All it takes is one flea bite to cause Flea Allergy Dermatitis, which then leads to dog hot spots. Learn how to prevent FAD and treat hot spots on dogs here.
All it takes is one flea bite to turn your dog’s life into a non-stop itchy nightmare. Seriously, just one bite can cause Flea Allergy Dermatitis, or FAD, which then can lead to hot spots on dogs and extreme discomfort for your pet.
What are Hot Spots on dogs?
Hot spots on dogs are infected patches of skin, usually found in a circular shape. Most times, these hot spots start small, caused by a flea bite or another type of irritation. However, what was a tiny welt soon can soon become a big wound if your dog keeps scratching and licking at it.
And your dog is going to want to scratch at it. The hot spot is going to itch so much that it will drive your pet nuts!
Not to worry. There are several steps you can take to prevent FAD, and there are several treatment options available if your pet already has a hot spot.
Treat your pet for fleas
Treating your pet for fleas is the best way to make sure they don’t get FAD. Spot on treatments like K9 Advantix II and Frontline Plus for Dogs will kill the fleas currently on your pet, as well as the pest’s larvae. These treatments also provide a month’s protection with each dose.
Many veterinarians suggest that you treat your dog year-round for fleas and ticks, but if you do not wish to do so, you can use our Flea & Tick Map, which uses historical weather data, to figure out when your region’s flea season is the most intense. If you choose to do this, you should begin treatment at least a few months before the peak of flea season to ensure your pet has proper protection.
Treat your home for fleas
Treating just your dog for fleas sometimes isn’t enough if there has been a bug infestation. Fleas in your yard and your home can jump back onto your pet and make their life miserable yet again. These pests have a life cycle that can seem to go on forever, with some staying in the pupal stage for up to 12 months before emerging.
This means it can be important to treat your house for fleas. You can use various powders and foggers to get rid of the pests and their eggs, which may be in the corners and cracks of your home. In the most serious cases of infestation, your treatments for your house should be repeated every two weeks for six weeks.
In your yard, you can combat fleas by keeping the grass short and watering regularly. You can also use chemical remedies, such as an Insect Growth Regulator, to kill whatever flea population you might have living out there.
Treating the Hot Spot
If your dog already has a hot spot, you should take them to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet will hopefully be able to prescribe a treatment that will get your dog healthy again.
Before your visit to the vet, here are three things you can do to make your pet more comfortable:
- You can clip the hair around the hot spot to allow more air to reach the inflamed area.
- You can use a gentle dog shampoo to clean the area.
- You can prevent your dog from licking the hot spot because their tongue carries bacteria and can be rough on the irritated area. In some cases, keeping your dog from licking the spot may require a cone collar.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis: Protect Your Dog's Skin
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is the most common skin condition in dogs. Dogs can develop this allergy as early as their first year, and it most commonly starts when dogs are young - up to five years old. Dogs of any age can develop FAD, though, and the symptoms of flea allergies will worsen with age.
Fleas are parasites that evolved to puncture the skin of dogs for their blood meal. Dogs typically react to flea bites with itching, redness, and inflammation. But dogs who are allergic to flea bites will have more severe symptoms and a much stronger, prolonged sense of itchiness.
Dogs who are hypersensitive to flea bites are reacting to antigens in the flea’s saliva that their immune system does not recognize. Once bitten by a flea, the compounds in the flea saliva pass through the dog’s skin, causing a reaction that produces severe itching, redness, and swelling.
When an allergic dog is exposed to flea saliva, the area will become red, bumpy, and inflamed. With even one or two bites, the dog will feel constant itchiness and discomfort. And in severe cases, dogs will develop lesions and experience hair loss. Dogs who are allergic to flea bites often do more damage by scratching and biting the inflamed skin affected by the flea saliva. This creates an environment on the skin that is ripe for infection and secondary disease.
Flea allergy dermatitis cannot be cured, though desensitization therapy, like allergy shots, is an option. Removing fleas completely is the most effective way to protect your dog from flea bites, thus eliminating the cause of the skin condition. There are many ways to prevent fleas from infesting your pet, home, and yard, as well as treatments to relieve skin conditions associated with the allergy.
This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian with respect to your pet. It has, however, been verified by a licensed veterinarian for accuracy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to cure flea allergy dermatitis in dogs?
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) in dogs can be effectively managed by combining flea control measures and appropriate medication. First and foremost, rigorous flea treatment is crucial to break the cycle of infestation. This includes using flea sprays, topical treatments, or oral medications designed to control fleas on your dog and in your home environment. Effective flea products typically contain ingredients like fipronil, imidacloprid, or selamectin.
According to VCA Animal Hospitals, Steroids like prednisone are commonly prescribed by veterinarians for short-term relief from the intense itching and inflammation associated with FAD. These medications help alleviate discomfort while flea control measures take effect. However, long-term use of steroids can have adverse effects, so they are typically used temporarily.
Combining corticosteroids with antihistamines can provide additional relief by targeting different aspects of the allergic response. Antihistamines like diphenhydramine or cetirizine can help reduce itching and inflammation caused by histamine release.
Also, supplementing your dog's diet with omega-fatty acids can support skin health and reduce inflammation associated with FAD. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, have anti-inflammatory properties that can complement the effects of medication and flea control. Work closely with your veterinarian to develop an effective treatment regimen tailored to your dog's needs.
How long does it take for flea allergy dermatitis to go away?
Once FAD sets in, it may take several weeks to months for symptoms to fully resolve, even with treatment. It can take up to two weeks for the itching to stop once all the fleas have gone away from your dog and its surroundings.
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) usually resolves once the underlying cause, the flea infestation, is effectively treated. However, the duration can vary based on several factors, including the severity of the infestation, the individual pet's sensitivity to flea bites, and the effectiveness of the treatment.
Prompt action is required when an individual develops flea allergy dermatitis, which means they are becoming sensitized to flea bites. When flea infestations occur, particularly in severe cases, the cycle of itching and skin irritation can persist until the fleas are eliminated and their lifecycle is broken. This process can take several weeks because it involves treating the affected pet and addressing fleas in the environment.
For most flea infestations, it's necessary to treat both the pet and its surroundings simultaneously to prevent re-infestation. This includes using appropriate flea control products recommended by veterinarians and employing methods to eliminate fleas from carpets, bedding, and other areas where they may reside.
What does flea dermatitis look like?
Flea dermatitis, also known as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), presents with a range of visible signs and symptoms due to flea bite hypersensitivity or flea bite allergy. This condition occurs when pets react to flea-specific salivary antigens introduced into their skin as fleas feed. According to Dr. Mindy Joyner, DVM, The most common symptoms include red, inflamed skin (erythema), often located on the lower back, tail base, thighs, and abdomen. Pets with FAD exhibit intense itching and scratching (pruritus), frequently biting, chewing, or licking the affected areas, which can lead to further irritation and discomfort. Additionally, the skin may develop crusts or small bumps (papules).
In addition to these primary symptoms, hair loss is another common sign resulting from excessive scratching and grooming. Most pet parents notice their cat scratching frequently and excessively grooming. The constant irritation can also cause the development of scabs and sores, which may become infected if not properly treated. Observing these physical changes in your pet can help in diagnosing flea dermatitis early.
Other indicators of flea dermatitis include the presence of flea dirt, which is flea excrement or flea feces, appearing as tiny black specks resembling ground pepper on your pet’s skin and fur. These specks can also be found in your pet's bedding or favorite resting areas. Live fleas may sometimes be seen moving through the fur, especially in severe infestations. Additionally, flea eggs, which are tiny, white, and oval, might be found on your pet or in their environment, signaling an ongoing infestation.
Should you bathe a dog with dermatitis?
According to Dr. Brian Faulkner, bathing a dog with dermatitis can be beneficial, especially if the dermatitis is caused by allergens, infections, or parasites like adult fleas. Dermatitis in dogs often requires comprehensive care, including veterinary dermatology services.
When dealing with dermatitis, seek advice from a professional in veterinary medicine. A veterinary dermatologist can conduct a thorough physical examination and perform skin tests, such as intradermal allergy tests and skin testing, to identify specific allergens or irritants. Intradermal skin testing involves injecting small amounts of allergens into the skin and observing the reaction.
In some cases, specialized blood tests may be used to further diagnose the condition. These tests help identify the dog's hypersensitivity reaction to various substances.
Treatment for dermatitis may include oral medications to manage the dog's symptoms and reduce the clinical signs of dermatitis. These medications often target the body's immune system and may reduce the release of histamine-like compounds and amino acids that contribute to inflammation and itching.
Dogs may show both immediate hypersensitivity and delayed reaction to allergens, necessitating a tailored approach to treatment. For instance, areas like the tail base are common sites for hypersensitivity reactions in dogs, often caused by flea bites.
Dogs may show both immediate hypersensitivity and delayed reaction to allergens, necessitating a tailored approach to treatment. For instance, areas like the tail base are common sites for hypersensitivity reactions in dogs, often caused by flea bites.