Thyro-Tabs (L-Thyroxine)
Thyro-Tabs (L-Thyroxine)
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At a Glance
Synthetic thyroid replacement therapy treating hypothyroidism in dogs and cats
Active ingredient Levothyroxine acts as a thyroid hormone when absorbed into the bloodstream
Daily tablet dosage is determined by test of thyroxine (i.e., main hormone secreted by the thyroid gland) in the bloodstream
Returns energy and vitality to pets

Thyro-Tabs (L-Thyroxine)

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At a Glance
Synthetic thyroid replacement therapy treating hypothyroidism in dogs and cats
Active ingredient Levothyroxine acts as a thyroid hormone when absorbed into the bloodstream
Daily tablet dosage is determined by test of thyroxine (i.e., main hormone secreted by the thyroid gland) in the bloodstream
Returns energy and vitality to pets

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Ultimate Guide to Thyro-Tabs (L-Thyroxine)

Meet the Pet Thyroid Replacement: Thyro-Tabs!

Thyro-tabs, containing levothyroxine sodium, are designed to treat diminished thyroid function in dogs. These tablets provide essential thyroid hormone replacement to manage canine hypothyroidism. Thyro-tabs are a reliable choice for veterinarians to maintain optimal thyroid hormone levels in dogs, ensuring proper metabolic function.

Active Ingredient

Thyro-Tabs contain levothyroxine sodium, a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone, critical for replacement therapy in dogs with thyroid gland dysfunction. Thyroid hormones influence virtually every body organ, and their adequate levels are essential for overall health and metabolism.


Thyro-Tabs are prescribed for:

  • Canine Hypothyroidism: To treat dogs diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

  • Thyroid Hormone Replacement: To provide necessary thyroid hormone levels in dogs with diminished thyroid function.

  • Clinical Signs: To manage clinical signs associated with thyroid disease, such as weight gain, lethargy, and poor coat condition.

Dosage and Administration

  • Veterinarian's Directions: Always follow your licensed veterinarian's instructions for dosage and administration.

  • Twice a Day: Typically administered twice a day, the dose is adjusted based on the dog's weight, thyroid levels, and clinical response.

  • Controlled Room Temperature: Store Thyro-Tabs at a controlled room temperature to maintain their efficacy. Protect from light and moisture to maintain product integrity.

  • Color-Coded Ovoid Tablets: Easy-to-administer tablets that are color-coded for accurate dosing.

Mechanism of Action

Thyroid hormones have metabolic effects on virtually every body organ. They are vital for maintaining normal metabolism, muscle function, and overall health. Levothyroxine sodium provided in Thyro-Tabs mimics natural thyroid hormones, restoring normal thyroid function and alleviating symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Precautions and Warnings

  • Federal Law Restricts: This medication is restricted to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

  • Uncorrected Adrenal Insufficiency: Do not use in animals with uncorrected adrenal insufficiency.

  • Adverse Reactions: Possible side effects include weight loss, increased appetite, and changes in behavior. Monitor for signs of primary hypertension.

  • Caution: Use with caution in dogs with pre-existing heart conditions or other systemic diseases.

Federal law requires that Thyro-Tabs be used only under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian. This medication is specifically formulated for dogs and should not be used in other animals.

Thyro-Tabs are an FDA-approved, veterinarian-prescribed solution for managing canine hypothyroidism. With levothyroxine sodium, these tablets offer an effective thyroid hormone replacement therapy, ensuring your dog maintains optimal thyroid function and overall health. Consult your licensed veterinarian for the appropriate dosage and administration tailored to your dog's needs.

How do Thyro-Tabs work?

Your cat or dogwill be tested for Thyroxine hormone levels of the bloodstream. Thyroxine is the main hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the thyroid gland. Too much production of Thyroxine released into the bloodstream causes hyperthyroidism, and too little production of Thyroxine by the thyroid gland is known as hypothyroidism.

If the pet's bloodstream has a low level of Thyroxine (i.e., hypothyroidism), Thyro-Tabs works as a synthetic hormone replacement wherethe active ingredient Levothyroxinereplaces the missing thyroid hormone. The ingredient Levothyroxineis absorbed into the bloodstream and carries out the tasks that a thyroid hormone usually would.

This treatment should demonstrate more energy and vitality in your pet!

How are Thyro-Tabs administered?

Thyro-Tabsare administered orally once a day and aid dogs and cats' low circulating thyroid hormone (i.e., hypothyroidism). This is done with the synthetic replacement thyroid therapy. The oral tablets can be given directly or mixed together to be eaten with the pet's food.

From 0.1 to .0.2 per 10 lbs. of body weight, the initial daily dose is based on the pet's weight. The medication is administered either at once in the morning or once in evening installments. The dosage is then adjusted according to the changing response in the pet's bloodstream. The Thyro-Tab pills or tablets that are available are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 1.0 mg.

Peak therapeutic effect may not be reached until four to six weeks after the first administration.

What are the precautions of which you should be aware?

Pets who are breeding, pregnant, or nursing have not been evaluated. Pets with underlying heart conditions or diagnosed cardiac disease should be closely monitored. Those who take cardiac medication should not take this medication due to negative interactions.

What are Thyroxine tabs side effectsof which you should be aware?

There are no side effects in most cases; however, Thyro-Tabs rare adverse reactions reported are vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, hyperactivity, dermatitis, excessive thirst, increased urination, and diarrhea. Consult a veterinarian if any of the above occur.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What are Levothyroxine side effects?

    Check with your veterinarian immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking levothyroxine: decreased appetite, itchiness, polydipsia, polyurinia, and increased or decreased activity level.

  2. What is the difference between Thyro-tabs for dogsand cats?

    In terms of Thyro-Tab dosage, cats take as much as humans but dogs require a higher dosage more than humans. In an overdose, cats may appear apathetic, and dogs may appear more hyperactive.

  3. Is Levothyroxine gluten free?

    Yes. Many prescription medicines contain gluten. Check your medicine cabinet for kinds of starches, dextrate or dextrin, maltose, or caramel coloring. These derive from potato, corn, tapioca, or wheat.

  4. What is Levothyroxine?

    The active ingredient Levothyroxineis a thyroid medicine that regulates production of Thyroxine, a hormone normally produced by a pet's thyroid gland and returns their energy and vitality. In veterinary medicine, Levothyroxineis absorbed into the bloodstream and acts as a synthetic thyroid hormone in order to treat hypothyroidism in cats and dogs.

  5. What do I do if I miss a dose of Thyroxine Tab?

    Most medications do the same: if a dose is missed, take the next dose as soon as possible, keep a steadily regular schedule, and do not administer double doses.

Concluding Thoughts

The most important thing that you should know about Thyro-Tab (L-Thyroxine) is its power to treat hypothyroidism in your cat or dog by regulating low levels of Thyroxine from their thyroid gland in their bloodstream.

DISCLAIMER: FDA law restricts Thyro-Tabs to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian for the best pet health care advice. As with all drugs, side effects may occur. Ask your veterinarian or consult with one of our pet care specialists at 1-800-844-1427. This informative article is not meant to substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and professional advice from your veterinarian or other qualified professionals regarding a medical condition. Ask your veterinarian whether Thyro-Tabsis suitable for your dog. Follow dosage recommendations as prescribed by your licensed veterinarian, as the severity of your pets skin condition will dictate different medication amounts and other specifications.

  • Vet-A-Mix Brand
  • Thyroid Pharmacy
  • Vet-A-Mix Manufacturer
  • Oral Application
  • Cat Pet Type
  • Dog Pet Type

When Should You Give Your Dog Thyroid Medicine?

The thyroid is one of the most common health ailments which affects dogs. You can identify the condition by the identification of the common symptoms like lethargy, thickening of the skin, exercise intolerance, cold intolerance, mental dullness, obesity, and weight gain (without any alterations of the appetite). The symptoms can also include the various changes in the coat and skin of your pet like hair thinning, increased shedding, and hair loss. When you see such symptoms you should contact your veterinarian immediately. They can suggest treatment with the use of thyroid medications. Thyro-Tabs or Levothyroxine Sodium tablets are one of the most preferred choices of oral medication for the treatment of hypothyroidism among dogs. This medication is generally recommended for a lift time or till the pet is alive as the thyroid needs treatment for a long time once your pet is diagnosed with the same. Changes in the clinical symptoms are not visible in the first few weeks of thyroid treatment. It can be seen to start showing signs of improvement only after prolonged usage. Hence you should continue the medical regimen as has been recommended by your petโ€™s veterinarian for the treatment of hypothyroidism using Thyro-Tabs or Levothyroxine Sodium tabs.

How Much Levothyroxine Should I Give My Dog?

The conditions of the pet often determine the specific dosage of a particular medicine. Another crucial set of parameters that are taken into consideration while administering the medicines are age, body weight, body type, breed of the dog, levels of activity, and health conditions of the pet. This can be best reviewed by your petโ€™s veterinarian and based on the diagnosis of your pet, they can suggest the best possible course of action and medicine dosage. However, studies have confirmed that Levothyroxine can be administered as 0.10 mg per ten pounds of body weight of the pet as an optimum dosage level. This administration needs to happen over a period of one day. It is advisable to give the medicine at one go and not divide it into two for the day-long administration. The studies have also stipulated the half-life of the medication Thyro-Tabs Levothyroxine Sodium tabs to be around ten to sixteen hours among dogs.

What Do You Feed a Dog With Hypothyroidism?

The administration of a healthy diet is vital for the dogs that have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism along with the required medications. A balanced diet can include the ingredients that can help the dogs to get probiotics, carbohydrates, amino acids, fats, iodine, proteins, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Another aspect to consider here is the consultation with your petโ€™s veterinarian. They can suggest the best possible diets that will suit your pet as per its conditions and also recommend the thyroids medications like Thyro-Tabs canine. These tablets are specifically designed to control the impact of thyroid on pets.

How Can I Help My Dog With Low Thyroid?

Although there is no cure for hypothyroidism, veterinarians often recommend the treatment of such dogs with thyroid hormone replacement therapy for the rest of their life. It can be done by the administration of the Thyro-tabs canine levothyroxine sodium tablets USP. These tablets are approved by the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration. They are found to be specifically useful for such replacement therapy in dogs that are suffering from thyroid or have been diagnosed with one recently. The tablets help take care of the ailing health of the pets which is because of the reduced functions of the thyroid glands in their body. The characterized symptoms of thyroid can be a sign for you to identify the diseased conditions and take necessary actions accordingly. The key aspect being keeping the pet under the constant monitoring of a certified veterinarian.

What Does Hypothyroidism Look Like in Dogs?

Hypothyroidism has a few characteristic features that it can show on dogs. The primary one being the loss of body hair. This is also especially around the back of the body. These areas can include the tail, rear legs, and the dogโ€™s trunk. Under these circumstances, the coat of the dog becomes thin and dull. The skin turns flaky. A crucial aspect to keep in mind here is that the skin does not itch or turn red as is common with the infections by the infestations of any fleas. You can also observe the presence of black patches on the skin. If you see such symptoms, it is advisable that you contact your petโ€™s veterinarians immediately.

What is levothyroxine used for in dogs?

Levothyroxine is a medication that is commonly prescribed for dogs to treat hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by a deficiency of thyroid hormone, which can lead to a variety of symptoms such as weight gain, lethargy, hair loss, and skin problems. Levothyroxine is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4). When administered to dogs with hypothyroidism, it helps to supplement the insufficient levels of thyroid hormone in their bodies. By providing the necessary thyroid hormone, levothyroxine helps regulate metabolism, maintain normal body weight, support healthy skin and coat, and improve overall energy levels. Levothyroxine should only be administered under the guidance and prescription of a veterinarian. The dosage and duration of treatment will depend on the individual dog's condition and response to the medication.

Is levothyroxine safe for dogs?

Levothyroxine is generally considered safe for dogs when used as directed by a veterinarian. However, like any medication, there can be potential side effects and considerations to keep in mind. Dogs may have allergic reactions to levothyroxine. Signs of an allergic reaction include itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, or hives. If you notice any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately. Giving too high of a dose of levothyroxine can lead to hyperthyroidism, which is an excess of thyroid hormone in the body. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and not exceed it. Levothyroxine may interact with other medications, including certain seizure medications, antacids, and iron supplements. Inform your veterinarian about any other medications your dog is taking to avoid potential interactions. Dogs receiving levothyroxine may require regular monitoring of thyroid hormone levels. This helps ensure that the dosage is appropriate and adjusted if necessary. Dogs with certain pre-existing conditions, such as heart disease or adrenal gland problems, may require special considerations and monitoring when taking levothyroxine.

When should dogs take levothyroxine?

The most common reason for prescribing levothyroxine in dogs is to treat hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs when the dog's thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, resulting in a range of symptoms such as weight gain, lethargy, hair loss, and skin problems. Levothyroxine is used to supplement the deficient thyroid hormone and restore normal levels in the body. In cases where a dog's thyroid gland has been surgically removed or is non-functional, levothyroxine is used as a lifelong replacement therapy. These situations may arise due to thyroid cancer, thyroiditis, or congenital absence or malformation of the thyroid gland. After surgical removal of a diseased thyroid gland, levothyroxine may be prescribed to maintain appropriate levels of thyroid hormone in the body and prevent hypothyroidism. Some dogs may be born with a congenital deficiency of thyroid hormone, known as congenital hypothyroidism. In such cases, levothyroxine is administered to supplement the deficient hormone and support normal growth and development.

Is levothyroxine an antibiotic?

No, levothyroxine is not an antibiotic. Levothyroxine is a medication that is used to treat thyroid hormone deficiencies in humans and animals. It is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4). Levothyroxine is primarily used to supplement or replace the inadequate production of thyroid hormone in the body, particularly in cases of hypothyroidism. Antibiotics, on the other hand, are medications specifically designed to combat bacterial infections. They work by either killing bacteria or inhibiting their growth. Antibiotics are used to treat various bacterial infections in humans and animals.

How long can a dog live on thyroid medication?

The lifespan of a dog receiving thyroid medication can vary depending on various factors, including the underlying condition being treated, the dog's overall health, and the effectiveness of the treatment. With proper diagnosis, management, and ongoing treatment, dogs with hypothyroidism or other thyroid conditions can live long and healthy lives. In the case of hypothyroidism, which is a common condition treated with thyroid medication, dogs typically require lifelong treatment with levothyroxine or other thyroid hormone replacements. With consistent medication administration and regular monitoring, dogs with hypothyroidism can lead normal lives and have a normal life expectancy.


Thyro-tabs is a synthetic thyroid hormone in veterinary medication mainly for use in the management of conditions related to hypothyroidism in dogs. Hypothyroidism occurs when the gland does not produce the required quantity of thyroid. When applied into animalโ€™s body, Thyro-tabs supplies thyroid hormone, which will quickly relieve symptoms caused by hypothyroidism. The medication has shown proven results in treating the medical symptoms caused due to thyroid related autoimmune diseases. However, the condition might demand prolonged or even lifetime treatment to ensure better results. The medication is available only by prescription from a qualified veterinarian and comes in easy to break scored tablets.

There are no side effects in most cases. Do not administer the medicine on animals with allergic reactions to it. Also, exclude animals suffering from Addisonโ€™s disease and be careful when using the medication in animals with increased blood pressure. Ask the veterinarian about the drugs the medication would interact with, when used together. Remember to feed the animal vitamin or mineral combinations an hour before or after 4 hours of administration.

There can be differences when the pet has a preexisting heart condition; consult a veterinarian regarding these risks. The animals will have no issues with side effects if the dosage is prescribed by considering the blood levels of thyroxine.

However, medication overdose can lead to adverse reactions like increased thirst and urination, behavior change, aggressiveness, incapacity to bear with heat etc. Such symptoms of medication overdose indicate a condition known as thyrotoxicosis, which asks for medical help.

Thyro-tabs can be used in both dogs and cats. Medication dosage is usually decided by examining the blood levels of thyroxine. However, the standard dose suggested for dogs is 0.1mg/10lbs of body weight and for cats, it is 0.05-0.1mg per cat. The prescription, if strictly followed, is sure to bring in evident improvement in the animals. However, animals with serious cases of hypothyroidism would require continuing the treatment for the rest of their life.

The initial daily dose is based on weight: 0.1 per 0.2 mg/10 pounds to be administered daily, either at once or in morning and evening installments. This dosage is then adjusted according to the response in the dogโ€™s blood. Thyro-Tabs are to be taken orally, either directly or together with food.

Thyro-Tabs (L-Thyroxine) is manufactured by Vet-A-Mix

How to Order Prescriptions Online

1. Find the Right Product

Make sure it matches your pets prescription. Donโ€™t forget to compare the dosage for pills/capsules!

2. Add to Cart

Just like any other online store. Make sure the quantity matches whatโ€™s been prescribed by your vetinarian.

3. Tell Us About Your Pet and Vet

Answer some questions during checkout and weโ€™ll contact your vet and verify the prescription for you. You can also mail us the written prescription.

4. Thatโ€™s It!

If the prescription has any refills, processing your future orders for that medication can be expedited.

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Works great

My dog has hypothyroidism and has been on Thyro-Tabs for many years. They work great at regulating her condition and PetCareRx with my PetPlus membership offers them at an incredibly low price.

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We were paying 4 times the price through out vet. I am real happy with the service and the quick shipping.

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Works Well

Keeping my pupโ€™s numbers good. Heโ€™s been using these for years. My boy is 17 years young!

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No side effects

Seems to be working, her blood work has been consistently good.

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Good Price

My dog is on Thyroid tabs for the rest of his life! So knowing that I have a place to shop for them at a low price keeps me coming back every time he needs a refill. Thank you, Petcare RX

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Petcare Rx filled my prescription quickly contacting my Vet. So easy.

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Seamless ordering process and great prices as always!

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Helping Amy

Love the price on this medication. It has made all the difference in the world for Amy. Itโ€™s nice to be able to afford medication when your dog needs it, and long term !!

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Thyro-Tabs (L-Thyroxine)

Great size & price

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Thyroid med refill

Great. Much easier to refill with calling in rather than via website

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Thyro tabs

Much better price than the vets office

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Great price! Received it quickly. Love how PetCareRX works with my vet to get everything taken care of!

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My dog is so blessed to have a company that cares about having the lowest prices and fastest shipping! I have been ordering from Pet Care Rx for a long time and my family is happy and recommend everyone! Thank you for giving us our animals best care!

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Thro Tabs

Very efficient

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Thyroid meds

Great value for a much needed medication

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They just what my vet prescribed

Thank you petcarerx!

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The size of pill is very efficient and helps for me to be able to hide my fur babies medicine well without her realizing it is there for her

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Best Prices

Saved me 3 times the amount the vet charged.

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Thyro tabs

Very happy with the great service we receive every time we order very fast and efficient.

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Life Changer

These meds have changed Thumper 's well being it's like we have a new dog:)

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Amazing change

My 8 1/2 year Doberman was suffering from a difficult to diagnose hypothyroidism . Since taking the thyroxineโ€”after only a few weeks, she lost over 10 lbs and her untreatable hair loss cleared up. The rapid improvement is unbelievable. Her skyrocketing liver enzymes also decreased. But essential to have the correct series of thyroid tests to accurately diagnose the need for thyroxin.

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Great price

Great price and it works perfect for my pup

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Love the service, prices and the caring staff. Meds arrive quickly for our little Chewey. Thank you

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Same product Good price

All good recommend

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Works Great

Using this for my stafford shire terrier. He was losing hair and getting patches so we had blood work done and found out he had low thyroid levels. This medicine has been great with growing his hair back and they aren't very big either easy to hide in food.

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Thyro tabs

very happy with the product and the service.

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Came in good time and just what I need for my dog. Thanks

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good price, excellent service

I love this pharmacy! Good customer service, reliable-shipping and excellent prices.

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