Despite what you will see below, Duke was a luckier dog than many. Yes, he did have his twilight years taken away from him by a recurrence of cancer, but that is after surviving chemo and an amputation. Not to mention the fact that - as a large, older,
black dog - the fact that he found a second home at all is nothing short of a miracle.Duke was a gentle, spirited, loving dog that led a rich and fulfilling life. And, as you will soon see, even as his then
inoperable cancer began to rear its ugly head and cause him an extreme amount of discomfort, Duke always greeted life with bright eyes and an open heart.While Dukeโs kind temperament is a lot of his own doing, it doesnโt hurt to have a mother as dedicated as Jordan Roberts. She took him in when she already pregnant and had two other dogs at home. Not to mention the touching celebration of his life she had orchestrated to play him off this mortal coil. See for yourself.WARNING: This
will make you cry.
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