How to Find the Right Source of Calcium for your Pet?


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Calcium is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of strong bones. Calcium plays a key role in maintaining bone density. It is a vital nutrient for your pet. Calcium also takes care of the nails, teeth and fur of your pet. It helps your pet in maintaining a regular heartbeat and is needed for digestion of food. It is also required for clotting of blood, releasing hormones in the body and for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Calcium is a mineral that cannot be produced inside the body, so it has to consumed through diet. It is important to observe the diet of your pet because an imbalance in the intake of calcium content can lead to hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia which can be very harmful to your pet.

How to monitor the calcium level of your pets?

Checking your petโ€™s serum levels is the most effective way to monitor your petโ€™s calcium level. You can consult a veterinarian or can get a blood test done for this purpose. Giving your pets homemade food does not guarantee enough calcium intake. If your petโ€™s body is deficient in calcium, the body starts drawing the required amount of calcium from its own bones which weakens your pet internally. After you have determined the calcium level of your pet through a blood test, you can consult a veterinarian about the right sources of calcium for your pet.

What are the sources of calcium for your pets?

Calcium supplements are one of the most common sources of calcium, but these are mostly recommended in case your pet has a calcium deficiency. If you have a dog, bone meals are an important source of calcium for your canine friend. Commercial pet foods usually contain the recommended dosage of calcium for your pet so you can go for this option. Whole foods are great sources of calcium for your pet. Other natural sources of calcium include green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. Legumes are also rich in calcium. Dairy products like cottage cheese, yogurt can serve as great sources of calcium, but you need to make sure that your pet is not lactose-intolerant.

In certain situations, like when your pet is very young or pregnant, your pet may require an extra amount of calcium than that which is provided by homemade or commercial food. In such scenarios, you can add eggshell powder to your petโ€™s food. Eggshells are rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc and other important minerals. Along with eggshell powder, you can add salmons, tuna or sardines in your petโ€™s meal. Fish is rich in calcium as well as omega-3 fatty acids which help in lowering the risk of heart diseases.

You can never be too careful when it comes to your petโ€™s health. Whether you give your pet homemade food or commercial food, it is important to keep a check on the calcium level of your pet.

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