How To Comfort Your Dog During Fireworks?

How To Comfort Your Dog During Fireworks?

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Fireworks and loud booming sounds, often make dogs feel stressed and worried. It can be challenging to calm your dog down during holidays like the 4th of July, New Year's Eve and so on. You have to continually ensure that your dog feels safe by keeping a keen eye on your dog during the commotion. It is quite instinctive for dogs to be afraid of loud noises. Loud sounds trigger their nervous systems, and it can make them feel anxious or fearful. When they run away from the noise, it is a survival instinct. Dogs experience the world through their senses, and the sound and smell of fireworks can be overwhelming to them.

These are a couple of tips put together to help keep your dog calm and secure during fireworks and loud booming noises.

  1. Be prepared
    Arrange a unique space in your home, where your dog wonโ€™t hear the full effect of the fireworks. Ensure that it is a space where your dog can hear muffled noises. Make it comfortable and cosy for him/her.
  2. Show your dog love and positive attention
    Your dog looks up to you to guide them and direct them, and knowing that the loud noise of a thunderstorm or booming fireworks celebration makes your dog anxious, ensure that you provide your dog with lots of love and affection in a calm, happy manner. It gives your dog a sense of trust and calmness. Connect with your dog by petting, cuddling, and even massaging him/her to keep him/her calm and content.
  3. Diffuse the fireworks with some music
    Help muffle the noise by to masking it with certain types of music that have been proven to calm the nerves of nervous or fearful dogs. Through a Dogโ€™s Ear is a collection of music CDs that are created especially for dogs who deal with a variety of anxieties.
  4. Divert your dogโ€™s attention.
    Keep your dog busy by pulling out some of his/her favourite toys and have a fun play session. It will help keep your dog distracted. You can use treats and snacks to encourage positive behaviour during this stressful time.
  5. Tire your dog out before the fireworks
    Take your dog out on a long walk to tire it out. Play a few games and make your dog run around for a good amount of time until he/she is tired. By spending your dogโ€™s excess energy first, you will put her in a calm state of mind when the fireworks begin.

Your dog will be highly sensitive while fireworks are at its peak. Help your dog out by following some of these tips. He/she will highly benefit from a little more care during this time.

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