How to Treat Enzyme Deficiency In Your Dog?


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There are a lot of diseases and conditions that can cause diarrhea in your dog. Indigestion, stress or diseases that affect the intestinal tract can all be contributing factors. One of the most serious conditions that causes diarrhea is exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. EPI prevents the body of the dog from producing the necessary digestive enzymes to break down the food. It ends up inflaming the intestine. This leads to loose and pale colored stools couple with a ravenous appetite and weight loss. Moreover, since the food is not broken down properly in the gut, your dog cannot absorb the nutrients from his food and ends up starving to death.Your vet will perform the necessary blood tests to evaluate the digestive enzyme level in your dogโ€™s body. These tests, along with a detailed history of your dogโ€™s weight loss, increased appetite and diarrhea can help definitively diagnose EPI.

Supplements and Treatment Options

Treatment for EPI includes dietary changes so that your dog can easily digest his food. For example, dogs that suffer from chronic diarrhea are usually placed on a high-fiber, low-fat diet to firm up their stools. Your vet might also recommend digestive enzyme supplements to fix the diarrhea. If supplements are the treatment course recommended by the vet, he/she might also recommend including a moderate amount of fat in the diet, assuming that the carbohydrates he is on are easily digestible.If your dog is diagnosed with EPI, he will need supplements for the rest of his life. These enzymes are designed to break down the food so that your dog can absorb the nutrients. Other supplements that aid digestion and alleviate diarrhea include prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes that are derived from plants.

Enzyme Replacement

Dogs that suffer from this condition also run a big risk of developing a severe B12 deficiency since their bodies are not capable of absorbing the vitamin from the food that they eat. More than half the dogs that have EPI suffer from a B12 deficiency. Once your dog has a B12 deficiency, he will have a lot of trouble in maintaining or gaining weight, even if he is doing well on his enzyme replacement therapy.So, if Fido is not showing any improvement in spite of the enzyme replacement therapy, you should check him for a B12 deficiency and determine if he needs any extra supplementation. The most effective way to administer B12 is by giving him an injection. Your vet will give regular B12 shots to your dog till the levels in his blood are high enough. Once the B12 level goes back to normal, all the secondary intestinal problems will go away on their own. So, if your dog is having unexplained bouts of diarrhea, take him to the vet immediately.

Everything You Need To Know About Digestive Enzymes For Your Pet

Enzymes are the proteins responsible for a lot of functions required for the sustenance of good health. One of the most important functions of enzymes is to facilitate absorption of nutrients and digestion. Deficiency of enzymes in pets can cause starvation which can prove fatal; which is why a pet owner must have all the know-how about enzymes.

What are enzymes and what are its benefits?

Enzymes are protein molecules produced in the pancreas, which is then carried to the small intestine where the digestion takes place. The three types of enzymes: Protease (helps break down proteins), Amylase (breaks down carbohydrate and starch) and Lipase (breaks down fats) which help pets absorb nutrients from the food. They also aid in absorption of minerals and vitamins in a pets body. Enzymes promote cell growth, immune system, removal of toxins from the body. Enzymes are also responsible for the healthy growth of fur and teeth in animals. Without enzymes, your pet will not benefit from even the highest quality diet.

What causes enzyme deficiency?

Enzyme deficiency is caused by multiple factors. As important as they are, enzymes are very delicate and are easily destroyed. Heat, pollutants, artificial colors, preservatives are some of the factors that cause depletion of enzymes. Increased activity can also cause enzyme depletion. Cooked and processed food contain very less to no enzymes which can further cause a deficiency in your pet.

How to detect enzyme deficiency in your pet?

The symptoms of enzyme deficiency are quite evident. Flatulence, gas, bloating, undigested food in the stools are some of them. In some cases, the pets might even vomit the food immediately after consumption. The overall well-being of your pet is affected. The symptoms are quite similar to the ones you would see if a lactose intolerant person consumed dairy.

How to cure enzyme deficiency?

Uncooked food stocks a lot of enzymes however it might not always be safe to feed your pets raw food. There are innumerable enzyme supplements available in the market for your pet. Itโ€™s always a good idea to consult a vet before making a decision so as to rule out any further complications.

How to choose the correct enzyme supplement?

Enzymes come from three sources: Plants, fungi, and animals. The most preferred enzyme is the one that comes from animals as it closely characterizes the one found naturally in your pet's digestive tract. It's essential to keep in mind that you must consult our vet and choose a source that you truly trust when it comes to your furry friend. Next time you find something off about your pet's diet, consider getting his/her enzyme levels checked.

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