At PetCareRx, we know that the holiday season is a frantic time of year?shopping for gifts, preparing for guests, and more may take over your to-do list, leaving you little time to consider your pet's safety. But sometimes, what we may consider seasonal cheer could be hazards for your pet.Check out our pet holiday safety infographic for tips on making your decorations and festivities pet safe while still keeping the season in full swing! (Click for larger view.)Happy Holidays!
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Pet Safety on Christmas
It's Christmas Eve, and all through the house, not a creature is stirring...Unless you're a pet parent, in which case your pets might be just as excited by all the sights and smells of the holidays as you are.Before you tuck in for the night and await Santa's arrival, do a last lap through your home to make sure your decorations are pet safe and tomorrow's delectables are tucked away in the fridge or pantry.Take one last peek at our Pet Holiday Safety Infographic and you can be sure the list is checked twice and you're ready for a perfect holiday!

This infographic was created by, providing quality pet meds and supplies for all your pet needs.