Vet Waiting Room Etiquette: 5 Rules To Remember

Vet Waiting Room Etiquette: 5 Rules To Remember

Ah, the veterinarian’s waiting room. It can be stressful for both pets and pet parents, with lunging dogs, whining cats, loud voices, and peculiar smells. You’ve witnessed some annoying or unsafe behaviors before, but have you ever evaluated your own waiting room etiquette? It can be easy to forget our manners when we are worried about our pet’s health, distracted by the chaos of the office, or simply having a bad day. So here we’ll look at some rules for being a courteous owner while waiting to see the vet.

Rule #1: Cats in Carriers, Dogs on Leashes

It can be tempting to carry a sick kitty in your arms or let your dog off the leash to socialize once you get inside. However, these behaviors are unsafe for your pet and the other pets and people in the vet’s waiting area. Cats should always be kept in carriers. Cat carriers make them feel safe and comfortable, but they also keep a cat from leaping out of your arms, urinating on the floor, or scratching people or animals with their claws. Dogs should be on leashes, but not a retractable dog leash. Instead, use a leash that will allow you to keep your dog close.

Rule #2: Don’t Let Your Pet Bother Other Pets

The waiting room is already stressful for pets and pet parents, and it can be even more stressful if an excited pet is trying to approach, sniff, or play with other animals. In addition, some pets in the waiting room are seriously ill and may even have painful injuries that could cause them to lash out or contagious conditions that could pass to other pets. And in some cases, your pet might be the sick one.

Even if your pet is just trying to be friendly, leaving other pets alone is the safest and most courteous thing to do. Cats should always be in carriers, so you won’t have to worry about this with them. Dogs, however, are on dog leashes, and owners sometimes give them too much leeway. Keep a short leash and train your pal to “stay.”

Rule #3: Don’t Let Other Pets Bother Your Pet

Just because you aren’t going to let your pet bother other pets doesn’t mean that all owners will follow the same rule. Regardless of what anyone else is doing, it is your responsibility to keep your pet safe. Avoid sitting next to lunging or barking dogs, and if a pet is bothering you or your pet, ask their owner to stop it or get up and move.

Rule #4: For Scared or Aggressive Pets

If you have a pet who becomes fearful or aggressive around other animals, people, or specifically at the vet’s office, ask if you can wait in your car. Don’t let children or adults approach your pet, and keep a reasonable distance from other pets when you need to go inside. If you are finding it difficult to correct your pet’s unsafe behaviors, consider contacting a trainer or animal behaviorist; your Veterinarian should be able to provide recommendations. Put on a dog muzzle on your dog to avoid any unwanted situation at the pet clinic because of your pet’s aggression. You can also ask your vet to prescribe some calming treats for dogs if your dog often shows aggressive behavior.

Rule #5: Dealing with Accidents

Accidents aren’t uncommon in waiting rooms -- nerves can get the best of many pets. To avoid accidents, allow your pet to go to the bathroom before going inside. If an accident does occur, don’t try to rush your buddy outside; that will only create a bigger mess. Instead, let the nature call happen, then let the front desk know so that someone can clean it up. You can also use dog diapers if your pet is having stomach issues or cannot control nature's call.

Have any waiting room etiquette rules of your own? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Here’s Why and How You Should Thank Your Vet

As a pet parent, you have probably made multiple trips to the vet, whether for a routine health check, injury, or illness. Your vet has been instrumental in keeping your pet healthy and happy while giving you professional advice on how best to care for your pet.

Why Should You Thank Your Vet?

Here are some of the amazing things your vet does and why you should thank him or her:

  • Your vet knows what is best for your pet: Your vet and the vet’s team are constantly making decisions in your pet’s best interests and achieving optimum outcomes. They suggest what dog food is the best for your dog’s health. While they also prescribe ideal pet medications to give relief to your pet during critical health issues.
  • Your vet is patient with your scared pet: While many pets are scared, hostile, or indifferent during a visit to the pet clinic, your vet patiently deals with all kinds of pets ranging from difficult to manage to seriously ill.
  • Your vet spares you from being the bad guy: Your vet is the one who is doing all the challenging, unpleasant tasks, including clipping the nails, cleaning the ears, and administering vaccines or other shots – which means you get to be the good guy always!
  • Your vet deals with all types of body fluids: It is not easy to deal daily with a dog, cat, or any other animal’s feces, blood, urine, sweat, drool, spit, or anal glands. But, despite the unpleasantness, your vet and their team continue to do an excellent job of ensuring your pet stays healthy and happy.
  • Your vet has no defined working hours: Emergencies, complicated surgeries, or house visits are some things that your vet deals with regularly. Instead of a 9 to 5 job, your vet arrives early to prepare for surgeries and do write-ups while staying late to make time for last-minute urgent appointments. Even during late or unwanted hours, they are prepared to provide online vet consultations for severe and unavoidable emergency situations.
  • Your vet showers your pet with love, care, and attention: While it may not be possible for you to be with your pet treated at the clinic, your vet will spare no effort to ensure your pet gets all the loving attention and care.

Many Ways of Saying “Thank You”

There are many ways to thank your vet and their team for the fantastic work they do, day in and day out. Here are some ideas that are worth exploring:

  • Write a beautiful thank you note and post it/share it on social media
  • Contribute to a cause your pet clinic is promoting
  • Donate to the clinic
  • Bake some treats and hand them over to the vet’s team
  • Gift some freshly brewed coffee
  • Bright flowers or chocolates are great for saying thank you.
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