“Dead Dog” Rescued and Resurrected by Amazing Man

“Dead Dog” Rescued and Resurrected by Amazing Man

While driving down the road on his way to work, David Loop spotted the small,

motionless body of a dog lying in the middle of the road.  Despite the fact that the creature looked to be deceased, David still pulled his car over to move the body out of the way of oncoming traffic.What happened next would change the rest of David’s life.Just as David was getting ready to leave after moving the dog, he noticed something - the dog had blinked.

Once he realized the dog was alive, but clinging to life by a thread, he ran over to his car, grabbed a tray he had on hand, scooped up the injured dog, and ran her over to the emergency room. He also decided to give her a name -


.Once at the hospital, the

full extent of her situation was made clear - she had a shattered femur, was covered in ticks, and possibly had internal damage. She was also extremely weak from years on the streets. After a few weeks of treatment, Miracle started to show signs of improvement and was finally well enough to get the surgery on her leg.David was ecstatic when he found out that Miracle was fit enough for surgery, but then the realization sank in that someone had to foot Miracle’s medical bills. And with her bills quickly reaching $8,000, David knew that he had to do something. He took to the internet and set up a fundraising page

to help get Miracle all fixed up - and it worked! Within days, David had surpassed his goal and was able to pay for all Miracle’s operations


And, to put a pleasant little cherry on top of what is already a very happy sundae, David was able to adopt Miracle and will care for her for the rest of her life (something that, sadly, doesn’t always happen).

If you know of an amazing rescue story like this one, please share it with us in the comments and we will write it up!

Source: https://www.thedodo.com/dead-dog-off-the-road-miracle-1285991764.html https://www.facebook.com/david.loop.3

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