How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog?


Image Source: Pixabay

If bath days are one of his least favorite days, and not very fun for all persons involved, itโ€™s only natural to wonder how often to set yourselves and your dog up for this task. The answer is, it depends on you. Dogs are self-groomers. Although they may roll in the mud from time to time, they know how to take care of themselves in order to maintain healthy skin and facilitate the growth of new hair follicles. The answer to the question how often, usually depends on a few factors:

Indoors/ Outdoors?

Is your pet an active dog who loves going outside and rolling in things he shouldnโ€™t be rolling in? Or is he a couch potato who loves to snuggle? If heโ€™s a dog who frequently plays outside, then chances are, heโ€™s going to need a bath more often than the dog on the couch.

Stink Factor 

Just like humans, some dogs tend to get stinky faster. So it all depends on whether bathing your dog makes him a less stinky or a more enjoyable companion. If your dog has normal skin, itโ€™s recommended to bathe him once a month for general grooming.Whether your furry best friend loves his bath days and hops in the bath willingly or he detests hem and fights you on every step of the way, here are a few tips that can help you on these days.

Donโ€™t: Bath Him Regularly. 

As much as bathing is a necessity to your dogs, when done too often, it can damage their hair follicles, irritate their skin, and increase the risks for fungal or bacterial infections. So bathing your dog regularly is out of the picture.

Do: Wash His Head Last 

Dogs tend to shake off after they get their head wet. So itโ€™s wise to wait until the end to wash his head. When bathing your dog, use dog shampoo or baby shampoo. Avoid the shampoo from getting into his eyes. Even when it says tear-free.

Donโ€™t: Get Water Into His Ears. 

Not only is this uncomfortable, but this can also cause actual health problems. Avoid getting water into his ears.

Do: Take A Long Walk Right Before. 

Most dogs enjoy a dip in the water to cool off when theyโ€™re feeling hot. You could take this to your advantage! Walking raises his temperature, especially on a nice and sunny day. Itโ€™s important that heโ€™s calm when taking a bath. If heโ€™s not calm, it can be a hassle for everyone involved. For dogs, walking has a calming effect.When this day rolls around, make it fun so that it can be an enjoyable time for you and him. 

How Often Should You Bathe your Dog in Winter?

Image Credits: Pixabay

As the winter days roll in, all of us want to cozy up inside our blankets and forget the world. Even then, we do manage to take a shower at least once a day. But when it comes to bathing their lovely pooches during the cold season, dog owners always face a dilemma.

How often should you give your little friends a bath when the weather is too cold?

During the winter chill, you should avoid giving your furry pet too many baths to ensure that it always maintains the best health. You must, however, ensure that you give your pooch an occasional bath to help it get rid of dirt, grime, and salt.

You must take special care when bathing your pooches when the weather outside is too cold to bear. We have a few tips for you that will help you take care of your dogโ€™s health and safety. Follow these steps and you will master the art of taking care of your pooch before, during, and after a winter bath.

1. Indoor baths

Make sure that during winter, you always bathe your pooch indoors. It would be a good idea to increase the temperature of the room or place a heater in the bathroom. Make sure that the heater is not on the floor or close to the water.

2. The temperature of the water

Before you start bathing your dog, be sure to check the temperature of the water. It should neither be too hot nor too cold. The temperature of the water should be the same that you would use to bathe a newborn infant.

3. Brush

Before you start bathing your dog, prepping up is essential. Brush your dogโ€™s fur to make it tangle-free and remove any excess hair. Use a nice dog brush to get the best results.

4. A moisturizing shampoo

Dogs can have dry skin during winter that starts flaking. Using a moisturizing shampoo can prevent dryness and reduce the chances of skin irritation.  Keep cotton balls ready to block water and shampoo out of the ears.

5. Move from bottom to top

When bathing, start from the feet and move upwards. Pay special concentration to their paws and other areas that have dirt build-up. Starting from the feet ensures that their eyes and ears remain free from shampoo dripping into them.

When rinsing, go the opposite way. Start from their head and move downwards until the water runs clear.

6. A Dry Shampoo is an option

If stinking is your main concern, you may opt for dry shampoo. Dry shampoo and sprays are a great alternative when you just want to remove any odor. This should not be used for deep cleaning.

7. Use a towel When your dog is properly bathed, use a towel to warm it up. There are several towels available that look just like a robe for your dog. If your pooch has long hair, you may even consider using a dog hair dryer.

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