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Cat breeds have just as many health concerns as dog breeds do.
However, you still need to take some things into consideration
when youโre looking to adopt a new cat. Some breeds are more
susceptible to health problems than others. Thatโs why itโs
important that you do research into this before adopting a cat.
It will help you choose the right cat for you and your living
environment. If you already own one of these breeds, then itโs
also important to know the medical conditions that theyโre more
prone to so you can take better care of them and start looking
for symptoms before itโs too late.
PersianAS with dogs, cats can also be
brachycephalic. This means that the cat would have a widened,
yet shortened skull, giving it the flat faced appearance that
we all love. Because of its very small head, itโs more
susceptible to upper respiratory infections as well as
difficulties with breathing. This breed can also have an
overproduction of tears due to the malformed tear ducts found
in some Persian cats. There might also be some issues with the
hair growing into the eyes and the nose. They also have
hereditary diseases which include cardiac, renal, and kidney
diseases. They are also more susceptible to neurological,
reproductive, and skin disorders.
SiameseAlthough theyโre much sought after
because of their exotic nature, they are prone to some pretty
serious conditions. They have a higher mortality rate in
comparison to other cats. They are more at risk of cancers and
mammary tumors. They are also more prone to developing
gastrointestinal issues. They may also go blind with time.
AbyssinianThese cats are the most likely to go
blind as they grow older. They suffer from a hereditary
condition which causes their retinas to degenerate. This breed
is of otherwise good overall health. Abyssinian cats also have
a higher chance of getting gingivitis.
HimalayanHimalayans were created from heavily
breeding Persian cats. Because of this, they also have most of
the same genetic ailments that Persians suffer from. They are
more susceptible to polycystic kidney disease or PKD, which can
be life threatening for a cat. Sometimes, PKD also affects the
pancreas as well as the liver.
Exotic ShorthairAnother much sought after cat.
They were also created by over-breeding Persians and therefore
suffer from the same ailments. They are also at risk of
developing PKD.
SphynxThe breeders of this cat tend to keep
them for weeks longer than what theyโre supposed to. Thatโs why
theyโre more at risk of developing upper respiratory infections
when compared to other cat breeds. The fact that they have no
fur to protect their skin also makes them more prone to skin
diseases like sun burns and even skin cancer.
Minimize risks for an outdoor cat
Cats venture out of the house for stimulation. It goes out when
it feels that the time is good for a spot of exercise. The animal
also goes out to satisfy its ancient call to hunt. This need is
so strong to the cat that it will go out even if it well-fed. The
brain stimulation is an added bonus. The excitement keeps both
its brain and its body in excellent working order.Vulnerable
animalCats love to be both social and territorial. It wants to
defend its resources from other cats loitering in the
neighborhood. This competition is important to satisfy the cat's
psychological health. As an owner, it helps to play with your
kitty on a regular basis. You take a risk when you allow it to
venture outside the home on its own. The animal is vulnerable to
the many outdoor dangers like dogs and other cats. Humans may
pose a danger too.Majority of the cats which venture outside gets
killed by road traffic injuries. This is particularly dreadful
for cats living in the inner city areas or living beside the main
road. Poisoning is another cause of death. These could be due to
consumption of chemical-laden garden fruits or used in the
garden. Other causes of death include disease. These are
transmitted to your cat when it comes to contact with other cats.
The list of cat infections include cat flu, immunodeficiency
virus or the enteritis viruses.Fleas along with other parasites
could infect your dog from other dogs and also from the
environment. A loss could be yet another reason for heartbreak. A
nightmare for your cat is being caught inside vans and cars. They
could even shift to a new owner. A timid cat could find the
outdoors to be extremely stressful and prefer being
inside.BenefitsA number of benefits could be had when you allow
your cat to roam out of the house. It helps in controlling
rodents around the home. They also enjoy a regular exercise
regimen when they go out. The cats could be overweight if they do
not do so. The venture outside also serves as an outlet for a
number of behavioral requirements. Since the cat is less
stressed, the welfare also gets improved. There is an added bonus
for outdoor cats. These felines have fewer chance to develop any
kind of behavioral problems like urination everywhere in the
house and clawing items of furniture. A frustrated cat stalks its
humor. To minimize such risks, allow your kitty to venture out
during the day and shut it inside the house for safety. Attach a
fluorescent collar. The feline will be seen then than on.
Encourage the cat to come in.