Should You Pick a Long Haired Cat Breed or a Short Haired Cat Breed?


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Bringing home a new cat can be an extremely exciting time. But before you add to your family, you need to consider how well your new pet will adjust to your living circumstances, as well as you to it.  Cat hairs are a problem many cat owners have to deal with, and if you aren't careful, you could end up with more furballs than you can handle. Long-haired and short-haired cat breeds primarily differ in exactly the way their name suggests - one type of cat has a longer and thicker coat of hair, and the other has a much smaller coat that will shed less hair and require less overall maintenance.

If you find yourself leaning towards a long-haired cat breed, then be prepared to invest a lot of time and care into taking care of your new feline companion. Grooming brushes, trips to a vet groomer, as well as regular trimmings will be a part of your life.  A long-haired cat's coat could become matted and unkempt within just a few weeks of irregular grooming.  

Short-Haired Cats vs Long-Haired Cats

There is absolutely no difference in the kind of personality, attitude, or love you can experience from either a short or a long-haired cat. While there are certain genetic factors that do play a role in deciding the personality of your pet, their environment and the bond you build with them are of the utmost experience in determining the life experience you will have with your new pet.

However, if you are someone who wants a cat because you want a no-fuss pet, then a short-haired cat would be the better option for you. Long-haired cats are not only rare to come across and more expensive to purchase, but they also require regular maintenance that you may not have the time for.

Caring for a Long-Haired Cat

If you think you want to take care of a long-haired cat:

a. The first thing you should do is invest in a quality grooming brush. Your cat will need to be groomed four to five times a week without fail.

b. When your cat's coat gets too long/thick, you will have to take them to the vet to have their hair trimmed.

c. One particular haircut you should regularly get done by the groomer if you are uncomfortable doing it yourself is the vanity cut. This haircut trims the hair around the rear side of your cat so that no waste matter sticks to their fur by accident while they do their business.

Aside from caring for their coat, the primary ways of caring for both long and short-haired cats are the same.

Which is Better: A Long Haired or  Short Haired Cat

The cat that matches your lifestyle is ultimately the best pet for you. If you live a busy lifestyle or if you suffer from allergies, you should opt for a short-haired cat. Short-haired cats shed less hair around your home and spread less dander.

Dander is an allergen that is found in cat saliva. A long-haired cat has to groom more of their hair, and this gets more saliva on its coat. More saliva means the possibility of more dander, and this can cause more allergens to be present in the air. Irrespective of whether you opt for a long or short-haired cat, remember to buy lint rollers. Every cat has some level of fur, and even the shortest short-haired cat has some fur. Aside from the amount of effort you need to put into caring for each kind of cat, primarily with respect to their coats, every cat can become a warm and loving addition to your home.

4 Popular Long-Haired Cat Breeds

If you've always wanted a warm, fluffy furball to curl up on your lap, then you're probably looking for a longhaired cat breed. Cats with long hair have luxurious coats, which are both silky and soft to the touch. Despite their cuteness and beauty, a longhaired cat is not suitable for every home. They require regular grooming to ensure their coats remain tangle-free. Also, the long hair may trigger dander allergies, which are exacerbated by steady shedding.

Nevertheless, if you’ve got the time to care for their frisky felines, then consider adopting a cat from any of the following breeds:

Maine Coon

Despite their resemblance, they bare no relation to raccoons. Maine Coons have lots of muscle and bone weight behind them, along with lots of long and fluffy fur. Named after raccoons, these cats are mischievous and very clever. A full-grown Coon can weigh as much as twenty pounds. They also have tufted ears with a tail that looks like a feather.


Turkish Angoras are the oldest longhaired cat breeds in Europe. They have long and fluffy tails with pointed ears. This cat breed is prone to a unique mutation called heterochromia, which means one eye has a different color from the other. Angoras have delicate features and are simply elegant. They have a silky coat that doesn't require much care. Angoras are also very sociable.


This cat breed has a glamorous reputation for being luxurious and suave. Persian cats are calm and easygoing. They love to laze around, play, and pounce. This breed is quite loyal and loves to seek attention from its owners. They also have a lush coat that can grow up to eight inches in length, which has a cottony and silky texture.

Persian cats have large skulls, flat faces, and chubby bodies, making them prone to sinus issues.

Domestic Long Hair

This is one of the most popular longhaired cat breeds in the United States. Due to their wide genetic mix, they are predisposed to any diseases or ailments which may occur due to heredity. This cat breed first appeared in Western Asia and was later imported to Europe during the 16th Century. Their breed was documented in Italy in 1521. Its characteristic long coat is thought to be a result of a genetic mutation.

Many cat breeds were brought over to America from Europe on the Mayflower ship. They were shipped over to protect farms and colonists’ foods from vermin and rodents. As more cats were brought over, natural breeding led to the creation of various American breeds. What's unique about the domestic longhaired cat is that if it breeds with a short-haired cat and it results in a short-haired kitten, then it may develop long hair when it grows up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do longhair cats shed more than short hair?

Long-haired cats do shed more than short-haired cats, but the difference in shedding can also depend on the breed and the individual cat. Long-haired cats have more fur and require more grooming to maintain their coats, which can help to reduce shedding. Additionally, regular brushing can help remove loose fur before it can fall out and become a problem.

Are long-haired cats more maintenance?

Long-haired cats can be more maintenance than short-haired cats because they require more grooming to maintain their coats. Long-haired cats are prone to matting, tangling, and developing hairballs, which can be uncomfortable for the cat and can lead to health problems. Regular brushing is required to keep their coats in good condition and to remove loose fur before it has a chance to become a problem. They may also require regular trips to the groomer for professional grooming. In general, short-haired cats require less grooming and are considered to be less maintenance than long-haired cats.

Are long-haired cats less affectionate?

The affection level of a cat, whether long-haired or short-haired, depends on the individual cat's personality and not on its coat type. Some cats, regardless of their coat type, are naturally more affectionate and cuddly, while others are more independent and less interested in human interaction. It is also important to note that how a cat is raised, socialized, and trained can also play a role in their affection level. Like any other cats, long-haired cats can make great companion animals and be very affectionate with their owners. They can be just as loving and affectionate as short-haired cats, and the length of their hair does not affect their behavior or personality.

Do long-haired cats need baths?

Long-haired cats typically do not need baths as they are able to groom themselves effectively. However, in some cases, they may require a bath if they become dirty or have an issue with matting, tangling, or have developed hairballs. In such cases, it is best to consult a veterinarian or a professional groomer for the best way to bathe a cat. Regular grooming is important for long-haired cats, including brushing their coat to remove loose fur and tangles, keeping their fur clean, and reducing the risk of hairballs. This should help keep them clean and reduce the need for a bath. Remember, cats can be very sensitive about being bathed, and some cats may not tolerate it well. If a cat is not used to being bathed, it can be a stressful experience for them, so it's best to start with small steps, like getting them used to being brushed and touched in certain areas, before attempting to bathe them.

What do I need to know before getting a long-haired cat?

Before getting a long-haired cat, it's necessary to consider the amount of grooming and maintenance required to keep their coat in good condition. Long-haired cats have more fur than short-haired cats, requiring regular brushing to remove loose fur and tangles, which can help reduce shedding. Additionally, regular grooming can help prevent matting and hairballs, which can be uncomfortable for the cat and lead to health problems. It's important to note that some cats may require regular visits to a professional groomer for proper grooming. Long-haired cats may also be more prone to certain health issues, such as skin allergies, ringworm, and ear mites which are common in cats with long hair, so it's important to be aware of these and take the necessary precautions.

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