Food That You Shouldn't Be Feeding Your Cat

Food That You Shouldn't Be Feeding Your Cat

You might want to chomp on a bar of chocolate from time to time, but don't attempt to feed your cat any. Same for that mug of beer or rich Indian curry loaded with onions and garlic. Some regular or pet food should never be given to cats as it can be toxic to their health. As your cat's caregiver, you should be careful never to feed your cat any of the following items –

  • Chocolate – Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that could induce heart attacks if consumed by animals like cats and dogs. If ingested, chocolate could cause vomiting/diarrhea in your cat. While cats will not usually eat chocolate, they may do so if they are hungry or have developed a taste for sweets. The darker the chocolate and the more the chocolate content, the more toxic the chocolate variety is for your cat.
  • Garlic – Garlic damages Red Blood Cells in a cat's body, predisposing it to anemia.
  • Onions – Onions can be toxic for cats as they kill RBCs in a cat’s body, which could lead to Heinz body anemia in your cat. Raw/cooked, any form of onion is harmful to your cat. Try to avoid any kind of access to onions for your cat.
  • Raw fish – You may have grown up with depictions of cats with a fish dangling from their mouth, but don't be surprised to learn that raw fish is toxic for cats. Raw fish contains an enzyme called thiaminase, which destroys the body's thiamine, i.e., a B vitamin. Thiamine deficiency can lead to seizures. It could also be fatal and lead to death.
  • Raw eggs – Raw cat food like eggs can cause Salmonella in your cat. They also contain the enzyme avidin, which can slow down your cat’s ability to process biotin.
  • Dog food – Feeding your cat dog food, like the Royal Canin Dog Food, is never a bright idea. Dog food has been formulated to meet your dog’s nutritional requirements and will not do the same for your cat. Your cat’s nutritional needs are different from a dog’s. For example, cats need taurine as part of their diet as their body cannot produce it. Dogs, however, manufacture taurine on their own and do not necessarily need it as part of their diet.
  • Milk – While kittens need milk, grown cats lose the ability to digest lactose after they’ve been weaned. Milk can cause diarrhea in your grown cat. Also, you will dehydrate your cat if you serve it milk as a replacement for water.

Any cat parent should avoid feeding their cat food from the above list for the health and wellbeing of their pet friend. They must provide their cat with a diet that caters to their nutritional needs and doesn't jeopardize their health.

Some of the Most Toxic Foods for Cats

We all love to indulge our fur babies. But that doesn't mean we should feed them just about anything. Every animal has a list of foods and beverages that are poisonous to it, and pet owners should steer clear of including them on the menu.

Here are six foods that you absolutely Should Not feed your cat:

  • Green tomatoes

Unripe tomatoes contain a chemical called Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which is extremely toxic to cats. When consumed, it can cause severe gastrointestinal disorders, which may become fatal in extreme conditions. It's best to avoid green tomatoes from your cat's meals. Even potatoes have the same chemical, and it is advisable to skip them too.

Ripe, red tomatoes, properly cooked, are safe for your feline to munch on.

  • Chocolate

Chocolate, caffeine, and cocoa are fatal to dogs. That we know. But did you know that they're just as deadly to cats?

Cocoa and all its by-products contain chemicals called methylxanthines, which lead to the onset of uncontrollable seizures, abdominal distress, tremors in the muscles, and the development of muscle tumors in cats.

So, keep the chocolates and caffeinated items away from your beloved pet and keep her safe.

  • Baked goods

Many over-enthusiastic pet owners reward their cats with baked treats. This is the worst thing you could do.

Many baked goods contain a popular sugar substitute called Xylitol, which tastes like sugar but doesn't have its weight-gain consequence. While Xylitol is okay for humans, it's toxic for cats. When ingested, it can lead to acute liver failure, loss of limb-eye coordination, and extreme lethargy in your pet.

  • Garlic and onions

Raw shallots, garlic, onions, and any items cooked using these vegetables should not be fed to cats since they affect RBC production in the animal. Low levels of RBC can make your pet anemic and lead to extreme muscular weakness. If any food you're giving your cat causes him to produce orange-to-red urine, it may contain garlic or onions.

Stop the food and take your cat to the vet pronto.

  • Grapes

Grapes and their dried cousins, raisins, and sultanas can cause kidney failure in felines, even when the slightest quantity is consumed.

The research behind this finding is still unclear, but scientists have found cats becoming very hyperactive and continuously vomiting after eating grapes, raisins, and sultanas. Abdominal pain and pain during urination are also symptoms of eating these foods.

  • Milk

This might be the biggest shocker on this list. But, the truth is, adult cats are insanely lactose intolerant. Their bodies lose the lactase enzyme as they grow, which makes it very difficult for them to digest the milk they drink. Diarrhea and stomach pain are symptoms of lactose poisoning. So, don't give your adult cats any liquid or any dairy product. Ideally, eight weeks is the latest by which you should wean your kitten off milk.

For a balanced meal, you may give your cat Hill’s Science Diet Cat food. It is a dry cat food recipe, which in many ways, is better than wet cat food, at least for adults and not aging cats.

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