What Are the Dangers of Feeding Your Dog a High Protein Diet?


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Dog owners everywhere know how hard it is to pick food for their dogs. Pet stores these days have a vast

collection of dog food

and snacks, picking one is not easy. To add to this, most of these foods claim to make your dog healthier thanks to the protein in them but this might just be a myth.

The Misconception

The most popular myth about dogs has to be the fact that they are carnivores, This is simply not true โ€“ dogs, like most mammals, are omnivores. To cater their nutrition needs, you have to provide them with a balanced meal that contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Although proteins are absolutely necessary for a healthy dog, too much protein causes the dog health problems. This is because excess protein cannot be used up by their bodies and are thus, excreted in the form of urine. Excess protein also makes it harder to keep other nutrients in balance.

The Ill Effects

High protein diets have a few side effects that you must take into consideration. Excess protein can affect the kidneys. However, the more bio-available a protein is, the better it is absorbed by the dog;'s body. High quality pet food usually has bio-available protein.Another issue to consider is that high protein diets often neglect other necessary nutrients. Even worse, they might contain excessive amounts of unwanted nutrients. This will lead to unbalanced disruptions in the dog's body and hinder critical areas like bone growth.Obesity among dogs is rampant in the US, with over 50% of dogs considered overweight or obese. High protein diets are also very high in calories. If you're dog already has liver or kidney problems then high calories means more work for already damaged organs.

Picking the right dog food

Pick dog food that is suitable for your dog's size, age and lifestyle. Since the myth has been debunked, avoid simply buying dog food with high protein and choose ones that are more balanced. The diet of your dog varies on it's lifestyle, a very active dog should not be fed the same diet as an older, inactive dog. Age also plays a role with puppies requiring a lot more protein than older dogs. Additionally, the breed of your dog also comes into play.Invest in pet food that is developed by companies that do their research. Check with veterinary nutritionists about your dog's requirements and pick accordingly. Nutritionists usually try out different kinds of food for the dogs and thus can recommend the best one. This way you can avoid harmful pet foods and keep your dog healthy.

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