The Top 5 Facts About Asthma in Pets Be Sure You Know These 5 Facts About Dog and Cat Asthma

The Top 5 Facts About Asthma in Pets
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vet verified PetCareRx Staff Veterinarian DVM

Asthma in dogs and cats can lead to serious health problems and may need immediate veterinary attention. Here are the top 5 facts about pet asthma.

Asthma can be just as dangerous for pets as it is for humans. You'll want to give your pet the best care possible by watching for the symptoms and taking action when necessary. Here are the top five things to know about asthma in pets.

1. It’s more common in cats than dogs

Keep a sharp eye on your cat, especially if you have a Siamese or Himalayan cat, since these breeds are more prone to asthma. In addition, female cats are more prone to asthma than males.

2. If it’s new to the house, it might be the problem

If you’ve recently switched air fresheners, or carpet-cleaning detergents, or any substance your pet could be exposed to as they walk through your home, it’s most likely the cause of a newly-developed asthma, as a result of allergies. Try removing the offending substance from your home, and you may solve the problem.

3. It might not be a hairball

Cats who are having trouble breathing will often stick out their necks, lean forward on their front legs, and hack or cough—which looks a lot like a cat trying to cough up a hairball. If a hairball never comes, however, your cat may have asthma. Take them to the vet right away.

4. You may never find the culprit

You’re not a bad pet parent if you can’t find and eliminate the cause of your pet’s asthma. Innumerable substances make up our homes—from carpets to cleaners to plants. Dust and pollen can be impossible to completely remove. What’s most important is your pet’s healthy respiratory system—so if the best answer is to get your pet on medications or treatments, take that step first.

5. Vitamins or supplements are not cures for asthma

Vitamins are a great way to boost your pet’s immune system and decrease their risk of asthma and numerous other health issues. However, if your pet is already suffering from asthma, medical attention is needed first. You’ll have time to consider the benefits of vitamins once the asthma is dealt with, and your pet is either on treatment or you’ve eliminated the allergen that’s causing the problem.

More on Pet Illness

Warning Signs Your Cat May Be Sick
Food Allergies in Cats and Dogs

This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian with respect to your pet. It has, however, been verified by a licensed veterinarian for accuracy.

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