Feeding a pet is a necessity that has to happen every day. However, leaving food out in the open, even if a pet knows how to graze instead of suck everything up like a vacuum cleaner, still allows the food to go stale and bad. This becomes a problem when pet owners need to be away for a while and can't fed their pet at the normal time. However, with the Petmate Pet Cafe Feeder, the challenge of feeding a pet while away becomes manageable and doable. The Petmate Pet Cafe Feeder utilizes the natural power of gravity to feed just enough food to a pet while keeping the rest contained so it won't spoil or go stale in open air. So if the food gets low, gravity pulls down more food, keeping the supply available as needed by a pet. This design works particularly well for cats who are natural grazers and just eat what they need. Stocked to a full level, the Petmate Pet Cafe Feeder can keep a cat fed with solid food for days at a time. Other benefits of the Petmate Cafe Feeder include: A removable lid and wide top opening for easy loading as well as cleaning. A base that involves an opening easy for pets to figure out and use for feeding. A multi-colored selection so a pet owner can match the food feeder to the room decor if desired.
- Petmate Brand
- Feeding Accessories Food & Nutrition
- Petmate Manufacturer
- Cat Pet Type