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All cats are beautiful, and kittens have that unbeatable cute
appeal. Adult cats have an appeal and grace which can never be
found in the younger stages of the cat. Many cat owners, however,
love the kitten stage in their cat's life and wished that their
kitties could remain kittens and not grow up! Smaller cat breeds
are ideal for such owners. These breed of cats are naturally
smaller than the standard feline.
The Singapura
It is regarded as one of the smallest cat breeds in the world.
Most of the cats of the Singapura breed are half in size of that
of an average cat. This animal has a delicate and petite body
with big eyes and long ears. These are playful and active. This
breed of cats loves to climb. The Singapura breed is genetically
related to the Abyssinian cat. This breed was first established
in Japan. They were American cats imported into Singapore, where
the breed made its first appearance.
The Munchkin
The body of the Munchkin is only a little smaller than the
average cat. This breed of cat has distinctive short legs. It is
a modern comparative breed with the animals getting established
only during the 1980s. They are active and playful. Do not
mistake their short legs for sedentary habits! These cats love to
have fun. They can both jump and run similar to an average cat,
but their jumping distance is much less due to shorter legs. The
short legs of the Munchkin happened due to a genetic mutation.
The Cornish Rex
This breed of small cat is one of two breeds having an unusual
coat. The cats are playful and petite with a kitten like an
appearance. The coat fur is wavy and soft and referred to as
down-hair in certain circles. The ears and the face look like a
Siamese cat, and they share similar Siamese traits like
intelligence and talkativeness. These cats bond with their
The Devon Rex
The origination place of this breed is near to the Cornish Rex
but the two breeds, even though they share several similarities,
are much different from one another. This breed of cats are
intelligent and have a big personality. You can also teach it
tricks similar to dogs. The ears are like a bat, and the bodies
are small and slender. Cats have a curly or wavy haired coat, but
it is different from a Cornish Rex due to a different genetic
structure. The whiskers are short, and also curly in appearance.
The American Curl is yet another small cat which has a visual
appeal. The proportion and size of these cats make them
appealing. The signature curling ears give this breed their name.
Four Cat Breeds You May Not Have Seen Before!
These aren't your usual household cats; they look different and
behave differently too. Let's dive right in and look at four
exotic cat breeds that you may have probably not seen before.
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A common misconception is that the Sphynx is the same breed of
cats that the Egyptians worshiped, however, this isn't true as
the breed first surfaced in the 1970s. These cats are recognized
by their signature fur-less body, but they do show some hair in
the ear and mouth area. Of course, being fur-less means that they
are extra sensitive to the surrounding temperature, whether hot
or cold. If you are planning on adopting a Sphynx then you should
take note of these aspects, as they will need a warm place to
sleep at night, and are easily susceptible to sunburns when they
step out in the scorching sun. A notable behavior of these cats
is their active and sweet-tempered disposition. They will try and
tag along their owner everywhere he/she goes, and won't enjoy
being left by themselves.
Khao Manee
The Khaoo Manee cat breed originated in Thailand, and the name
translates to White Gem, as they are usually white in color.
These exotic cats have blue or gold eyes, or in some cases
different colors on both eyes. These cats are active and vocal
about their needs. When they want something they will just jump
on your lap and cuddle up, and cry out for what they want. They
make good domestic cats.
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The Scottish fold is recognized by its signature ears that flop
forward, which is actually due to a gene mutation. They are said
to resemble owls by many, for the same reason. Of course, with
their ears adorably folded forward, it's even more difficult to
say no to these cats when they ask you for treats. These cats are
slightly different from other cats in a way that they are not
very independent. You will find them tailing their owners
everywhere they go. They are also known to lay down in weird and
funny positions.
Cornish Rex
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The Cornish Rex looks noticeably different from other cats, and
even resembles a teddy bear due to its characteristic fur
pattern. While most cats have three fur layers, these cats have
just one-down hair- which is extremely soft to touch. These cats
are great for families with kids, as they are active and playful.
They spend relatively longer in their kitty phase, and enjoy
playfully running around and doing acrobatic stunts. They have a
special gland in their paws due to which they give out
cheese-like odor. These cats are not outdoorsy and like spending
time in warm places indoors.