Is it Safe to Let Your Cat Get Rid of Mice? The Benefits and Risks of Allowing Your Cat to Hunt

A Cat And A Mouse Sitting Together
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Cats are born with natural hunting instincts, and many believe that it is a disservice to not allow them to put those instinct to use. However, there are many risks associated with allowing your cat to catch vermin. Here are some pros and cons to consider.

Throughout the ages, cats have been taken into homes (and barns and factories) for their hunting prowess, and specifically for their mousing skills. Even Marie Antoinette’s cats — those fabled to have been the antecedents of all Maine Coons in some folk tales — were originally kept as mousers. If those cats could do it, why not yours?

Well, mousing cats of yore often had short, difficult lives, and unpleasant deaths. So, let’s get to the bottom of whether you should allow your modern-day house cat to channel their ancestral hunter.


In cities and suburbs, rodents aren’t cute little cartoon-like creatures with big eyes and pink ears. Some go by another name: rats. And what did rats once spread? The plague! Rats and mice have many differences, but share one key characteristic — they tend to carry pests and disease.

There’s a long list of unpleasant diseases humans and cats can get from rat infestations, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, and a condition called rat-bite fever. Your house cat is especially susceptible to these diseases if they’re eating the hosts.

Your cat could also be exposed to toxoplasmosis (the reason why pregnant women are instructed to avoid litter boxes).

Mice are classic hosts for ticks. Unlike fleas who go from birth to blood meal to death, ticks require a dual-host scenario. They are born, find an intermediary host, drop to the ground, then find their final host. The final hosts are typically deer, humans, or house pets. Their first host is often a mouse. If your cat fraternizes with the host of your local tick population, they could bring those pests straight into your home. Your cat may contract Lyme disease themselves, or they could bring the disease to their people.

Other Dangers
Mouse and rat poison do not work immediately. The poisons are often ingested a few days before the rodent finally perishes. If your cat finds a mouse during this period, they could be eating the poison along with the animal. This could mean their end as well.


“Allow” is a funny term when applied to cat behavior. Cats are somewhat trainable, but for the most part they are their own people, and they make their own decisions. We can make sure certain behaviors elicit a negative association. But in the case of hunting, our response is not likely to be immediate enough to do anything other than make them frightened of us. So the question of whether or not to allow hunting could be moot.

Mental Well Being: Nature vs. Nurture
Many cat people struggle with the conflict of whether to confine their cats to the indoors. Indoor cats live undeniably longer lives. But what sort of life is a life lived inside, passing each day by the window to gaze longingly at the outside world? Everyone has their own response to this question, and each family makes their own decision accordingly.

The same question can be posed about whether to allow your cat to hunt. Hunting mice and other creatures can indeed harm your cat, in the ways mentioned above. Here’s the hard question: Is the risk, perhaps, worth it?


Allowing a cat to be a cat, to keep their deepest instincts alive, in almost all cases, will equate to a happier cat. Cats who are content, and who have an appropriate outlet for their pent up energy, will often abstain from engaging in some of the naughty household behaviors we scorn, like inappropriate toileting or the destruction of furniture.

Better Than an Exterminator
Using your cat to catch some unwanted household visitors is fairly common. It’s rodent control without poison, and more humane to the pest than a sticky trap or a snap trap. Sometimes the cat won’t even need to catch the mouse to have the desired effect of driving the pest away. A cat’s lurking presence is often enough to evict squatting rodents.


  • Put a bell on your cat’s collar. They’ll get to tap into the hunting instinct, but the sound of the bell may scare away all but the slowest prey from capture.
  • If possible, lock your cat door at night. Cats are nocturnal, and prefer to hunt at night. Keeping them indoors during these hours could reduce their success rate.
  • If you decide to let your cat hunt, or suspect they may be hunting despite your efforts, be sure to look out for these warning signs of a sick cat.

Why Do Cats Chase Mice?

Cats catch and kill mice. That has been a well-known fact for many years now. But what causes that reaction in cats to just chase mice? Why the animosity? During ancient Egyptian times, cats were most known for their valuable ability to catch and kill the mice that infested the grain bins in the village. As time passed, they became a valuable addition to every household because of their helpful hunting abilities and overall adorability. Cat instincts are sharp and vigilant. So even when she seems content batting a catnip-infused mouse toy with her paw, she still craves the real thing.

Cats, especially wild ones have no problem eating other types of rodents as well. Mice are just easier prey. They are relatively small, which means that there is no chance that the mouse will win a standoff while cornered. Catching a mouse just gives your cat a satisfaction that she won’t really get from anywhere else. Another factor that makes the mouse a desirable prey is the fact that, unlike birds, they can’t escape by flying away. Since ancient times, hunting has been somewhat of a survival instinct for cats. They have to hunt in order to get food. They have to be vigilant and fight off bigger creatures for survival.

Why do cats just need to hunt?

There is more of a substance known as 'Taurine' in a cat’s body than in a dog’s. Taurine is an amino acid that is one of the main building blocks of protein. In order to keep up their taurine content, they need to keep hunting. Only meat can provide a cat with enough taurine to keep going. A cat is an obligatory carnivore, which means that it has to be a carnivore in order to survive. Cats are also born hunters. They start getting that hunting instinct when they are merely six to seven weeks old. Kittens usually learn how to hunt from their mothers, who bring back live prey for them to practice on. Kittens who weren’t trained by their mothers often fail to make a clean kill. That’s why household cats sometimes bring back a live pet to their owners. To demonstrate that their hunting abilities are above average. We all know that cats can be a little needy at times, they seek appreciation from their humans.

Why do cats play with their prey?

All this is an overrated misconception. People think that cats cruelly torture their prey before going in for the kill. Although there is a lot of poking, scratching, and pouncing involved, from the cat’s point of view, it is just self-defense. Most animals have survival instincts that kick in when they’re cornered. Cats love chasing and hunting mice. It brings both them and your satisfaction. While she’s a valuable pet, she might also be the reason why you don’t have a mouse problem.

Should I Get a Cat to Get Rid of Mice?

Cats can be effective in getting rid of mice due to their natural instinct to hunt and catch mice. Household cats and domestic cats can deter mice from entering your home by marking their territory with cat urine, which mice tend to avoid. Additionally, the presence of a cat can reduce mouse problems by frightening mice away. However, relying solely on a cat may not completely solve a mouse infestation. It's essential to address entry points and use other mouse control methods like mouse traps and steel wool to block gaps where mice enter.

Is It Okay if My Cat Kills a Mouse?

It is natural for cats to hunt and kill mice due to their natural instinct and being natural hunters. If your cat catches a mouse, it's generally okay, but you should be aware of potential health risks. Wild cats and even domestic cats can catch diseases from mice, such as Lyme disease, so it is crucial to monitor your cat's health closely.

Do You Need to Clean Your Cat After They Kill a Mouse?

Yes, you should clean your cat after they kill a mouse to prevent any health issues. Mouse droppings and the mice themselves can carry bacteria and parasites. Washing your cat can help eliminate any contaminants they may have come into contact with while catching mice. Additionally, ensure your cat's vaccinations are up to date to protect them from diseases mice might carry.

What Kills Mice but is Safe for Cats?

When looking for methods to get rid of mice that are safe for cats, avoid using traditional poisons and consider alternatives like steel wool to block entry points, mouse traps that are safe for pets, and natural deterrents like peppermint oil. It's also beneficial to maintain a clean environment, store cat food securely, and ensure there are no entry points for mice to access food sources. Outdoor cats and household cats can also play a role in reducing mouse problems.

Is it OK to Let Your Cat Eat Mice?

While it is part of a cat's natural behavior to eat mice, it's not recommended to let your cat eat mice due to potential health risks. Mice can carry parasites, bacteria, and diseases like Lyme disease, which can harm your cat. To keep your pet safe, it's best to discourage them from eating their catch and provide them with a balanced diet of cat food.

Can Cats Catch Diseases from Mice?

Yes, cats can catch diseases from mice. Mouse droppings, fleas, and ticks found on mice can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease to cats. Cats that hunt mice are also at risk of ingesting harmful bacteria and parasites. Regular veterinary check-ups, keeping your cat's living area clean, and preventing them from eating mice are essential steps to protect your cat's health.

More on Cat Behaviors

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The Benefits of a Playful Cat
Cat Behaviors

This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian with respect to your pet. It has, however, been verified by a licensed veterinarian for accuracy.

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