Why do dogs make a mess in your absence?


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If you are an owner of a dog, you would definitely know the pain of coming back to a messed up home. When we leave our furry friends at home when we are out working or socializing, they tend to miss us a lot. While it feels great to be missed by these fuzzy and cute creatures, but seeing the house in complete chaos is not a very pleasant thing. The reason why your pooch behaves like this when you leave is simply due to Separation anxiety. This is an anxiety disorder that triggers in dogs when they are alone in the house.

Separation anxiety

It is also true that not every doggy suffers from Separation Anxiety, but it is not uncommon. There could be several reasons for your pooch having this anxiety. It might not be accustomed to staying alone, might have recently lost a companion, may have mental trauma, or has simply not coped up with environmental or schedule change.

You can easily spot if your furry friend has this type of anxiety. Misbehavior, inappropriate defecation, destructive chewing, making a mess, scratching the doors, and other such signs can help you understand if your lovely companion is suffering from Separation Anxiety. Further evidence of this anxiety is when your pooch follows you around or gets depressed when you prepare to leave the house.

How can you help?

The best way to tackle the problem is to have a solid discussion with your vet about the behavior and concerns of your pooch. You need to work slowly and gradually to make sure your tiny friend comes out of anxiety without panicking. Acclimatize him/her to your absence by going out for a little while first and then gradually increasing the time. You also need to ensure that you spend quality time with your dog; you both can go on long walks and play some games. When leaving your pooch or coming back home, do not make a huge fuss. Keep your hellos and goodbyes brief and simple, so they do not think that your leaving or coming back home is a big deal. When you leave, make sure to leave lots of toys so that your friend remains distracted. You can also leave an item of clothing with your scent.

Remember, patience is very important when dealing with these lovely creatures and helping them get a hold of their anxiety disorder. Do not think that punishing them or giving them obedience training will help in any way. Separation Anxiety is a psychological disorder; this anxiety disorder does not mean that your doggy is disobedient or mean. You may think that getting additional pets may improve the situation, but that is also not true since it is you that your pooch misses. It is your doggy's separation from you that triggers this anxiety; it is not loneliness. Be patient and calm. Your little furry friend needs you the most while trying to cope with this anxiety disorder. Giver him/her your time and attention so that they can heal.

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