Image Credits: Pixabay
Contrary to popular perception, cats are always not adept in landing on their feet. Higher heights mean the more dangerous the fall. Although most cats usually land on their feet, there is still the chance of gravely injuring themselves. If you see your cat injured after a fall, then veterinarians advise that you complete a few procedures within two hours of the fall.
First 30 minutes
Your primary duty during the first thirty minutes of the
accident is to check whether the serious injury is the cause of
unconsciousness. You must immediately take the unconscious cat to the
veterinarian. Even a short fall could result in broken bones or head trauma in
the cat's neck or back. In case the cat remains unconscious, check whether
there is a heartbeat. To do this, place your fingers on its chest. If there is
no heartbeat, then feline CPR is needed. If you have a friend or any other
person accompanying you, then one should do the feline CPR while the other
drives both (the cat and the person doing the CPR) to the emergency
veterinarian. In case the feline exhibits any shock signs like faint heartbeats
or pale gums or having trouble breathing, then you must proceed as fast as
possible to the emergency veterinarian.
Internal injuries
Head trauma could be a possibility in an unconscious cat.
The list of head injury signs include seizures and unusual eye movement. The
cat could also display abnormal behavior. The ears of the animal could bleed.
In case you have reason tob think that the cat has suffered a serious head
injury, take it to the pet hospital as soon as possible. There is a possibility
that your cat has suffered a broken back due to the fall. If you suspect this,
then do not nudge the animal as it could be partially paralyzed or have
difficulty breathing. Phone your veterinarian for instructions on how to make a
wooden backboard so that you can take the kitty to the veterinarian without
further damaging its neck or back.
Injuries could be present
even if the cat is conscious after a fall. Tell-tale signs include limping or
bleeding. The cat may cry out in pain. If you observe your cat to limp, make it
lie still, and examine the injury, If the cat cries in pain when you touch it,
take the animal to the veterinarian immediately. The injury would be just
related to the impact if the bleeding stops. You should monitor the cat until
you take it to the veterinarian. It is to be noted that a few internal injuries
may take time to become apparent. Observe the cat for a few hours. Look for
signs like limping, confusion, or lethargy. Take it to the veterinarian as
quickly as possible.