I use it as recommended; 3/4 cup a day. Or I try because the new disc shape doesn't work with my automatic pet feeder as it gets caught in the belt.
by Katie the furmom on 11/20/2022
My boy was at an unhealthy weight of 9.4 kilos when he started this food. After having no success with weight loss on another, I started him on the r/d dry food and in just over two years he is now a little underweight at 6.44 kilos. I will be increasing his daily amount to see if it will at least maintain his weight (or increase it by a little) before I change back to the other product (another Hills Scientific Diet) which did maintain weight with no loss/gain. Highly recommend r/d ??
by Georgie on 08/03/2021
I have used this diet for my own cats and dogs and it is tried and true for weight loss. I have precribed it for hundreds of patients and clients love the results - they even ask if they can go on the diet!
by Nicksdvm on 06/19/2018
I first had my 15lb cat on the Hill's Metabolic for over a year and she didn't loose any weight. I started going to a new vet and was told that some cats gain weight on that brand which she did gain a 1/2 lb. So then, they recommended the R/D for my cat. It took her a while to get use to the new food but she doesn't complain now. I am disappointed as she hasn't lost any weight in over 9 months. Not sure if I should go back to something less expensive since she has not lost any weight and this cat food is expensive. I don't mind spending money on my sweet cat to help her but I was disappointed in the Hill's products.
by Emmie on 02/08/2018
After 3 weeks on R/D, all three of my cats have successfully lost some weight already. The food seems to be pretty palatable (although my cat's aren't finicky eaters). The high fiber has caused some really dry stool but that could easily be helped by adding in the canned R/D. I'm very satisfied and looking forward to our weigh in next week.
by Paulydog on 10/02/2017
Tips has been on for about 3 years. He lost the weight which was 3 lbs. I keep him on it to maintain his weight and for his urine issues. He loves it ! Both my cats are on it and I would not change a thing!!
by Ernestine on 01/12/2017
At 22 pounds our cat was terribly overweight. Picking her up it felt like she swallowed a large ball. A few months ago we started her on r/d and have seen a stunning weight loss. She currently weighs 16.5 pounds. She used to be hungry all the time and wanted to eat everything in sight. Now she is content and even likes to eat the r/d. She doesn't even try to invade the space of another cat a few feet away eating food she used to crave.
by Mike B on 09/21/2016
Keeps my cats grinning and purring with glowing coats!
by DixieKS on 08/11/2016
My vet suggested rd for my "full figured" calico, Lily. She has been eating it for 4 years and loves it! She is a healthier weight and is more active. This was THE best choice for her.
by Jillie on 07/20/2016
Cat likes the food but it is way too costly, a lower price would insure she gets it more often.
by Jazmine on 07/15/2016
I jhave been feeding this R/D coombination to "Little Gus" for about 5 years and he loves it. Great for him and for me.
by Little Gus on 07/09/2016
This is the only product I can find for my cat and unfortunately the batches are inconsistent (some smell worse than others), is very expensive and available by prescription only. If I could find something else I would.
by cindybee53 on 07/09/2016
My calico kitty had gained a lot of weight and our vet recommended we try Prescription Diet R/D. Over a couple years on the R/D, she lost 6#s and is much happier and healthier. Their coats are shiny and soft and they love the taste. We continue to feed our kitties the R/D to maintain their weight.
by kwkelley on 06/29/2016
by RANDERBOO on 03/28/2016
Finally found a cat food that my cat will eat and keep him from getting crystals. My cat will not touch wet food at all. The combined ingrediants in this product is what he needs and likes
by Jeannie73 on 10/08/2015
We have had good luck with both the RD and the JD, but find it quite expensive. Coupons are helpful but they are seldom available.
by Joyful on 10/01/2015
My cat has been on r/d for a while now, and it is the only diet we have had success with for his weight loss. He used to be 22 lbs and he has since dropped down to 15. His quality of life has greatly improved and we both couldn't be happier. Thank you for making such a wonderful product!
by alanischick on 06/01/2015
I had tried a few different low fat diets for my chunky monkey (he isn't actually a monkey. ;-) ) R/D was the first that was 1) palatable enough to hold Cooper's interest for more than a week 2) actually showed results. He lost 2 pounds in the first 2 months. :-)
by britni on 05/19/2015
My cat really loves the taste, keeps him feeling statifed without eating so much. I like it because it's been maytaining his weight.
by cookie54 on 12/04/2014
This low calorie dry food helped my 9 year old 24.5 lb cat Rufus lose 1/4 of his body weight in 2 weeks. Amazing. He's down to 17.5 lbs now. I feed him no more than 1 cup a day. He's much more mobile and active - and healthy.
by Shelley on 11/08/2014
This product has helped our cat to maintain his weight...
by Cherokee on 09/29/2014
Since being on this food, his weight has gone down an he is no longer limping. He also gets a couple treats a day, Both the cat & I are seniors. The coupon helps with the cost.
by Penquin on 08/25/2014
This weight loss dry cat food has helped my cat loose weight and she loves the taste. I am pleased with her success and am happy with Hill's.
by LYNNIE on 08/25/2014
I have an overweight cat and she has been on this for over two months. During the first month I saw changes in her size and activity level. Her name isn't Mikey but she does love it and eats it.!
by Morgangirl on 08/12/2014
My cat is gaining weight because of his temperment. He is very loud and demanding, I am glad he is on healthy food and eating less than he would on a cheap cat food.
by debutant on 08/04/2014
I can see my cats legs again! She is more energetic and seem to be enjoying the food.
by kamyk956 on 08/01/2014
My cat was very overweight and at risk for health problems. My vet recommended Hills so we gave it a try. My cat has lost the weight and has become more active!! Love this!
by Jan302 on 07/31/2014
My cat has lost about 3 lbs since I switched to this food.
by Pllc on 07/27/2014
This is only the first bag we have gone through, but so far my cat loves the taste of the food. Even our other cat that does not need to be on this loves the food as well.
by Seneca2014 on 07/21/2014
I purchased not only this product but one other of the prescription dry foods for weight loss and the wet food for weight loss. I introduced it slowly. Our cat would not eat. I tried it on it's own. Our cat would not eat. He actually picked up the dry food in his mouth, spit it out and walked away. It was an expensive attempt to use this brand of food. Our cat did not eat for 2 days in an attempt to make it work. We finally gave up because not eating was the more dangerous route.
by jcsuperstar on 07/13/2014
Our 13 year old cat Tyler was suffering from severe constipation. Our vet recommended Hill's Prescription Diet r/d for its high fiber content to help him eliminate. Tyler and his sister Willow both eat the dry and wet r/d, and they love it! Tyler's bowel problems have cleared up nicely.
by Lilacs on 06/24/2014
My cat was overweight and the vet suggested using Prescription Diet R/D. He has slowly, but steadily been losing the extra weight, and the vet is very happy with the progress he has made!
by fourpaws on 06/19/2014
I have been using the Prescription Diet R/D for at least four years on my two male cats and started our recently adopted female cat on this food after she turned six months. The two male cats managed to lose close to a pound each after a period of time and have maintained their weight loss. My little female is nice and trim. I am so glad my vet recommended this food.
by jcwalsh on 05/24/2014
Was a slow process, however a very successful weigh loss. I would recommend this product to any pet owner to animal is in need of wright loss.
by Diana40 on 05/13/2014
This product has helped my Georgia loose much needed weight. The transistion was not difficult at all she has enjoyed the food from the start.
by Brenda53 on 05/12/2014
My cat has lost 4 lbs in one year and hopefully will lose another 4 lbs this year. This product has probably saved her life.
by HeatherTheCat on 04/30/2014
My four year old cat lost almost 3 pounds in three months on the same 3/4 daily portion. However, he cleans his bowl immediately and is constantly begging for food throughout the day, so he never appears satisfied. At first he didn't care for the taste but became accustomed to it. He was switched from the prescription "CD" which put him up to 15 pounds. I would not purchase this product if it wasn't prescribed by his vet, as it is too costly on a low income budget. The coupons help but are limited.
by fattyfeline on 04/26/2014
I am glad that my cat loves the food but I think it's pretty expensive especially if you are on a tight budget. If you are a low income person it is hard to afford this food. I am having a hard time affording this food
by Pipppysmom on 04/24/2014
My cat transitioned to this product easily. She seems to enjoy it and it has been effective in weight loss for her. I am pleased and her veterinarian is also pleased.
by Vfreya on 04/08/2014
You changed the kibble! My cat doesn't like it and so- I don't like it either.....I called the company and was told the formula is the same- but it's not ok with my cat....Sayonara Hill's!
by jzgtr on 01/14/2014
My cat has transitioned pretty well to this product. She use to meow all the time due to feeling hungry on other brand food but has stopped this behavior after using this brand of food, as directed. She looks slimmer and she is more content on this brand and type of cat food.
by abbyg on 01/08/2014
She likes the product but it doesn't 't seem to keep her appetite satisfied any longer than any other food we have given her, for the price even with coupons I'm really not happy with the product. I especially hate that I need a prescription to buy it.
by Bbk1000 on 12/20/2013
My overweight cat is doing very well on this product, has helped her drop some of the much needed weight off!
by Magan on 12/20/2013
Weight loss was slow and steady with this product, just as it should be! My cat enjoyed the food and is at a much healthier weight now. My cat went from a fat 15 pounds to a lean 11.5 pounds in about 10 months.
by Lex2222 on 12/19/2013
One of two cats has a bladder problem, but both eat it. Their weight is consistent and normal. They gained a lot of weight with the regular.
by Jim849 on 12/16/2013
This product helped my chubby girl to lose weight..Not the WD she did not lose with that one ..But with RD amd RD wet she is better ..RD wet is a little expensive and she does not like the taste too much but still eats it ..
by mina2miaou on 12/14/2013
My cat has always been heavy. With this food he maintains his weight.
by kristin34 on 12/09/2013
As of today, I have not found a kitty treadmill to help my indoor Russian Blue kitty Kiki loose a few pounds. I was feeding her another dry food and noticed she was not her precious loving self. So I switched back to Prescription diet that my Vet recommended. Kiki is feeling and acting like the loving kitty that she is. In addition, I have fallen on difficult times, but Hills has generously sent me coupons whenever I have requested them. Thank you so much for your great products, and being a compassionate company. Kiki's owner Julie
by Kiki7 on 12/05/2013
My overweight cat has lost 3lbs in a month. Will continue to use this product.
by Connie68 on 12/04/2013
Our cat is 9 year old and has been on this food since she was about 1 year old. We and our vet felt that her health would be better as she was obviously going to be a large cat and an indoor cat. She has maintained a weight of about 15 pounds for the last eight years. She has been fed this and Science Diet Hair Ball Control Light the entire time. Sincerely, Marvin
by CAlexis on 11/25/2013
Good product. 2 cats/ Use c/d and r/d daily. Need some coupons in bags or discounts available somewhere. PLEASE too costly...!!!!!
by Donna23 on 11/13/2013
My cat loves this product although we are having trouble keeping his weight down. We have even cut back some on quantity.
by Reviewer on 11/07/2013
The prescription diet cat food works wonderfully. I have been using this cat food for about one year and he's been losing wieght and getting healthier. It takes a little time to start seeing the results but there are indeed results. He loves the taste and waits at the door to be fed. My cat loves the food and I love how it is helping him become healthier. There are two pictures of my cat, Simon. Before he weighted about 23 puonds and now, recently, he weights 17 pounds. He lost about 6 pounds and gained a lot more energy.
by Danny on 10/18/2013
My cat is an exclusive indoor girl. While my cat has stopped losing weight, she was able to go from 14+ pounds to 12.5 pounds. It works maintaining her current weight.
by wayneiac on 10/09/2013
We have two brothers and got them at 18lbs each. Was recommended this food by our vet, and works great! They are both down to about 15lbs. They seem to enjoy the dry food very much. They are definately more playful. : )
by starsky2 on 09/23/2013
Our cat loves this food. It is easily digestible and the litter box is much easier to scoop. Our cat has finally lost about 1 1/2 pounds on this food so far. I highly recommend.
by ptlomagranny on 08/15/2013
This cat food is very good quality and works really well. My cat has lost weight gradually over time and is very healthy. R/D is the only product that helped my cat loose weight. It is a bit pricey.
by Misskitty07 on 08/09/2013
I have fed my cat Demo this product for 10 years now. My cat enjoys his treats and by recommendation from my vet, I switched to this food, so that I could still spoil Demo with treats.
by Toni21 on 07/20/2013
When I adopted 5 year old Nelly in April 2012, she weighed 6.6kg - at that weight she was not active or mobile, and couldn't really even clean herself properly. My vet checked her overall health with blood tests, suggested this food, and told me exactly how much to feed her daily. Nelly was weighed by the vet once a month and I stuck carefully to weighing out her exact daily amount (which was adjusted as the weight came off). She enjoyed the food but didn't pester me between meals. She now weighs 4.1kg and is transformed into a lively, beautiful and playful cat. The vet has just switched her to Hills m/d to get the last tiny bit of weight off, and she loves this food even more.
by CNMM on 07/04/2013
My cats like to "graze" and eat this food all day, never gaining an ounce. One cat is just about the right weight, while the other could stand to lose a few more pounds, which I blame on lack of exercise, not the food. I have asked my vet if any other food would be better for weight loss and was told that this is the best choice. So I'm sticking w/it for the duration -- will try to play w/my overweight cat more.
by Scottie on 06/29/2013
When I first began giving this prescription diet food to my two cats, they seemed to lose a little bit of weight and I thought we were on the right track. It has been nine months and they eat only prescription r/d (1 cup a day each is allowed, but they do not eat the full amount) and they are not losing any more weight. I am very disappointed because they still need to lose weight AND it's very expensive food.
by MarieB on 05/16/2013
We have an overweight cat named Lexi. In Hills Prescription Diet r/d dry cat food, we have found a lower calorie, high nutrition option about which we feel positive and she actually likes. In fact, she likes the food so much that she crawled into an empty bag, seeking the last, tiny bit of food dust that might still be there. See the picture below. Despite feeding her less, she is fairly satisfied (i.e., she does not pester us for food at night). This cat food does seem to be helping Lexi to shed some weight, but it does appear that this will be part of a progress of getting her to a more appropriate size. Hill's coupons do make the this food much more affordable, but not every veterinarian accepts them.
by fscalc on 04/11/2013