Entropion in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment What Causes Entropion in Dogs and How It Can Be Treated

Entropion in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/02/24/16/55/french-16697_1280.jpg

Entropion is a prevalent problem affecting dogs, particularly those with loose facial skin and wrinkles. The causes, symptoms, and treatment of Entropion in dogs will be discussed in this article.

Entropion in dogs is a common disorder in which the eyelid rolls inward, forcing the eyelashes and skin to brush against the cornea, causing discomfort, pain, and, in some cases, corneal injury. Many dogs with entropion could have a fair prognosis and a comfortable life with adequate care. 

This article will review the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for canine entropion.


Dog entropion can have a variety of causes, and occasionally there may be more than one. The most typical causes of canine entropion include the following:

  • Genetics: The facial morphology and loose skin of some breeds predispose them to entropion. Breeds that are frequently impacted include Bloodhounds, Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, Great Danes, Shar Peis, St. Bernards, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Boxers, and Mastiffs.

  • Trauma: Trauma to the eye area, such as scrapes or blows to the face, can result in entropion in dogs.

  • Infections: Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis or keratitis, can cause entropion in dogs by inflaming the eyelid and resulting in it rolling inward.

  • Congenital anomalies: In some instances, entropion may be brought on by a congenital defect in which the eyelid develops improperly.

  • Neurological disorders: Some neurological disorders can produce muscle weakness or paralysis, which can cause dog entropion.


The most typical entropion in dogs symptoms is excessive crying, which can result in tear stains around the eyes. Dogs may also exhibit the following signs of entropion:

  • Squinting: Dogs with entropion frequently squint or close their eyes because it hurts when their eyelashes and skin scrape against their corneas.

  • Swelling and redness: Because of the ongoing inflammation, the afflicted eye may enlarge and turn red.

  • Discharge: Entropion in dogs can cause their eyes to produce a thick, mucous-like substance.

  • Rubbing the eyes: The discomfort brought on by entropion may induce an entropion dog to rub or paw at its eyes.

  • Corneal ulcers: In serious situations, the cornea can become ulcerated, which, if ignored, can cause loss of eyesight for an entropion dog.


Through a physical examination of the eye and eyelid, a veterinarian can determine whether a dog has entropion. A veterinarian will often follow these measures to identify canine entropion:

  • Physical examination: The veterinarian will check your dog's eye and eyelid physically for entropion symptoms such as excessive tears, redness, or discomfort.

  • Eye examination: The veterinarian will examine your dog's eye using an ophthalmoscope to look for any corneal damage brought on by entropion.

  • Breed evaluation: The veterinarian will assess your dog's breed to see if their facial structure makes them more prone to entropion.

  • Anesthesia: Entropion can be challenging to determine in some cases if the dog's muscles are tense. In such instances, the veterinarian may use anesthesia to relax the muscles and allow him or her to better see the eyelid.

Entropion Treatment for Dogs and Management Options

Treatment options for dog entropion vary according to the severity of the ailment, the underlying cause, and the breed of the dog. The following are some of the most popular entropion dog treatments and care options:

  • Surgery: The most effective form of therapy for dogs with moderate to severe cases of entropion is surgery. Dogs with entropion may have surgical options such as the Hotz-Celsus operation, during which a tiny piece of skin is taken from the afflicted eyelid during the operation to tighten it and stop it from rolling inward. Temporary tacking is another option. This is a temporary solution that entails suturing the eyelid in a normal position until the dog is mature enough for permanent surgery. A more invasive surgical technique called lateral canthoplasty involves removing a part of the eyelid and reattaching it in a different location to stop it from rolling inward.

  • Medical management: In mild occurrences of entropion, your veterinarian may advise medical management with topical lubricants or antibiotics to reduce irritation and prevent infection.

  • Bandage contact lenses: In some circumstances, bandage contact lenses may be used to safeguard the cornea from additional injury while waiting for surgery.

  • Monitoring: Regular eye exams and monitoring are required for dogs suffering from entropion to diagnose and treat any problems or recurrences of the condition.

How to prevent entropion in dogs

While some occurrences of dog entropion may be inevitable owing to breed-specific anatomy or genetics, there are methods that dog owners can do to assist prevent the onset of entropion in their dogs. Following are some suggestions for avoiding canine entropion:

  • Pick a trustworthy breeder: If you're thinking about purchasing a purebred dog, do your research and pick a trustworthy breeder who checks their breeding dogs for genetic eye disorders, such as entropion.

  • Frequent eye examination: Examining the eyes regularly can help veterinarians identify entropion early and stop future damage to the eyes.

  • Immediate treatment of eye infections: Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis and keratitis, should be treated as soon as possible to avoid the development of entropion.

  • Protect your dog's eyes: If your dog is exposed to conditions where it could sustain eye injuries, such as playing in rocky terrain or with other dogs, protective goggles or eye shields may be recommended.

  • Ensure a healthy weight: Obesity can cause skin folds around the eyes, which can exacerbate entropion. Maintaining a healthy weight through a well-balanced diet and regular toy playtime can help avoid the development of entropion.

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