Want To Make Your Dog More Active? These 5 Tricks Will Help!


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Everyone needs exercise, whether of the mind or of the body, to lead a healthy and active life. An active lifestyle leads to happiness and the person becomes less prone to psychological problems and illness. Pet owners should make sure that their pets get enough exercise throughout the day. Here are 5 tricks that will dogs more active than before:

#1 Indoor games

You canโ€™t always take that Frisbee out in the sun and have your dog run around. There will be days when itโ€™s either raining, snowing or you just donโ€™t feel like going out. But your dog still needs his exercise. So, the only solution is indoor games. You can have your dog run for short distances to fetch a ball or a toy. Additionally, you can play hide and seek or tug of war with your pooch.

#2 Treadmills

Treadmills are excellent equipment for exercise. The next time you are unable to go out, take your dog for a walk on the treadmill. Itโ€™s fun and a great way to exercise the entire body.

#3 Brain games

Activity does not mean only physical workouts, it also means flexing those brain muscles as well. There are tons of brain games to choose from that are fun and enjoyable. Try hiding an object in the house and have your dog search for it or try keeping items and teach your dog to fetch specific items from the house and put them in the basket.

#4 Laser pointers

Those small little devices that shoot out laser from them are great for your dog. Shoot out laser and watch your dog run like wild trying to catch the dot moving on the wall.

#5 Daycares

If you donโ€™t have enough time to play with your dog, put him in one of the many daycares available for dogs. Just like a child daycare, doggie daycares ensure that dog gets the best treatment possible. They will teach new tricks through games and your dog will be in the company of other fellow dogs. Itโ€™s a great place for your dogโ€™s activity.


Dogโ€™s need to stay healthy and for that they need activity. Dog activities can be of different types and the most common one is the outdoor activity. Dogs like chasing and running games and you create such activity in both indoor and outdoor settings. You can either use a Frisbee or a ball or even toys to have your dog run around and fetch it for you. Additionally, you can create brain games to make your dog think while he runs around the place. If nothing works out, thereโ€™s always daycares for dogs which takes good care of you pooch.

5 Ways to Give Your Dog a More Active Autumn


At long last, autumn is finally here. Time to put away the sunscreen and break out the fleeces! With temperatures returning to a range within reason, outdoor activities are on the upswing, and not just for people. That slight nip in the air means the weather is perfect for puppy play time, too.

Before the days get too short, and the nights too cold, make sure you take the time to give your dog a few final days in the sun. Here are a couple ideas:

1. Take a Hike!


A day in the woods can easily become the highlight of your pupโ€™s week. All the new smells of fall, the new territory to โ€˜claim,โ€™ the terrain to conquer -- help your dog get back to their roots with a few hours out in nature. Just remember, this is not a typical walk. A good hike should go for a couple of hours, and you should be prepared to go at your dog's pace. Let them stop to sniff the roses -- it's the reason you brought them along.

Related Article: Hiking With Your Dog

2. Gettin' Leafy With ItFall-Leaves-Blog

You are going to have to rake the yard anyway, so why not let your pooch have a little fun in all those leaves before your bag them up? Just like little kids, most dogs understand and appreciate the delicate nuances of jumping rump first into a pile of leaves. Granted, it can elongate the raking process, but weigh that against the fun you are going to have watching your pup romp around.

Tell me that doesn't look fun. Just make sure they are protected against fleas and ticks.

3. Puppy Picks a Peck of Apples


The cornerstone of fall activities -- apple picking. If you live in an area with a dog friendly orchard nearby (which are cropping up more and more), make a point of bringing your dog along. What may at first seem like an activity that only people can participate in, apple picking for a dog is more like an elongated walk, interrupted from time to time with little snacks. Thatโ€™s right -- dogs like apples too! Just donโ€™t let them eat the seeds, or they may get a tummy ache.

Related Article: Go Apple Picking With Your Dog at Fishkill Farms

4. Dogs Without Borders


Thanks to the ever increasing availability of places specifically designed for dogs to play, unencumbered by leashes, it's easier than ever to give your dog a chance to have free reign. Whether itโ€™s a fenced-in dog park, or an open agility field with the obstacles and all, every dog should have the chance to run around uninhibited. Also, this can be a great time to add some socialization into their regimen. It is never too late for your pup to make some friends.

Helpful Site: Find a Local Dog Park Today

5. Gotta Be Fetch


Fetch -- the old standby. When all else fails, this surefire fun time only takes a dog, a yard, and something to throw to get started, and the entertainment can last for hours. Now, you can get fancy with it and pick up some sweet dog-toss swag, but even if all you have is a ratty old tennis ball, your dog is going to love it. Try mixing it up with disks or a rope so you can end the game with a little tug of war (just make sure you have a release command).

Related Article: Teaching Your Dog to Play Fetch

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