your family members. The best way to prevent flea bites to yourself is to protect your pet year-round. This will ensure your dog and home remain flea-free. 

What Fleas Can Humans Get?

At least three types of fleas commonly bite humans: canine fleas, feline fleas, and human fleas. If you start to develop or notice small red bumps or a localized itchy rash, one of these types of fleas may be biting you. 

Thankfully, treatment for all types of flea bites is universal and fairly straightforward. Simply wash the affected area gently with antiseptic soap. This will prevent any infections from developing. It will also reduce the โ€œitch-factor,โ€ which is the top complaint among humans with flea bites. To soothe your skin post bathing, simply apply ice or over-the-counter anti-itch creams, including hydrocortisone, aloe, and calamine lotions. From there, the healing process will begin. Do not scratch! It will only slow your recovery and make your flea bites more susceptible to infection.

Flea-borne Diseases Can Affect Humans

Fleas are more than just a surface nuisance. Most people are not aware of the fact that fleas can spread nasty diseases to both pets and humans. They can cause serious illnesses in humans, including but not limited to murine typhus and mycoplasma haemofelis. Some flea-borne pet diseases such as cat-scratch disease can even be passed on to humans by their pets. Thus ignoring a flea infestation can not only compromise your petโ€™s health but also jeopardize the health of you and your family members.

More Flea and Tick Control Advice
This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis, or treatment by, your veterinarian. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified professionals with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional advice due to what you may have read on our website.
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