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At a Glance
Treats pets with mental illnesses and behaviors (e.g., OCD, depression, anxiety)
Fluoride Hydrochloride is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Improves mood with the 'happy chemical' and 'feel-good hormone'
One tablet or capsule administered daily


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At a Glance
Treats pets with mental illnesses and behaviors (e.g., OCD, depression, anxiety)
Fluoride Hydrochloride is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Improves mood with the 'happy chemical' and 'feel-good hormone'
One tablet or capsule administered daily

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Ultimate Guide to Fluoxetine

Meet Pet Anxiety Medication: Fluoxetine!

Fluoxetine is a veterinarian-recommended, FDA-approved, and “extra-label” antidepressant, like Prozac and Xanax, that treats mental illnesses and behaviors in dogs and cats. Fluoxetine is a daily, oral tablet, or capsule. Fluoxetine ensures that your pet will be in the best condition that it can be.

How does Fluoxetine for cats and dogs work?

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication that is the generic version of the brands Prozac, Xanax, and Reconcile. Mental illnesses and negative behaviors that these medicines are recommended to treat include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), separation anxiety, aggressive behavior, depression, and panic disorders.

Fluoxetine Hydrochloride is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibition (SSRI) that inhibits the reabsorption of serotonin, called the “happy chemical” or the “feel-good hormone”. Serotonin is a major neurotransmitter in the brain that improves the pet 's mood and changes the chemical messages that the brain receives.

How is Fluoxetine for dogs and cats administered?

Fluoxetine is administered orally once a day in a typical dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound. For example, a 30-pound dog might take 15 to 27 mg per day. The veterinarian prescribes the Fluoxetine dosage that the pet will take daily. Fluoxetine can take four to six weeks to have a real effect.

What are the precautions of which you and your veterinarian should be aware?

Fluoxetine for cats and dogs should not be administered to pets with hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to the drug, or those pets that have a history of seizures.

Inform your veterinarian before using Fluoxetine and other similar veterinary products. Various medications have negative interactions with Fluoxetine, such as some pain medications, anti-inflammatories, and other anti-depressants. Also, over-the-counter medications and some herbal supplements might not combine well with Fluoxetine.

What are Fluoxetine side effects of which you should be aware?

If any of the following occur, contact your veterinarian immediately:

Serious side effects are seizures, tremors, shivering, twitching, muscle stiffness, coordination problems, agitation, confusion, sweating, and a fast heartbeat. Less serious side effects are dizziness, lethargy, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, changes in appetite, weight changes, and dry mouth.

Seek emergency care if you observe severe allergic reactions, such as a skin rash, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing. Contact your veterinarian if symptoms worsen or behavior is negatively impacted.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What do the Fluoxetine reviews say?

    Fluoxetine reviews rate 5 out of 5 stars. Most reviewers say that Fluoxetine, as the generic for Prozac, is a superb, effective product that changes their anxiety-ridden pet to a wonderful companion. One Fluoxetine review said that the product “saved [their] happy home”.

  2. Is there a difference between Fluoxetine for cats vs. Fluoxetine for dogs?

    Behavioral issues and Fluoxetine therapies may be used differently between cats and dogs. Fluoxetine for cats tends to be in therapies to aid some forms of anxiety that form into aggressive behaviors, OCD, and hyperactivity. Fluoxetine for dogs tends to treat OCD, separation anxiety, and some forms of aggression.

  3. What is the typical Fluoxetine dosage?

    The typical Fluoxetine dosage is 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound. For example, a 20-pound pet would take 10 to 18 mg. Fluoxetine 40 mg, 20 mg, and 10 mg capsules are available.

  4. Which Fluoxetine tablets are available?

    Fluoxetine tablets come in 10 mg and 20 mg.

Concluding Thoughts

The most important thing that you should know about Fluoxetine is its powerful ability to heal mental illnesses and behaviors in pets (e.g., OCD, depression, or anxiety) and to save your happy home!

DISCLAIMER: FDA law restricts Fluoxetine to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian for the best pet health care advice. Ask your veterinarian or consult with one of our pet care specialists at 1-800-844-1427. This informative article does not substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and professional advice from your veterinarian or other qualified professionals regarding a medical condition.

Fluxoetine is the Generic Alternative to Prozac.
  • Behavior & Anxiety Management Pharmacy
  • Oral Application
  • Cat Pet Type
  • Dog Pet Type

What Is Fluoxetine Good For?

Fluoxetine tablet is a type of antidepressant which falls under the classification of SSRI or most commonly known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. Fluoxetine is often used for the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, bulimia nervosa, and sometimes major or minor depressive disorder. The medicine Fluoxetine is often used in your pets, whether itโ€™s a cat or dog, for the recovery from depression. Fluoxetine has fewer unwanted effects in comparison to the previously used or older antidepressant. It is highly recommended by most veterinarians for pets.

Can I Give My Cat Fluoxetine?

Fluoxetine is very often recommended by reputable veterinarians for its usage in your pets. Fluoxetine is generally a very safe drug if given to your cat at the recommended prescribed dosage. The possibility or occurrence of any long-term negative health effect in your cat is very unlikely to happen or very low by Fluoxetine. If by any chance your pet shows any signs of discomfort after the usage of the medicine. It is highly recommended that you consult your veterinarian immediately for diagnosis.

How Much Fluoxetine Can You Give a Cat?

Fluoxetine is one of the best antidepressants present in the pharmaceutical market for your pets. The recommended dosage of drugs can vary for different pets because of their body, size, and metabolism. For dogs, the amount of Fluoxetine administered for a single day can be around one to two milligrams per two pounds of the bodyweight of the pet. As for your catโ€™s daily dosage, you can administer half a milligram to one milligram of Fluoxetine per two pounds of your petโ€™s body weight. Before administration of any drug, you can consult your veterinarian.

How Long Does It Take for Fluoxetine to Work in Cats?

The medicine Fluoxetine has the main ingredient as Fluoxetine Hydrochloride. It is the Generic Alternative to Prozac. It is generally used in your cats when it shows any behavior of urine marking. The efficiency of Fluoxetine can also be compared to the tricyclic antidepressant compound Clomipramine. To achieve results in over ninety percent of cats, it is very important that Fluoxetine is administered daily to your pet for at least eight weeks. After this period of treatment, your pet will show some behavioral changes. As long as they are given the medicine properly your cat will gradually stop the behavior of marking.

How Long Does It Take Fluoxetine to Work in Dogs?

For Fluoxetine to efficiently work in your dog, veterinarians generally recommend the usage of the medicine for at least eight to nine weeks. After the application of Fluoxetine for four weeks to your dog, the drug will start working. Once Fluoxetine starts working, there will be neurological changes in your dog. And if there are no changes found in your pet, you must contact your veterinarian immediately. As research shows about thirty percent of dogs are not affected by Fluoxetine. As long as this is the case your veterinarian will change the prescription to an alternate medication. Hence being in touch with your veterinarian can be useful at these times. Monitor the situation properly after the administration of the medication.

What Side Effects Does Fluoxetine Have?

There are various side effects that can be found in your cat that are caused by Fluoxetine. The commonly found adverse symptoms in cats are anorexia, and also some behavioral changes such as irritability, anxiety, insomnia, hyperactivity, and depression. The most commonly found side effect in your cat is anorexia. As anorexia directly affects your petโ€™s apatite. You must closely monitor your petโ€™s food intake and body weight. If any of the above-mentioned ailments is noticed in your pet, it is advisable to contact your veterinarian for further diagnosis of your pet.

Can a Cat Overdose on Fluoxetine?

If an excessive amount of Fluoxetine is accidentally administered to your pet there are high chances, your pet may suffer from toxicity or overdose. In the case of dogs, if fifty milligrams of Fluoxetine per pound of its body weight or more is applied to your pet there is a large possibility that it may suffer from high toxicity. If the situation is not properly taken care of it can be fatal. For your cat, a dose of twenty-five milligrams per pound of its body weight or more may prove to be fatal for your pet. If by chance such a situation may occur you should directly take your pet to your veterinarian for immediate treatment.

What is Fluoxetine used for in cats and dogs?

The use of fluoxetine in cats with hyperthyroidism is usually considered to be safe, however, it is crucial to speak with a veterinarian before administering this drug to a cat that has this illness. A hormonal condition called hyperthyroidism can produce a variety of symptoms, such as anxiety, restlessness, increased hunger, and weight loss. Some of the behavioral symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as anxiety, and restlessness, may be treated with fluoxetine. It does not, however, address the underlying thyroid condition, and it may not be successful in treating all of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Fluoxetine is an antidepressant belonging to the class of drugs referred to as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which can assist in controlling mood and behavior in cats and dogs by raising serotonin levels in the brain.

Can Fluoxetine be given to cats and dogs with other medications?

Yes, but with caution. Fluoxetine may interact with other drugs, such as antidepressants and some pain relievers. Before beginning Fluoxetine, inform your veterinarian of what drugs your pet is currently on. The dose or treatment regimen can then be adjusted as required after your veterinarian examines any possible drug interactions. Furthermore, if your pet is taking any herbal supplements or over-the-counter medications, you should inform your veterinarian about them as well, since they may interact with Fluoxetine.

Is Fluoxetine safe for long-term use in cats and dogs?

When administered as prescribed by a veterinarian, Fluoxetine is typically regarded as safe for long-term usage in cats and dogs. Fluoxetine does, however, come with some potential side effects, just like any other drug. When administering Fluoxetine to your pet, it's crucial to follow your veterinarian's recommendations and keep an eye out for any side effects or behavioral changes in your pet. While your pet is on long-term Fluoxetine treatment, your veterinarian may advise scheduling regular checkups or blood tests to evaluate their health. You should speak with your veterinarian if you have any worries or inquiries about the long-term usage of Fluoxetine in your pet.

Can I buy Fluoxetine over the counter?

No, Fluoxetine is a prescription-only drug that may only be purchased with a prescription from a veterinarian. It is a controlled substance that must only be administered with the advice and oversight of a qualified veterinarian. By doing this, you can be sure that your pet is getting the right dosage and that any possible side effects or drug interactions are being thoroughly watched. Never administer medication to your pet without first seeking advice from a veterinarian.

How long does Fluoxetine stay in a cat or dogโ€™s system?

Fluoxetine has a half-life of roughly 1-3 days in cats and dogs, which indicates that it takes 1-3 days for half of the drug to leave the body. However, it can take a few weeks for the medicine to completely leave the body. Fluoxetine can linger in a cat or dog's system for a variety of times, depending on the animal's metabolism, the amount and length of the medication, and any underlying health issues that might impair drug elimination.

Can Fluoxetine be used for cats with inappropriate elimination behavior?

Yes, cats who exhibit abnormal elimination behavior may benefit from taking fluoxetine. Cats who eliminate outside of their litter box are exhibiting inappropriate elimination behavior. Numerous causes, including stress, worry, fear, and physical issues, can contribute to this behavior. Fluoxetine is an antidepressant that works by raising the brain's serotonin levels, which can help people feel less anxious and happier. In turn, this may assist in lowering the frequency of cats engaging in inappropriate elimination activity.

Can Fluoxetine be given to cats with hyperthyroidism?

The use of fluoxetine in cats with hyperthyroidism is usually considered to be safe, however, it is crucial to speak with a veterinarian before administering this drug to a cat that has this illness. A hormonal condition called hyperthyroidism can produce a variety of symptoms, such as anxiety, restlessness, increased hunger, and weight loss. Some of the behavioral symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as anxiety, and restlessness, may be treated with fluoxetine. It does not, however, address the underlying thyroid condition, and it may not be successful in treating all of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Fluoxetine Hydrochloride

An antidepressant belonging to the serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class, Fluoxetine is primarily used to treat behavior problems in dogs and cats including obsessive compulsive disorders such as constant licking, and feather picking in birds. Fluoxetine is also used in the treatment of aggression behavior in pets. The veterinary formulation of Fluoxetine namely; Reconcile is recommended for dogs with separation anxiety. Fluoxetine is also used to treat itchiness that does not respond to conventional therapies.

Stop giving fluoxetine to your dog or cat if signs of an allergic reaction occur such as: skin rash, hives, difficulty breathing; throat, face lips, ton or throat swelling. Seek emergency care if allergy symptoms are severe. Contact your veterinarian if symptoms worsen or behavior is negatively impacted.

More serious side effects include seizures (convulsions); tremors, shivering, muscle stiffness or twitching; a red, blistering, peeling skin rash; problems with balance or coordination; or agitation, confusion, sweating, fast heartbeat. If any of these occur contact your veterinarian immediately.

Less serious side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, changes in appetite, weight changes, dry mouth. If these issues become problematic contact your veterinarian.

Certain pain medications and anti-inflammatories including carprofen, piroxicam, etodolac, and others could negatively interact with Fluoxetine.

Inform your veterinarian before giving your cat or dog these medications because they can cause increased bruising and bleeding.

Let your veterinarian know if your pet is being given digoxin, diazepam (Valium), phenytoin (Dilantin), warfarin (Coumadin), amitriptyline (Elavil), imipramine (Tofranil).

Other drugs could also interact with fluoxetine. Talk to your veterinarian or pharmacist before giving any prescription or over the counter medicines including herbal supplement.

Fluoxetine can cause numerous side effects in animals. This medicine should not be administered in animals with known hypersensitivity or allergy to the drug. Fluoxetine must not be prescribed for animals with a history of seizures. Before administering the medicine to your pet, consult a veterinarian and determine if Fluoxetine has the possibility to interact with other medications. The drugs which normally interact with Fluoxetine include monoamine oxidase inhibitors (selegiline), diazepam, phenylbutazone, digoxin or buspirone.

Ask your veterinarian or consult with one of our pet care specialists at 1-800-844-1427.

This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional advice due to what you may have read on our website. Our medications are FDA approved and/or EPA regulated when and as required by law.

Give Fluoxetine as prescribed by your veterinarian. Do not exceed prescribed dosage. This medication can take up to 4-6 weeks to take effect.

Keep in the container it came in, tightly closed, and out of reach of children. Store at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture (not in the bathroom).

How to Order Prescriptions Online

1. Find the Right Product

Make sure it matches your pets prescription. Donโ€™t forget to compare the dosage for pills/capsules!

2. Add to Cart

Just like any other online store. Make sure the quantity matches whatโ€™s been prescribed by your vetinarian.

3. Tell Us About Your Pet and Vet

Answer some questions during checkout and weโ€™ll contact your vet and verify the prescription for you. You can also mail us the written prescription.

4. Thatโ€™s It!

If the prescription has any refills, processing your future orders for that medication can be expedited.

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Customer Reviews

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Fast and easy

Easy to order and communication was great. Meds came faster than I expected too :)

Angel recommends this item.
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customer service

I love dealing with PetCareRx. The customer service is always top notch.

Dawn recommends this item.
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Fast easy rx

Fast and easy rx for my pup

Ray recommends this item.
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New dog

This medication has changed my dogโ€™s life (and ours). She is a new dog, living her best life without the anxiety that mustโ€™ve plagued her her whole life. We should have started this years ago.

Emma recommends this item.
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Great value

Buying through PetRX, saves me more then half the cost at my vets.

Christina Espinoza recommends this item.
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The only thing that helps our cat.

It's nice to finally find help for him, he's always been aggressive/possessive and the other cats were not safe from him.

Rachel46 recommends this item.
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Great service

I will be shopping again. fast shipping.

Janeen O. Louisiana recommends this item.
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Anxious Dog

This extra helps our very anxious dog calm down a little.

Kelly recommends this item.
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So much cheaper than at the vet

Our dog has severe anxiety and needs fluoxetine. Our vet charges >$100 for 90 days of 20mg capsules and we got them on PetCareRx for <$20. We don't blame our vet, it's part of how they stay financially solvent, but this helps us afford to keep our pet healthy.

Brandon P recommends this item.
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Works great

This has helped out dog in so many ways! She would have daily accidents when we left her and now this is a rare occurrence

Wendy recommends this item.
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Anxious Dog

This helps out anxious dog be a bit calmer.

Sadieโ€™s Mom recommends this item.
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This stuff seems to work pretty good for my dogs anxiety. He is more social at times he wasnโ€™t before. He also made it through the pre 4th fireworks much better than previous years. The 4th was still tough though.

Claudia recommends this item.
Was this review helpful? 2 0

Easier for cat

My cat does so much better with the tablets than the capsules. First time he bit into a capsule was the last time he would willingly take his meds. The tablets are much smaller. Although the are more pricey than capsules, it is worth the price

Pam H recommends this item.
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Great price and speedy delivery.

Judy Tabita recommends this item.
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Great generic product

Lisa recommends this item.
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thanks, the fluxotine works great.

matt recommends this item.
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Fluoxetine Order

Great price and arrived quickly!

Marissa recommends this item.
Was this review helpful? 1 0

Great place to get pet Rx filled

It was so convenient and easy, and not having to deal with lines and pricing at the pharmacy made it all worthwhile to order my pet's medication through PetCareRx

magarella recommends this item.
Was this review helpful? 1 1

Fluoxetine Capsules

When my Vet suggested "Prozac" for my dog she said it would really help with his anxiety but at a high price. After calling around at various pharmacies I happened upon the little know fact that it comes in both pills and capsules. The pills whether generic or brand are vey expensive. Particularly because my Max will probably be taking them the rest of his life. Capsules on the other hand are very very affordable. I asked my Vet what the difference was and he wasn't aware of the two forms. Plus the local pharmacies weren't aware of the capsules. My vet was able to rewrite the script showing capsules instead of pills and we've been using them ever since. Max came to us after living in one home for 5 years and was really "a mess" with so much change. He was miserable and no amount of reprograming would help without the meds. He is a much happier boy and the trainer the vet and his new family (us) feel that we are happy that we had this alternative for him.

Millicent recommends this item.
Was this review helpful? 3 0

great product

My dog is so much calmer and trusting on new people. He isn't on edge anymore but is still just as playful and happy. NO personality change at all. he is just less anxious.

Lys recommends this item.
Was this review helpful? 2 0

this drug is a God send

using capsules instead of tablets makes this very affordable

millicent phillips recommends this item.
Was this review helpful? 1 0

This med helps!

Maisie is a shelter pup who has been anxious since we got her. Our vet prescribed fluoxetine (prozac) and it has really helped to take the edge off. She is still anxious, but no longer snapping when in distress.

Trish recommends this item.
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Fluoxetine restored our happy home.

Finley was a lost dog at the school where I worked. After much effort in trying to find the owner, he is now our dog. He has lived with us for over 2 years. The first year was challenging. He is a sweet, happy little guy, but he was constantly marking and peeing in the house. Initially we found that he had a urinary track infection which we did treat. But he continued to mark. After about a year of this, the vet suggested that he was stressed because he was sharing his "territory" with our older dog. We started giving him fluoxetine, and the marking stopped! He is now a wonderful pet and companion. This medication saved our happy home!

Miriam recommends this item.
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Way cheaper than my vet!

Product is as effective as I got from my vet and less money!

Olgster recommends this item.
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Chill pill

We adopted a 9 year old Brittany that was used to being the only dog and had pretty much been cooped up. We knew from the adoption history that he had issues with Separation Anxiety. We've had him over a year and he's somewhat adjusted to have those "other dogs" around, which did help him not feel so alone. But his behavior was getting a bit more anxious. We discussed this with our Vet and were told Prozac can work for dogs. Well, Fluoxetine is a "generic" for prozac. It'll take a couple more weeks to see full affect, but so far he doesn't seem more mellow and for the price, couldn't ask for better. I'd definitely recommend this for dogs suffering from separation anxiety!!

CuckooforCocoa recommends this item.
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Effective drug for anxiety

This is the best drug I've found for anxiety. I've tried others, and they just don't work as well.

dandyDarby recommends this item.
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For a chronically anxious dog, it helps.

For a chronically anxious dog, it helps. If your pet is otherwise perfectly healthy and still anxious, this is a time tested option. In our case, it helps.

Ebilwabbit recommends this item.
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I have a hyper miniature poodle with misplaced aggression. This medication helps him somewhat but not fully. He is definitely less hyper. He gets over sedated if I give him 8 mg. so I give him 5 mg. 8 mg. is what the vet prescribed.

Lisa63 recommends this item.
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Kitty Pills (Fluoxetine)

Buff, a 14+ pound Blue linxs point Siamese is getting up in age. He's 15 but looks 7 or 8 years old.He started peeing indoors to mark his territory, from an invading pair of wild cats that would daily walk buy our many picture windows. Buff is the alpha male of three cats. He thought he was doing well by marking, But wow we might not find his pee for a couple days and it would sink and ruin things. I love Buff but was seriously so sick of fiding rancid smeely pee, Iwas telling him "stop or you're going to be put down".My sister told us about Fluoxetine. We got 10 mg. caps. Buff's dose of 2.5 mg is given by mixing the powder in some wet food. The 10 mg. cap is taken apart and I divide the 10 mg. pile of powder into four piles with a single edge razor blade on a small peice of glass. Works well. But I look like a cocane user. Well after 2-3 weeks he has never peed outside the litter box. He is also more loving and mild. He sleeps his usual 20 hours like before. This drug has been a miracal for us.My sister has a beautiful Bengal "James Bond", who would pee indoors because my sister can't help feeding a stray cat. Her vet said Prozac might work. James Bond has been good kitty for three years from Fluoxeline. But lately she had to up his dose.Try this stuff.

poodle_runner recommends this item.
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Doggie prozac

I like being able to order my pet's RX here. It is about 1/3 the price I was paying at the vet's office. Our dog has/had separation anxiety and OCD, she would chew her ears and when going out to potty, would have to circle forever before she would go, the prozac really helps with it, I have tried to take her off several times and the symptoms always reappear so she is on it for good. We wrap a bit of cream cheese around the capsule and she looks forward to this every morning.

Anonymous Pet Parent recommends this item.
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