10 Symptoms in Older Dogs You Shouldn't Ignore Talk to Your Vet if You Notice These Symptoms

10 Symptoms in Older Dogs You Shouldn't Ignore

Learn about the symptoms of the most common and the most concerning diseases that can affect your senior dog here.

10 Alarming Symptoms in Older Dogs (Why You Should Never Ignore Them)

Struggling to decipher whether the changes in your senior dog are part of normal aging or indications of serious health problems? Many parents of older dogs fail to recognize the early warning signs of many easily-treatable diseases. Mainly because these symptoms in elderly dogs are often subtle changes that are misconstrued as normal signs of aging.

Normal Signs of Aging vs Serious Symptoms in Elderly Dogs

Common symptoms like lethargy, persistent vomiting, diarrhea, cloudy pupils, frequent urination, weight change, disorientation, slow-healing rate, and bad breath are often ignored clues of serious disease. Read on to learn about the symptoms of the most concerning diseases that can affect your older dog and potentially shorten its lifespan. In the end, you will easily be able to tell apart the symptoms that are part of normal aging and what spells a trip to the vet.

10. If your dog no longer wants to exercise and seems generally lethargic

While this can be a common symptom of aging, it can also be a symptom of serious diseases. Many pet owners overlook this symptom in their senior dog because they write it off as a simple side effect of getting older. Did you know that if your dog has osteoarthritis or hip dysplasia, they are trying to hide their pain from you? 

Dogs evolved to hide pain as a defense mechanism, so you may not notice that they are in pain, even if they have been suffering from hip dysplasia their whole life. Look for bunny hopping or stiffness, and you may want to ask your vet to inspect your dog, even if the symptoms are fleeting. These are some of the most common diseases that can cause lethargy in your dog - 

  • Parvovirus - Parvovirus infection is uncommon in older dogs, but it can still happen and cause them to be lethargic. Senior dogs build a natural immunity to parvovirus, so even if they get infected, the conditions are not as serious as those of an infected younger dog. Parvovirus spreads through feces, and you’ll notice several more symptoms apart from lethargy, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Treatment of parvovirus injection usually involves aggressive supportive care with fluids, anti-nausea medications, and antibiotics.
  • Distemper - Even though the symptoms of canine distemper can vary from dog to dog, the usual ones are fever, discharge from the eyes and nose, coughing, and neurological problems. Canine distemper is usually treated with antibiotics and anticonvulsants. Your vet would tell you to increase your dog’s fluid intake. If the conditions are serious, the vet may prescribe IV fluid intake, as that helps in hydrating and electrolyte recovery three times faster than oral intake. 
  • Kennel cough - Common infections like kennel cough might also cause lethargy in older dogs. Kennel cough usually results in a dry, honking cough. The condition is usually treated with cough suppressants, antibiotics, and bronchodilators.
  • Heartworm disease - Heartworm disease can be quite serious for older dogs that do not take monthly preventatives. Heartworm disease can cause severe lethargy in older dogs. You’ll also notice additional symptoms like depression and fever. Treatment of Heartworm disease can be quite taxing for a dog, even in its prime, and can be fatal for older dogs. That’s why veterinary professionals emphasize that prevention of Heartworm disease is necessary for dogs of all ages.
  • Heart disease - Dogs suffering from congestive heart failure will also be uncharacteristically tired and unwilling to exercise. When dogs age, their hearts weaken. Sometimes, their hearts weaken so much that blood backs up in the liver and lungs. If untreated, dogs will cough up a foamy red substance in an effort to clean out their lungs since the heart is too weak to circulate blood on its own. The treatment will vary depending on the symptoms and severity of the disease and usually includes heart medication, diuretics, and dietary changes.
  • Liver disease - Liver diseases can cause lethargy, along with other symptoms, like lack of appetite, jaundice, depression, and abdominal bloating. Liver diseases can also be quite serious for older dogs, especially if they progress rapidly and are usually treated with surgery, medicines, and changes to the diet. Rapidly progressing liver disease can lead to liver failure in older dogs, and some only live for weeks or even days after the diagnosis. 
  • Diabetes mellitus - Diabetes in dogs is usually diagnosed between 7-10 years of age, but it can happen at any point during their life. Female dogs are twice more susceptible to diabetes than male dogs. Lethargy is one of the primary symptoms, but you might also notice an increase in water consumption,  unexplained weight loss, and sudden changes in appetite. Diabetes is treated with insulin injections and dietary adjustments. The veterinary doctor may prescribe a specialized prescription dog food to support the treatment.   
  • Hypoglycemia - A sudden fall in blood sugar can be caused by various diseases, such as sepsis, extrapancreatic neoplasia, insulinoma, hypoadrenocorticism, and liver dysfunction, and can lead to weakness and seizures. The symptoms might be managed with oral or intravenous glucose, but the treatment will depend on the underlying condition.

Lethargy can also be a symptom of very serious diseases, including Cushing’s diseasekidney diseaseAddison’s diseasehypothyroidism, or cancer, but it is nonetheless very easy to confuse with decreased energy normal for aging dogs.  It’s a serious, if subtle, symptom, so make sure to ask your vet if you think your dog is missing their normal pep.  

9.  If your dog suffers from persistent vomiting or diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea are unpleasant for you and your dog, and sometimes it’s a not-so-serious sign that your best friend has simply been raiding the trash. If your dog consistently deals with vomiting and diarrhea, Addison’s disease may actually be to blame. Dogs suffer from Addison’s disease when their endocrine system doesn’t produce enough hormones for the body to function properly. If your dog does have Addison’s disease, they’ll also show symptoms of lethargy, muscle weakness, low body temperature, and reduced heart rate.

You should also check if your dog has any additional symptoms. If you see any of these symptoms, you should rush your dog to a veterinary professional immediately - 

  • Presence of blood in vomit or stool
  • Straining to throw up
  • Bloating or swelling of the abdomen
  • Fever or sudden depression
  • Pale, yellow, or blue gums
  • Signs of pain

If you notice any of these additional symptoms, do not administer any over-the-counter medicines without consulting your vet.

Vomiting and diarrhea in older dogs can be caused by various reasons. They can be symptoms of bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal system, sudden changes in the diet, or onset of food intolerances. They can also be due to internal organ issues like gallbladder inflammation or pancreatitis. Vomiting and diarrhea can also be symptoms of parasites like intestinal worms, kidney disease, an upper urinary tract infection, or hypothyroidism. If it’s hypothyroidism, your dog will exhibit weight gain, fur loss, lethargy, frequent ear infections, dull coat, thickened skin (especially noticeable around the folds of the eyes), and other symptoms that can be easily mistaken for the natural aging process.

A Veterinarian might perform several tests to determine the underlying reason. They might include - 

  • Stool test
  • Blood test
  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound
  • Endoscopy
  • Biopsy

Apart from the prescribed treatment, your vet might ask you not to feed your dog anything for at least 24 hours. You should only provide small amounts of water frequently. When you start feeding, make sure it’s a bland diet. Boiled chicken and rice are ideal for such situations. Your vet might ask you to transition to a normal diet over several days. They may also prescribe permanent dietary modifications like using a specialized prescription dog food. If your dog is suffering from intestinal worms, The veterinarian will prescribe appropriate dewormer medication. If your dog is severely dehydrated, they might be treated with IV fluids. Bacterial infections will be treated with appropriate antibiotics, especially if there are signs of intestinal damage.

8. If your dog’s pupils begin to cloud

Cloudy pupils are a classic sign of cataracts. While cataracts are not a life-threatening condition, if left untreated, they can cause serious vision loss and glaucoma in your dog. The early symptoms of cataracts are very subtle; pacing, poor navigation based on poor eyesight, and irritability are the most recognizable. Only in moderately advanced cataracts will the pupils begin to cloud. Because it is very difficult to reverse the effects of cataracts, you may find that you want to keep an eye on your senior’s eyes to protect their vision through the end of their life.

Apart from cataracts, lenticular sclerosis is another disease that can cause your senior dog’s pupils to get cloudy. Lenticular sclerosis affects middle-aged and senior dogs and leads to blueish transparent cloudiness in the eye lens. This condition is quite normal with aging, and unlike cataracts, it does not have a significant effect on your dog’s vision.

Lenticular sclerosis is commonly found in dogs over nine years of age and appears symmetrically in both eyes. The disease causes evenly gray and rounded cloudiness in the center of a dog's eye lens that can be easily seen in dilated pupils.  The condition appears to be more severe when you look at it from the side rather than from the front. The retina and funders are still visible through the affected eye lens When examined using an ophthalmoscope.

The exact reason why this disease occurs is not completely understood, but it might be caused by the eye becoming denser as the dogs age. Even though the size of the lenses is constant, lens fibers are produced by the body continuously, which leads to their compression and position on the outer rings of the lens. This compression causes the lens to harden, and it appears to be opaque. 

Many senior dogs suffering from lenticular sclerosis might also develop cataracts. However, there’s no causal relationship between the two, so all dogs with lenticular sclerosis may not develop cataracts. There’s no specific treatment for the condition, but as we mentioned before, the condition does not affect vision, so treatment is not necessary. However, a senior dog with lenticular sclerosis should be regularly taken for eye checkups to monitor the development of cataracts. 

7. If your dog makes frequent, painful attempts at urination

Frequent attempts at urination can be a sign of many diseases that affect senior dogs. Frequent painful urination can be a sign of a bladder infection. You will also be able to recognize cystitis by the unusual color of your dog's urine. If it’s not cystitis, the problem may be a lower urinary tract infection. Your dog’s urine will appear cloudy, have an unusual odor, and may even contain blood. Like cystitis, dogs suffering from UTIs will need to eliminate frequently, and they may even cry, as elimination can become so painful. Medications like Proin can help manage urinary incontinence in dogs.

Last but not least, this can be a sign of bladder stones. Bladder stones frequently occur in aging dogs, especially in older male dogs. Look out for painful, frequent urination, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, and blood in your dog’s urine.

6. If your dog can no longer control urination

Urinary incontinence can be frustrating for you and your dog, but remember that it’s a common problem for aging dogs. Your dog may not even be aware that they have eliminated on themselves. Urine may simply escape against their will. Urinary incontinence, however, is also a symptom of kidney disease. Your dog might also show significantly increased thirst, decreased appetite, lethargy, vomiting, and fever. Catching kidney disease early is important in preventing kidney failure, which can be extremely damaging, even life-threatening, to your dog.

Remember, if your dog is having a bladder problem, they probably will have an accident in the house, no matter how well they’ve been potty trained.  You may not realize it, but punishing these mistakes can compound the stress your dog is already feeling around eliminating in the wrong spot.

5.  If your dog loses weight

Generally, seniors will lose or gain a little bit of weight as they age, but weight loss is a significant symptom of many serious diseases that affect older dogs. If your dog exhibits increased thirst and increased appetite and they lose weight, they could be suffering from diabetes. Because diabetic dogs cannot properly absorb sugar, your dog may be suffering from malnutrition, even if they’re eating heartily. If diabetes (and malnutrition alongside it) progresses untreated, the effects of malnutrition may actually suppress their appetite.

Unintentional weight loss in your dog can also be a symptom of bladder stones, congestive heart failure, kidney disease, an upper urinary tract infection, or Cushing’s disease.

4. If your dog gains weight

Many dogs gain weight as a part of the normal aging process, but it's also a symptom of hypothyroidism. Nonetheless, obesity itself can put a very large strain on your dog’s body. Obesity contributes to bone and joint problems like osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia, weakens cardiovascular health, and makes it more difficult for pets do exercise. Checking your senior’s figure to prevent excessive weight gain can prevent quite a few other diseases.

3. If your dog seems unusually disoriented

Cognitive dysfunction, similar to Alzheimer’s for dogs, can occur if your dog’s mental faculties begin to decline. Fifty percent of all dogs over ten years of age exhibit at least one symptom of cognitive dysfunction, which means that the older your dog gets, the more likely they will suffer from this condition. Look for behavioral changesincreased hours of sleeping within a 24-hour period, decreased sleep at night, tremors, pacing, and poor potty training habits, as these are all symptoms of cognitive dysfunction.

If a dog is suffering from canine cognitive decline (CCD), also known as cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), it will start experiencing the symptoms around the age of 9. The diagnosis is usually made by ruling out other possible conditions that might cause disorientation, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, Cushing’s disease, hearing or vision loss, renal disorders, and arthritis. 

A dog suffering from CCD might show several symptoms, which include these - 

  • Disoriented wandering or frequent confusion
  • Difficulty in recognizing its surroundings or people
  • Difficulty sleeping at night
  • Forgetting its housetraining
  • Decreased response to commands or tricks it mastered
  • Lack of interest in walking, grooming, or even eating
  • Increased separation anxiety

If your dog is diagnosed with CCD, your vet will prescribe medications like Selegiline, antidepressants, and Anipryl to manage the symptoms. Selegiline helps to control the usual symptoms associated with CCD, while antidepressants can help your dog deal with the manifested anxiety. Anipryl is a psychoactive drug that is often used in the treatment of canine dementia. 

Your dog might also benefit from nutritional supplements and more exercise. You can also use interactive toys and teach them new tricks as neurological stimuli to help with their memory. However, make sure you don’t stray far from their routine, as that might increase their anxiety. Also, do not force them to exercise if they don’t want to. 

The behavioral changes resulting from canine dementia are often misunderstood as “bad behavior,” so make sure you remain calm if your senior dog has a soiling incident. Do not use reinforcing behavior that can add more anxiety. Also, do not change your home’s layout and maintain the cleanliness. These will help in reducing your dog’s stress and anxiety. 

2. If your dog has a wound that just won’t heal

Dogs, like humans, are much more likely to develop cancer as they get older. Similar to cognitive dysfunction, fifty percent of dogs over ten years old will develop cancer at some point in their lifetime. It’s a disease that’s most easily treated when caught early, so you’ll want to be on the lookout for lumps, tumors, lameness, and enlarged lymph nodes. Since these can be difficult symptoms to recognize, especially in older dogs, keeping a close eye on your dog’s wounds is a good way to gauge for cancer since the decreased immune function associated with cancer will keep your dog’s wounds from healing in a normal amount of time.

1. If your senior’s dog breath is just too smelly

Most dogs, especially dumpster divers, have bad breath, but excessively smelly breath is a symptom of the most common ailment in older dogs: periodontal disease. Luckily, this disease is easier to spot than many other age-related diseases, so be on the lookout for pain while chewing, loss of appetite, tooth loss, bleeding gums, difficulty chewing, or chewing only on one side of the mouth, as these are common symptoms of periodontal disease.

Helpful products you need for your older dog

As your dog ages, these are some useful products that you must use to keep your dog healthy and happy. 

Hip & Joint Supplements

As dogs age, their joints wear and tear, leading to conditions such as osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis in dogs. Cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones in a joint. Over time, this cartilage can degrade due to normal wear and tear or injury. Chronic joint inflammation exacerbates pain and can further contribute to cartilage breakdown, creating a vicious cycle. When cartilage breaks down, it can lead to friction between the bones, causing pain and inflammation. Synovial fluid lubricates the joints, reducing friction during movement. Also, as dogs age, they may produce less synovial fluid, increasing joint stiffness and discomfort. 

Dasuquin combines glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and avocado/soybean unsaponifiable (ASU) to provide comprehensive joint support. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate help maintain cartilage health and function, while ASU works to support joint comfort and function. Dasuquin is often recommended by veterinarians for dogs with joint issues due to its proven effectiveness and high-quality ingredients.

Cosequin Maximum Strength PLUS MSM Chewable Tablets contain a combination of glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), which work together to support joint health. Glucosamine and chondroitin help maintain cartilage health and cushioning, while MSM provides anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce joint pain and stiffness. Cosequin is a brand trusted and recommended by veterinarians for its effectiveness in promoting joint health in dogs.

GlycoFlex 3 contains glucosamine, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), DMG (Dimethylglycine), Perna canaliculus (Green-Lipped Mussel), antioxidants, and other beneficial nutrients. These ingredients support joint structure, reduce inflammation, and promote cartilage health. DMG is included in GlycoFlex 3 for its immune-boosting properties and its ability to support overall cellular health. Perna canaliculus, or Green-Lipped Mussel, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, chondroitin, and other nutrients that support joint health.

Senior Dog Food

Senior dog foods are specifically formulated to address the unique nutritional needs of older dogs, typically those aged seven years and older. 

Hill's Science Diet Senior 7+ Small Bites Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe Dry Dog Food is formulated specifically for small breed senior dogs aged 7 years and older. Chicken meal is a concentrated source of protein, providing essential amino acids necessary for maintaining muscle mass and overall health in senior dogs, while complex carbohydrates provide energy for senior dogs while also being relatively easy to digest. The specialized dog food has lower calorie content to prevent weight gain, joint-supporting nutrients like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, and antioxidants to support immune function and overall health. There are several other dog foods in Hill’s Science Diet 7+ range that are suitable for senior dogs. 

Purina One SmartBlend Vibrant Maturity 7+ Senior Formula is another popular dog food designed to meet the nutritional needs of senior dogs aged 7 years and older. The high-quality animal protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, supporting immune function, and overall health in senior dogs. Purina One SmartBlend Vibrant Maturity 7+ Senior Formula is formulated to provide a balanced blend of nutrients tailored to the needs of aging dogs. This includes vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support immune function, joint health, and overall well-being.

Purina Pro Plan Bright Mind Adult 7+ Chicken and Rice Formula Dry Dog Food is specifically formulated to support the cognitive health of senior dogs aged 7 years and older. The formula is enriched with medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are a type of fatty acid that can be readily utilized by the brain for energy. This may help support cognitive function and promote mental sharpness in senior dogs.

Vitamins and Supplements

As dogs age, their bodies may become less efficient at absorbing nutrients from their food. Providing vitamins and supplements can help ensure they receive essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, and E and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Senior dogs may experience dry, itchy skin and a dull coat due to reduced oil production and circulation. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements can improve skin and coat condition. 

Probiotics and digestive enzymes can promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve digestion, and supplements containing antioxidants and fatty acids like DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) support brain health and cognitive function in aging dogs. Some supplements contain ingredients like B vitamins and L-carnitine that can help boost energy metabolism and support overall vitality.

How PetPlus Can Help

No matter what the condition is or if your senior dog is in any kind of pain, PetPlus can help. Whether it be Rimadyl for joint pain, Soloxine for their thyroid, or Norvasc for their heart condition, PetPlus has everything your dog could need. And because it is a membership program, PetPlus can give you these same medications at a substantial discount -- some as high as 89% off!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the four common problems of older dogs?

As dogs age, they are more likely to develop certain health problems. Older dogs are more prone to joint problems such as arthritis and hip dysplasia. This can cause pain and stiffness and may limit their mobility. Dental disease is common in older dogs and can cause pain, infection, and tooth loss. Regular dental care can help prevent these problems. As dogs age, they may experience cognitive decline, which can lead to confusion, disorientation, and changes in behavior. Older dogs may experience a decline in their sensory function, such as hearing or vision loss. This can affect their ability to interact with their environment, making them more vulnerable to accidents or injury.

What are the signs that your dog is getting old?

As dogs age, they undergo various physical and behavioral changes. Older dogs may develop a dull coat or dry, flaky skin. They may also experience hair loss or a thinning coat. Joint problems or muscle weakness can cause older dogs to have difficulty getting up, climbing stairs, or jumping. Older dogs may have dental problems such as tooth decay or gum disease, which can lead to bad breath, difficulty eating, and tooth loss. Older dogs may also become less active or playful and prefer to sleep more. They may also become more irritable or anxious or experience cognitive decline. Older dogs may experience hearing or vision loss, which can affect their interactions with their environment. They may also have a weaker immune system, making them more prone to infections or illnesses.

What is the most common cause of death in senior dogs?

The most common cause of death in senior dogs is typically related to chronic diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, liver disease, heart disease, and diabetes. As dogs age, their immune system weakens, making them more susceptible to chronic diseases. These diseases often have a gradual onset, and symptoms may not be noticeable until they have progressed to a severe stage. Regular veterinary check-ups and early detection can help to manage or treat these conditions, potentially extending your senior dog's life and improving their quality of life.

Do dogs suffer when they are old?

Dogs can experience some level of discomfort or pain as they age, just as humans can. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that all older dogs suffer. Many older dogs continue to live happy and fulfilling lives, even with age-related health issues. It's important to be aware of the changes that come with aging, such as mobility issues, sensory decline, and chronic health conditions, and to take steps to manage or treat these issues as needed. This may include regular veterinary check-ups, medication, changes to diet and exercise routines, and modifications to the living environment. By providing your senior dog with appropriate care and attention, you can help to minimize any discomfort or suffering they may experience and ensure that they continue to enjoy a good quality of life in their golden years.

At what age are dogs the most difficult?

It's difficult to say at what age dogs are the most difficult, as each dog is different and may have unique challenges at different stages of their life. However, there are some developmental stages that are commonly associated with more challenging behaviors. For example, puppies are often considered difficult due to their high energy levels, teething, and lack of training. Adolescent dogs, typically around 6-18 months old, may exhibit more challenging behaviors such as increased independence, boundary-testing, and a tendency to be more easily distracted. Older dogs may also have their own challenges, such as age-related health issues, changes in behavior or mobility, and potential cognitive decline. It's important to recognize that all dogs require appropriate care, training, and attention throughout their life, and each stage of their development may present unique opportunities and challenges. With patience, consistency, and a willingness to adapt to your dog's changing needs, you can help them thrive and enjoy a happy, healthy life.

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This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional advice due to what you may have read on our website.

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