Carprofen (generic)
Carprofen (generic)
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At a Glance
Safe and effective
Works to relieve arthritis pain
Usually leads to improvement within few days

Carprofen (generic)

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At a Glance
Safe and effective
Works to relieve arthritis pain
Usually leads to improvement within few days

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Carprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) primarily used for pain relief and inflammation management in animals. It belongs to the class of medications known for their efficacy in alleviating discomfort without steroid-based properties.

  • Administration -Carprofen is typically administered orally, either once or twice daily, preferably with food, to mitigate potential gastrointestinal side effects. It is available as chewable tablets and caplets. In clinical settings, it can also be administered via injection for rapid action, usually within 1 to 2 hours, with observable improvements in symptoms thereafter.

  • Storage -Proper storage conditions preserve the efficacy and safety of carprofen. It should be stored in a tightly closed container, inaccessible to dogs, at room temperaturebetween 59F and 86F (15C and 30C).

  • Missed Dose -If a dose is missed, the medication can be administered as soon as possible. However, doubling the dosage should be avoided. Instead, return to the regular dosing schedule if the next dose is imminent.

  • Potential Side Effects -Common side effects associated with carprofen usage include gastrointestinal disturbances such as vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, and lethargy. While rare, severe side effects may include liver, kidney, or gastrointestinal damage, necessitating immediate veterinary attention upon manifestation. Recognition of serious side effects is crucial for timely intervention. These may encompass symptoms like bloody vomiting or diarrhea, increased drinking or urination, pale gums, jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes), pronounced lethargy, diminished appetite, lack of coordination, seizures, skin abnormalities, allergic reactions, or anomalous bloodwork results.

  • Risk Factors -Certain predisposing factors warrant caution or contraindicate the use of carprofen. Dogs with bleeding disorders, low platelet counts, or known allergies to carprofen or NSAIDs, as well as those concurrently receiving other NSAIDs or corticosteroids, should avoid its usage. Additionally, special consideration is advised for young, senior, pregnant, or nursing dogs, along with dehydrated individuals or those with pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Drug Interactions -Prudent management of drug interactions is essential to prevent adverse outcomes. Carprofen should not be administered concurrently with other NSAIDs or corticosteroids. Caution is warranted when co-administering with anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors, cyclosporine, insulin, diuretics, or medications known to exert nephrotoxic effects.

  • Monitoring -Baseline assessments, including bloodwork and urinalysis, are recommended before initiating carprofen therapy. Long-term use necessitates regular monitoring of liver enzymes and kidney function to detect any potential adverse effects. Scheduled recheck examinations, as advised by the veterinarian, facilitate ongoing assessment of the pet's response to treatment. Pet owners are encouraged to remain vigilant for any signs of side effects and discontinue treatment promptly if observed.

  • Emergency Protocol - Prompt action is imperative in instances of suspected overdose or adverse reactions. Immediate veterinary attention should be sought, following directives provided by the veterinarian or contacting the veterinary office or emergency facility as instructed. Early intervention enhances the likelihood of successful management and minimizes potential complications.

Carprofen is the generic of Rimadyl, Novox, Carpaquin, Quellin, and Vetprofen and a prescription COX-2, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID). Carprofen relieves arthritis, joint and postoperative pain, and fever. Carprofen is for dogs and pups 6 weeks and older.

  • Arthritis & Pain Pharmacy
  • Oral Application
  • Dog Pet Type

Is Carprofen a Pain Killer for Dogs?

Carprofen Chewable Tablets are a popular drug for dogs. This drug can be easily found in almost every pharmaceutical store all around the world. This drug has a very good reputation in the veterinary community. The active ingredient of the pet medicine Carprofen Chewable Tablets is Carprofen. The drugs made from the compound Carprofen are one of the most recommended medications by veterinarians for the treatment and relief of numerous ailments that can cause pain or inflammation which are normally found in dogs. These chewable tablets are clinically proven drugs that can help your senior pets who are suffering from both mild or severe cases of osteoarthritis. Carprofen Chewable Tablets can be classified under non-narcotic Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or NSAIDs for short. This non-narcotic NSAID also has antipyretic and analgesic properties. The medicinal compound Carprofen has been approved by the federal regulatory organization Food and Drug Administration or FDA for short.

Will Carprofen Make a Dog Sleepy?

Carprofen is a generic medicine that is being sold all over the world by numerous brands under different names. This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine that is generally prescribed by veterinarians to various animals as a supportive treatment for curing numerous negative conditions. It can be also noted that this drug can also be used in a pet's day-to-day life for relieving various types of pain and inflammation. The pets may suffer from these pains and inflammations which are generally caused due to different kinds of joint pain during their old age or can also happen because of postoperative pain. Due to the nature of the drug some pets may show signs of drowsiness post-administration. However, this type of symptom can not be classified under the side effect of the drug.

How Much Is Too Much Carprofen for Dogs?

After a thorough physical examination if the veterinarian of your pet finds that your pet is suffering from arthritis or joint pain they can prescribe Carprofen to your dog to avoid any form of adverse reactions. It is also recommended to pet owners that while they are administering any type of medicine they be extra careful. This is because uneven administration of medicine can either have no effect or can cause negative symptoms such as overdosing. Your dogs can show signs of overdosing if the administration of the dosage of the drug, Carprofen, exceeds eleven milligrams per pound of their body weight. In a few cases, some pets have shown signs of adverse reactions even if a normal amount of medicine is administered to them. These adverse directions can include tiredness, diarrhea, gastrointestinal infections, temporary lack of appetite, mild vomiting, and constipation. If any of the pre-mentioned maladies are found in your pet it is recommended that you immediately contact your pet's veterinarian for further medication and treatment.

How Long Do Dogs Stay On Carprofen?

Responsible pet owners have to take note that the drug Carprofen can not be administered to pets who are under the age of six weeks. The pets who are scheduled to undergo surgery are generally administered with the pet medicine, Carprofen Chewable Tablet. The pets who are normally undergoing surgery are administered two milligrams of Carprofen per pound of their body weight hours before their surgery. After the surgery, administration of this medication to the pet needs to be continued once daily. If they have undergone soft tissue surgery the medication needs to be continued for two days or in the case of orthopedic surgery the medication period will prolong to three days. Carprofen is a drug that works wonderfully together with a large number of anesthetic drugs.

How Long Does Carprofen Last Before It Expires?

When using any kind of medication if no manufacturing or the expiry date has been found on their body, the medicine is generally considered to be expired six months after its initial issue or opening of its seal. In case of liquid or other mixed prescribed medication, they are to be discarded two weeks from their initial use.

Is Carprofen Bad for Dogs?

When Carprofen is ingested in a larger quantity, it may prove to be toxic for your pet. It is to be noted, overdose caused due to overconsumption of medicine can range from minor to major symptoms. Some of the major symptoms can prove to be fatal for the pet's health which can ultimately lead them to die painfully. The overdose caused due to Carprofen in both cats and dogs can result in acute kidney failure and severe gastric ulceration.

How Often Can I Give Carprofen to My Dog?

A dose of two milligrams of carprofen per pound of the bodyweight of the pet is generally administered to a dog once a day or half the initial dosage can be applied twice a day.

Can Carprofen cause anemia in dogs?

Yes, it can, although itโ€™s not common. NSAIDs such as carprofen can sometimes cause gastrointestinal ulcers or bleeding, which can lead to anemia if left untreated. In addition, NSAIDs may impair renal function and interfere with the creation of red blood cells, both of which may contribute to anemia.

Can Carprofen cause dehydration in dogs?

Yes, carprofen can cause dehydration in dogs as a potential side effect. Dehydration can occur due to the medication's effect on the kidneys, as NSAIDs like carprofen can reduce blood flow to the kidneys and impair their ability to concentrate urine. This can lead to increased urine output and dehydration if your dog does not have access to enough water or is not drinking enough water.

Can Carprofen cause changes in appetite in dogs?

Yes, carprofen can cause changes in appetite in dogs as a potential side effect. Some canines may experience a reduced appetite or even nausea when taking this drug. However, other dogs may actually have an increased appetite due to the medication's pain-relieving properties, as they may feel more comfortable and be more willing to eat.

Can Carprofen lead to lethargy in dogs?

Yes, lethargy (a lack of energy or enthusiasm) is a potential side effect of Carprofen in dogs. This medication can cause drowsiness and fatigue, especially if it is given at higher doses or if your dog is particularly sensitive to the medication.

Can Carprofen cause changes in behavior in canines?

Yes, Carprofen can cause changes in behavior in dogs as a potential side effect.

Can Carprofen cause allergic reactions in dogs?

Yes, Carprofen can cause allergic reactions in some dogs. Allergic responses can be minor to severe, with symptoms including itching, hives, face swelling, trouble breathing, and even fainting. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to Carprofen can be life-threatening.

Can Carprofen be used for long-term pain management in dogs?

Yes, Carprofen can be used to manage long-term discomfort in dogs. When used appropriately and under veterinary supervision, Carprofen can be a safe and effective medication for long-term pain management in dogs.

How will I know if my dog is in pain and needs Carprofen?

It can be challenging to recognize if your dog is in pain, but some common signs to look for include changes in behavior, reduced activity, difficulty getting up or lying down, changes in appetite, whimpering or crying, and changes in posture or gait.

Can Carprofen be used to prevent arthritis in dogs?

No, Carprofen cannot prevent arthritis in dogs. Carprofen is an NSAID that is often used for managing the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis in dogs. However, it is typically not used as a preventative medication. There is no medication that can completely prevent arthritis from developing in dogs.

Can Carprofen be used to manage labor pain in female dogs?

No, Carprofen is not typically used to manage labor pain in female dogs. The use of pain medications during labor is generally not recommended, as it can interfere with the natural labor process and can have potential risks to the puppies. However, in some cases, such as in emergency situations or when labor is prolonged and difficult, your veterinarian may determine that pain management is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the mother and puppies. In these cases, your veterinarian may use other medications that are specifically formulated for use during labor.

Can Carprofen be used to treat hip dysplasia in dogs?

Yes, Carprofen can be used to treat the discomfort and swelling brought on by canine hip dysplasia. While there is no cure for hip dysplasia, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms of the disease, including weight management, exercise modification, physical therapy, and the use of pain medications such as Carprofen.

Can Carprofen be used to treat inflammation in dogs?

Yes, Carprofen is commonly used to treat inflammation in dogs. Carprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that works by cutting down the production of prostaglandins, which are chemicals that lead to inflammation and body pain.

Can Carprofen be used in dogs of all ages?

No, Carprofen is approved for use in dogs over 6 weeks of age. However, the use of Carprofen in dogs of all ages should be based on individual patient factors and should be determined by a veterinarian.

Can Carprofen be used in dogs with liver or kidney disease?

Yes, but with caution. The use of Carprofen in dogs with liver or kidney disease should be determined by a veterinarian, as these dogs may be more sensitive to the potential side effects of the medication. This is because Carprofen is primarily metabolized by the liver, and is eliminated from the body by the kidneys.


Signs of Carprofen intolerance may include appetite loss, vomiting, and diarrhea, possibly indicating side effects involving the digestive tract, liver, or kidneys. Some side effects of Carprofen may occur without warning, and in rare cases, result in hospitalization or death. If symptoms occur, discontinue Carprofen and consult your veterinarian.

Consult your veterinarian before adding other medications, including vitamins and supplements, other NSAIDs (e.g., aspirin, etodolac (EtoGesic), deracoxib (Deramaxx), firocoxib (Previcox), tepoxalin (Zubrin), and meloxicam (Metacam); steroids (e.g., prednisone, dexamethasone, Medrol, triamcinolone), methotrexate, furosemide (Lasix) , digoxin, phenobarbital, oral anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin), enalapril, phenylpropanolamine, sulfa drugs, and some oral antidiabetic drugs, since interactions may occur.

Ask your veterinarian or consult with one of our pet care specialists at 1-800-844-1427.

This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional advice due to what you may have read on our website. Our medications are FDA approved and/or EPA regulated when and as required by law.

Administer Carprofen once or twice daily, depending on prescription, based on weight of dog. If you miss a dose, continue on regular schedule. Do not double next dose.

Pet Weight Dosage
Dogs/Puppies(6 weeks of age or older) All Weights 2mg/lb of dogโ€™s weight once a day or 1mg/lb of dogโ€™s weight twice a day

Store Carprofen at room temperature.

Option UPC/SKU
75mg per tablet 0049994314304

How to Order Prescriptions Online

1. Find the Right Product

Make sure it matches your pets prescription. Donโ€™t forget to compare the dosage for pills/capsules!

2. Add to Cart

Just like any other online store. Make sure the quantity matches whatโ€™s been prescribed by your vetinarian.

3. Tell Us About Your Pet and Vet

Answer some questions during checkout and weโ€™ll contact your vet and verify the prescription for you. You can also mail us the written prescription.

4. Thatโ€™s It!

If the prescription has any refills, processing your future orders for that medication can be expedited.

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great for my lab

great arthritis pain killer when used in combo with gabapentin

phil recommends this item.
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Great Mail Service

My older dog needs these meds and the quality plus discount are amazing. She's getting a pep back in her step.

Andrea recommends this item.
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Excellent Value!

Excellent product,value, and convenience.

Angela G recommends this item.
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Good as Rimadyl

This formulation is as good as Rimadyl and actually easier to break in half. (My girl takes 1/2 75mg twice a day.)

Jeffery *** recommends this item.
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Just what we needed

Simple, accurate and fadt!6

Darcy recommends this item.
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Helps my pup

Works great for him

Stephanie recommends this item.
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Exactly as ordered

Customer service was great received the order in a timely manner couldn't have been more perfect

Missi recommends this item.
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Med is effective, same as when I bought from vet or pharmacy, price much better, my vet has no issue with us getting med through this pet pharmacy. All good!

Nicole Burnside recommends this item.
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Great quality and price

Great quality, price and fast delivery. Communication is solid during the entire process.

Bob Massaro recommends this item.
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PetcareRx always great

Good quality meds, good prices, quick shipping

April Clearwater recommends this item.
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Customer Service is excellent and prescription is solid

Monique recommends this item.
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Helps my senior dog!

This helps our senior Westie. Heโ€™s 14 and I notice a difference in his mobility when he takes it.

Karen Savage recommends this item.
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Senior Dog

This is a great product for my senior dog. She had hip issues and this helps with the pain of getting up and down to go outside to the bathroom.

Treva Prater recommends this item.
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The cost of these pills and the huge difference they have made for my arthritic dog is amazing!!!

Caitlin Loehfelm recommends this item.
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Fast delivery and free

Jacqueline recommends this item.
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Carpofen and a fun company to do business with

The product, shipping time and customer service are always the best

Allan H. Bredig recommends this item.
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Esta pastilla le ayuda mucho a mi perrita con sus dolores (This pill helps my dog a lot with her pains)

Tootsie recommends this item.
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Keeps our old dog moving.

Our 13 year old Aussie Mix, who had knee surgery several years ago, depends on this to keep him mobile. It works just as well as the name brand. He loves the flavor and takes it like a treat.

Sandy recommends this item.
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My dog loves them.

My picky dog is readily willing to eat them when she's rejected pills from other places.

Dog Mom recommends this item.
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Generic Carprofen

Love the large breakable tabs. Makes dosing easy!

Rebecca Mendez recommends this item.
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This is a very good product to reduce inflammation in the limbs of a pet dealing with cancer

J Taylor recommends this item.
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Exceeded Expectations

Previously we were getting Novax Carprofen. At PCRX we got generic Carprofen. My 11 year old 85 lb Labradoodle is more active and playful on the generic Carprofen. He's actually chasing our 2 year old pup.

Lawrence Smith recommends this item.
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Product works good

Zeus recommends this item.
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Great price...but if you have to split the pill...try something else

My vet prescribed this for my dog. 1/2 pill per day. The pills I got from the vet were great! Easy to split as they were large pills. In trying to split these pills, there's no clean cut, not easy to split in half and many disintegrate when I cut them. So, my dog is not getting even doses at all. Hoping for an alternative.

AJ's my dog! recommends this item.
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Excellent customer service and prices!

Robin recommends this item.
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Quick and exactly what was ordered

My dog is set up on Auto ship, and without fail, medication arrives on time.

Dog mom recommends this item.
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Bigger pills are a pain

Product seems to work fine. Really donโ€™t like the larger pill size. Liked the smaller size pills because they are easier to feed the dog. Hope they go back to the smaller size pill on my next order.

PDL recommends this item.
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Highly recommend

Helped alot

Kayla recommends this item.
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My dog got sick from this Carprofen generic version

Our dog got diarrhea from this generic form of Carprofen 100mg. He usually takes 2x 50mg per day of the version the Vet prescribed. Weโ€™re not sure if the chewable ingredient added to the dose is causing this symptom but we are going back to the Vetโ€™s manufacturer and not using this generic version. This was the only thing added to Cappyโ€™s regiment after his TPLO surgery.

Cappy recommends this item.
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Dog loved it

My dog will eat them like a treat. No need for pill hiders

My dog is Jasper recommends this item.
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