How to Correct Your Dogโ€™s Chewing Problem

How to Correct Your Dogโ€™s Chewing Problem

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Chewing is exhibited by puppies and adult dogs. It can get problematic if your pet chews up your favorite shoes or eats up your kidsโ€™ homework, and you want to correct the behavior at the earliest possible by getting to the root of the problem. Let us take a look at what could be prompting your petโ€™s chewing tendencies, and how you can put a stop to it.


The milk teeth develop in puppies between weeks 3-8, and they are replaced by permanent teeth during the first 4-6 months. The teething phase causes pain and discomfort, due to which puppies may resort to chewing anything that they can find. If it is not corrected at an early stage, the chewing behavior may persist even after the teething phase as it becomes compulsive. You can offer your teething puppy special frozen toys or frozen washcloths to redirect the chewing behavior to suitable objects.


It may be frustrating to leave to work, and come back to find that your dog has chewed and destroyed random objects in the house. If you are in a position where you cannot monitor your dogโ€™s behavior round the clock due to other commitments, then you may want to confine your pet to a room or in a


when you are not around. You want to ensure that your pet gets sufficient exercise to spend pent-up energy if you plan on confining him to a small space.

Separation anxiety

Some pets may show chewing behavior due to separation anxiety. If you notice other signs like whining, barking and defecation in your pet, alongside chewing or destructive behavior, when you leave him home alone, then he could be suffering from separation anxiety. Visit a vet so they can diagnose and treat the condition.


Some dogs show chewing only when they are stressed or frustrated. It could be anything from not receiving attention to being bullied by the neighborhood kids, or another pet in the house that could be aggravating the condition. You want to identify what could be causing your dog to be


, so you can tackle the condition by reducing his exposure to such situations.


Your dog may exhibit excessive chewing behavior due to lack of physical or mental stimulation. Endorphins are released when your dog exercise, the same endorphins are also released when your dog engages in chewing. Meaning your dogโ€™s chewing behavior may be because of lack of exercise. Aside from the daily walks, you want to include other forms of exercise and activity in your petโ€™s lifestyle. Whether it is a simple game of fetch or obedience training classes, it not gives your pet to expend energy, but also spend quality time with you. Food toys and other puzzle toys are another way you can ensure that your pet engages in mentally stimulating activity.

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