Dog Training & Behavior

Breaking the Cycle: How to Deter Your Dog from Eating Its Own Poop
Discover effective strategies to break the cycle of coprophagia in your puppy. This guide offers practical tips and insights for a cleaner and healthier relationship with your furry companion. Read
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Discover effective strategies to break the cycle of coprophagia in your puppy. This guide offers practical tips and insights for a cleaner and healthier relationship with your furry companion.
READ FULL STORYCavalier King Charles Spaniels make a great companion because of their high spirited and upbeat personality. Learn more about this breed and their needs here.
READ FULL STORYInfographics are changing the way we consume information: learning can be quicker and more fun when things are presented visually. What's the oldest domesticated cat breed? Which dogs have which personalities? Check out all of PetCareRx's infographics.
READ FULL STORYHow do cats and dogs interact? The range of behavior and emotion elicited by bringing together a pooch and a kitty could be anything from true love to a dangerous situation. Read on to find out some of the funniest and craziest ways it can go down.
READ FULL STORYBlue Australian Cattle dogs are loyal and protective of both their family and property, possibly becoming aggressive if they think they are defending their "pack." Learn more about this breed here.
READ FULL STORYWest Highland White Terriers are known for their gorgeous white coats and out going personalities. Learn about their sociability and train-ability.
READ FULL STORYCollies are a very intelligent breed and can be easy to train if trained properly. Learn more about this breed here.
READ FULL STORYDogs can suffer from sleep disorders, too, and lack of sleep can lead to recurring health problems. Learn what kinds of sleep disorders can affect dogs.
READ FULL STORYA rather prevalent issue that can significantly affect a dog's life are compulsive disorders. In this article, we break these disorders down and state how to manage them.
READ FULL STORYWhether you leave them out overnight or put them away when you leave home, most dogs have a crate to call their own. Regardless of how often they use it, though, it's important that you teach them to recognize it as their own little "safe space" where they can go when they feel stressed, nervous, or just in need of a nap.
READ FULL STORYThe Dachshund is a natural hunter, but because of their small stature, they have become the perfect pet for city dwellers. Learn more Dachshund facts here.
READ FULL STORYDog are very expressive creatures -- we just might not always know their language. Learn what these 6 different dog tail motions are trying to tell you.
READ FULL STORYDoberman Pinschers require early socialization and good, positive training. Learn more about how to train your Doberman Pinscher here.
READ FULL STORYCrates can be a pet parent's best friend, whether as a place to send the dog at night or when gone for the day. Unfortunately, many dogs do not share the same excitement. With proper training, your dog will be jumping in there on their own in no time.
READ FULL STORYDogs speak dog, and unless you speak dog fluently, you need to find the best way to communicate with them. Learn how to get your pet to respond to his/her name.
READ FULL STORYUse these easy training tips to help your dog learn basic commands. The two of you will be communicating well in no time.
READ FULL STORYWhile dogs and cats are not natural friends, some often form strong relationships that transcend the obvious species differences and live together peacefully.
READ FULL STORYLearn more here about ECAD's Project Heal and how it is bringing hope to our U.S. veterans.
READ FULL STORYEnglish Bulldogs are pure sweet hearts, but they can also be very stubborn making it difficult to train them. Learn how to best train a Bulldog with these tips.
READ FULL STORYNot all puppies are the same, and large breed puppies have different requirements than small or medium breed pups. Their diet, for one, is a major difference. Toys also need to be able to stand up to their ever increasing power reserves. Here are a few products that are must haves for anyone with a large breed puppy.
READ FULL STORYFear aggression can be a serious issue in canines and should be addressed with caution. This article will explore its causes, symptoms, and treatment to assist dog owners in having a better understanding of the condition.
READ FULL STORYBecause coprophagia, or eating feces, has a wide variety of causes in dogs, the treatment you choose should match its cause in order to be effective. Learn more about coprophagia dog treatment at PetCareRx.
READ FULL STORYGolden Retrievers are great family pets who are loyal and respond wonderfully when crate trained. Learn how to crate train this beloved family dog here.
READ FULL STORYGiven how social dogs are, they tend to struggle with separation anxiety occasionally. This problem becomes more apparent if youโre a busy dog parent frequently away from home. With the right strategies in place, however, you can protect your canine pal from separation anxiety.