Meet Peanut: The World's Ugliest Dog


Say 'hi' to Peanut, the World's Ugliest Dog.

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It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But when it comes to the World?s Ugliest Dog competition, the eye of the beholder can take the day off.

Sure, the contestants are kind and loving dogs, but the reason they came is not their pleasant disposition. These dogs are downright UGLY.

Ugliest Dog
Photo from Facebook

And at the front of the pack is the grim-visaged Peanut, who recently took home the title of World?s Ugliest Dog.


Now in its 26th year, the Worlds Ugliest Dog contest is not just some dog and pony show (although it is a dog show?). ?It is a serious competition where the ugliest dogs from across the globe come to take a shot at the title.

Before the show, all the dogs are examined by vets to make sure that their unique looks are naturally cultivated and not the result of some kind of condition. Odd though it may be, this is one competition in which a bad case of mange or a bulbous tumor could actually be seen as a leg up.

Poor Peanut - World's Ugliest Dog
Photo from Facebook

Once vetted, there is a panel of three judges grade the entrants on various characteristics, such as special or unusual attributes, their overall personality, and ?natural ugliness.? After the voting process, a winner is selected to bear the title of "World's Ugliest Dog."

This year, that honor went to Peanut.


Photo from Facebook

A two-year old shih-tzu chihuahua cross, Peanut did not always have such unfortunate looks.

He became disfigured as a puppy after suffering a serious burn. As it happens, many of the entrants in this pageant have a similar back story -- the victims of?abuse?or burning to the point of disfigurement.

As for Peanut, his injuries resulted in his trademark deformed eyelids, patchy fur, and toothy grin.

However, in an unlikely turn of events, it is those selfsame injuries that earned Peanut a blue ribbon, $1,500, and international acclaim.

Photo from Facebook
To help prevent the future mistreatment of dogs, his handler, Holly Chandler, has promised to put the winnings towards paying for the vet bills of pets in need.Also, as much of this contest is aimed at building awareness of canine abuse, Holly hopes that Peanut can one day become a poster child for how abused dogs can overcome their adversity.Source: Associated Press -?There's a New World's Ugliest Dog
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