Cat Hot Spots & Skin Health

Panniculitis in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Panniculitis in cats occurs when the subcutaneous fat layer under the skin becomes inflamed, resulting in the production of nodules or lumps. In this article, we break down what this skin disorder means for cats. Read
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All Cat Articles in Hot Spots & Skin Health
Panniculitis in cats occurs when the subcutaneous fat layer under the skin becomes inflamed, resulting in the production of nodules or lumps. In this article, we break down what this skin disorder means for cats.
READ FULL STORYCats that have the uncommon autoimmune condition pemphigus experience skin sores and blisters. In this article, we discuss this disease further.
READ FULL STORYIs your pet constantly scratching away? They're more than likely suffering from pruritus. Learn the symptoms here and help your pet stay happy and healthy!
READ FULL STORYTreatment for pruritus can be difficult because you first need to determine what is causing the problem. Learn how to help your pet through this itchy, uncomfortable problem here.
READ FULL STORYRingworm in dogs and cats is an infection that must be treated to prevent its spread to other animals or contamination of your home. Find out how to treat ringworm in pets.
READ FULL STORYDoes your dog or cat have flaky skin? Are the flakes dry and scaly, or greasy and oily? If so, your pet may be suffering from seborrhea, a skin disorder caused by an excessive production of sebum, an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands. Read on to find out more.
READ FULL STORYAn overview of how to use our products for your dog or cat's best skin and coat care.
READ FULL STORYStaph infections can range from mild to wild in cats if not properly and timely treated. Here, we discuss this disease in detail.
READ FULL STORYYellow fat disease, also known as Steatitis in cats, is a disorder that causes catsโ coats to turn yellow. Here, we delve into how to treat and prevent this feline condition.
READ FULL STORYA preexisting condition often causes pyoderma, so by the time you start to see the symptoms of this infection, your pet definitely needs treatment. Learn more here.
READ FULL STORYTreating pyoderma depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Learn the different kinds of treatment that will help to keep the itch from your pet.
READ FULL STORYVesiculopustular dermatoses, often known as skin blisters, are a category of skin illnesses that cause blisters or pustules to grow on the skin of cats. The signs, symptoms, and treatment for Vesiculopustular Dermatoses will be reviewed in this article.
READ FULL STORYWarbles burrow under your cats skin, making them feel itchy and uncomfortable. Do not attempt to remove a warble yourself. Take your furry friend to the vet for treatment.
READ FULL STORYThe most common symptom of dandruff in pets is visibly dry and flaky skin. See what the other symptoms of pet dandruff are.
READ FULL STORYFeline eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC) is a group of three skin conditions commonly seen in cats and is usually caused by an immune system dysfunction. Learn more about its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
READ FULL STORYInsect parasites or allergies can cause a sensation that leaves pets with an uncontrollable desire to scratch; this is referred to as pruritus. Learn how to help your pet if pruritus strikes here.