Making cat bow ties


Image Credits: Pixabay

Cool people look best with cool cats. There is nothing cooler than a cat wearing a bow tie on Halloween or special dress-up photographs. A bow tie of a cat is a simple version of the standard bow tie cut down to its size. Your cat will look much smarter when it is wearing a bow tie. Do give this accessory to your kitty if it does not mind wearing one. The effect is totally Instagrammable.

Crafting a bow tie

There is no need to spend money to buy your cat a bow tie. You can make one yourself. Fix the color of your bow tie and buy felt of that color. You first must cut the felt. To do this, measure it first and cut to approximate 9" x 4". Use scissors. Take the long ends of the felt and fold in such a way that the two meet in the middle. After you do this, fold in short ends. Ensure that they slightly overlap. Use a hot glue gun or fabric glue to glue felt pieces in their correct place.  Cut a felt strip out. The measurement should have a width of one inch. Pinch the bow tie middle and then wrap felt strip in the center.

Making the collar

It is now time to craft the collar. To do this, first, measure the neck of your cat. Cut a piece of ribbon as per this measurement. You can also use felt. The length should be about two inches more than the neck of the cat. Bring two ends together so that a circle is formed. Use glue to connect two ends of the collar to be worn by the cat. Allow the glue to dry. If you find all these activities tiresome, buy a pair of bowties from the pet store instead.

It is now time to attach the bow tie to its collar. To do this, take a little hot glue or fabric glue and glue the bow tie back where it will stick to the collar. Position bow tie to the desired spot before the glue gets dry. Since you hand-crafted the collar, consider it positioning over join so that the join is hidden. Add strength to the arrangement. In case you use a collar bought from the store, position it away from buckle and the holes section. Do permit the addition of the collar to be completely dry in place. You now have a working bow tie for your kitty. Put the bow tie on your cat and let the furball strut its stuff. If your cat is small or is a tiny kitten, use smaller measurements. Do remember to give a few tweaks to get the thing right.

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