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Cats are fascinating creatures that can be exceptionally hard to read, even by their masters. While pet dogs are much more expressive by their very nature, cats can be very difficult to interpret due to their cold and often nonchalant demeanor. However, there are certain ways in which cats convey their emotions, such as through the position and movements of their tails. Here is a list of the different types of cat tail positions and what they actually mean.
Upright, held high in the air
If your cat is holding its tail straight up in the air, pointing toward the sky, it usually indicates that the pet is content and happy. This tail position usually occurs when the cat is feeling happy, confident, and safe, such as during play times while getting treats or meeting its owner.
Small hook or curvature at the top
If your cat puts its tail in a hooked or curved position (like a question mark), it might be indicative of the fact that it is feeling insecure or uncertain. However, if the tail is raised up high in the air with a small curve at the tip, it implies that your cat is feeling playful and friendly. As such, if you witness your cat’s tail in this position, you might want to take a quick break from your work and have some fun playtime with it.
Straight/horizontally down on the floor
A low-lying tail might be a sign that your cat is feeling agitated or aggressive about something. If you notice this tail position, you might want to leave your cat alone and avoid making an effort to appease it by petting it, and so on. You might be greeted with bites or scratches if you try neutralizing your cat in this situation.
Tucked or curved beneath the body
When a cat is feeling submissive or nervous, it typically curls up its tail beneath its body or tucks it between its legs. This is a tell-tale sign that your little kitty might be feeling afraid, guilty, or stressed about something around her. Your feline friend might be upset about a stressful situation and try to project itself as a submissive creative to a threatening situation.
Bristled or puffed up
A classic sign of fright in the feline world, a puffed up or bristled tail is an unmistakable sign that a cat is feeling excessively scared about a potential attacker and is trying to bristle its fur in a bid to appear larger than the threat. It is best to give your cat some breathing space; otherwise, it will most certainly attack you. Understanding your cat’s non-verbal expressions will help you better handle her emotional ups and downs while respecting her need for space in certain situations.
What do different tail positions mean for cats?
Cats use their tail positions to communicate a range of emotions and intentions. A high-held tail typically indicates a happy and content mood, signaling openness to attention and interaction while also suggesting they feel safe and secure. A straight tail in the air can also indicate being surprised or angered and is often accompanied by raised fur and stiffened legs to appear larger and more imposing. A low-held tail is considered neutral, with variations indicating degrees of willingness for interaction or feelings of fear or defensiveness. A curled tail, tucked close to the body, signals quiet observation without a desire for interaction, often indicating wariness. A horseshoe-shaped tail signifies defensiveness in response to perceived danger or unwelcome playful behavior from other animals. A flicking tail may indicate relaxation with gentle swishing back and forth, or alertness and focus with aggressive flipping, possibly in preparation for a hunt or play. Finally, a thrashing tail suggests irritation or excitement, often on the verge of annoyance or readiness for play, and may escalate in play-fighting situations, requiring intervention to prevent aggression.
Do cats like it when you meow back?
While human meows may not hold any specific meaning to cats in the way that their own vocalizations do, some cats may still respond positively to their owners mimicking their sounds. At most, mimicking a cat's meow might get their attention, and they may appreciate the attempt at communication, responding with purrs or even meowing back. However, to most cats, human meows likely sound more like human language rather than meaningful cat communication. Cats primarily rely on body language, scent, and their own vocalizations to communicate with each other and with humans. Understanding your cat's unique preferences and behaviors through observation and positive reinforcement is crucial for building a strong bond with them.
Why do cats lift their bum when you pet them?
When a cat lifts its bum while being petted, it's often a sign of trust and relaxation. Cats have scent glands located near their tail and on their cheeks. By raising their hindquarters, they are offering you access to these scent glands, which they use to mark their territory and communicate with other cats through scent. It's also a vulnerable position for cats, as they expose their abdomen, so when they do this, it indicates that they feel comfortable and safe in your presence. Additionally, some cats simply enjoy the sensation of being petted in that area, as it may help them relax further and enjoy the interaction with you. Overall, it's a positive sign of affection and trust from your feline friend.
What does it mean if a cat lets you touch their paws?
According to, if a cat allows you to touch their paws, it typically indicates a strong level of trust and comfort with you. Cats are naturally protective of their paws because they are sensitive areas, vital for hunting, grooming, and self-defense. Allowing you to touch their paws suggests that they feel safe and secure in your presence, as they wouldn't expose such vulnerable body parts if they felt threatened or uncomfortable. It can also indicate that they are accustomed to handling and may even enjoy the sensation of being touched in this way. However, do not force paw touches if they show signs of discomfort or resistance.