Ultimate Guide to Animax Ointment
Meet the Pet Dermatologic Antimicrobial: Animax Ointment!
Animax Ointment is an antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, and
anti-inflammatory) ointment applied for treatment of dermatological
disorders in dogs and cats. These conditions include dermatitis, otitis,
and furuncles. Animax Ointment is a topical ointment given as much as
required to give much needed epidermal relief to your pets.
What are the Animax Ointment active ingredients?
Nystatin, Neomycin Sulfate, Thiostrepton, and Triamcinolone Acetonide.
How does Animax Ointment's four active ingredients work together?
Animax Ointment is a topical medication that works against the
bacterial skin infections in dogs and cats, such as eczema-related
dermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic (i.e., scalp) dermatitis, and
helps manage parasite-borne dermatitis. The ointment fights against
bacterial infections with the above four components.
Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic that is a remedy against skin
fungal infractions, such as those caused by yeast. Neomycin Sulfate has
antimicrobial functions against bacterial and fungal infections within the
body (e.g., treatment after bowel surgery or treatment in removing
intestinal toxins for hepatic coma patients).
Thiostrepton is a highly effective antibiotic against gram-positive and
gram-negative bacterial organisms in dermatologic disorders. Triamcinolone
Acetonide is a corticosteroid that facilitates quick symptom relief and
The antimicrobial and corticosteroid combination in Animax
Ointment makes it an effective antibacterial, antifungal and
anti-inflammatory prescribed for cats and dogs.
How is Animax Ointment administered?
Animax Ointment is administered to the affected area, whether skin or
ears, as much as required. This means that a usual dosage can range from
once daily, twice or thrice daily, once a week, or as often as required.
Due to the severity of your pet's skin condition or when improvement is
observed, a vet will prescribe the suitable dosage.
You will find specific administration instructions as well as safety
requirements on the box. On the skin, clean the affected area and spread
the ointment thinly. For the ears, clean the ear canal and apply three to
five drops of the ointment. For glands or cysts, drain them before
application. Wear gloves during or wash hands after application.
What are the precautions of which you should be aware?
Do not give to those dogs or cats who are/have:
- Pregnant or nursing
- Hypersensitive to any of the four ingredients
- Higher degree infections, abscesses, or deep wounds
- A ruptured eardrum
Animax Ointment is not to be used in ears until a veterinary inspection of
the ear has been done. Animax Ointment is extremely allergic to eyes
or areas around the eyes. One must have a prescription from a licensed
veterinarian to use this product.
What are the potential side effects of which you should be aware?
Report to your veterinarian if any of the below side effects occur.
Weight gain may indicate that the steroids have been absorbed. Polydipsia
(excessive thirst) and polyuria (increased urination) has been observed
during corticosteroid use. Prolonged steroid therapy or dosage of the
medication might contribute to Cushing's syndrome. Rare side effects are
vomiting and (occasionally bloody) diarrhea.
Treatment must be discontinued immediately if the dog experiences
hearing loss or dysfunction, or allergic reactions such as redness,
irritation or swelling.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Animax Ointment for dogs versus
No observed differences.
What is Animax Ointment?
Animax Ointment is an antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal,
and antiinflammatory) ointment applied in treating dermatological
disorders in dogs and cats. These include types of dermatitis, otitis
(ear), and interdigital cysts (feet). Animax Ointment is a
topical ointment given as much as required to give much needed
epidermal relief to your pets.
What if my dog licks Animax Ointment?
If your dog licks Animax Ointment, it is not extremely toxic, and has
been well tolerated. It is rare to cause an adverse undesirable
reaction to the cat or dog's skin or soft tissue.
Can I try Triamcinolone for dogs?
Yes. One of Animax Ointment's active ingredients Triamcinolone is a
prescription corticosteroid for dogs and cats that reduces
inflammation in the body and is used to reduce swelling, redness,
itching, and to treat a variety of diseases including allergies,
autoimmune disorders and skin conditions.
What are the Animax dosage amounts that are available?
7.5 mL, 15 mL, and 30 mL applicator tubes (i.e., pipettes).
Concluding Thoughts
The most important thing that you should know about Animax
Ointment is its antimicrobial power to treat a variety of
dermatological disorders in and give epidermal relief to your dogs and
DISCLAIMER: FDA law restricts Animax Ointment to use by or on the
order of a licensed veterinarian for the best pet health care advice. As
with all drugs, side effects may occur. Ask your veterinarian or consult
with one of our pet care specialists at 1-800-844-1427. This informative
article is not meant to substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and
professional advice from your veterinarian or other qualified
professionals regarding a medical condition. Ask your veterinarian whether
Animax Ointment is suitable for your dog. Follow dosage
recommendations as prescribed by your licensed veterinarian, as the
severity of your pets skin condition will dictate different medication
amounts and other specifications.