How And When To Dye Your Dog?

How And When To Dye Your Dog?

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Opinions sharply differ when it comes to the option of dyeing your pet. A few even want to ban this practice and conversely, the procedure is popular in some areas. Some parts of the world even espouse dyeing dogs and other pets as a kind of fashion statement. In case you wish to dye your dog, carefully read the ingredient labels before you start the process.

Organic food dyes

Whatever you do, it is unwise to apply human dye on the animal. Products manufactured for humans are created specifically for us, and not for our pets. Harsh chemicals will harm the pet. The dye gets absorbed through the skin of your pet and it consequently falls sick. There is also an off-chance that your pet may potentially lick the applied dye and may fall ill as a result. If your pet is sick, do not dye it. It may get sicker if you do this. Verify with the veterinarian on whether you will proceed with this course of action.Always use organic food grade dyes to color your pet. These dyes are crafted from natural products. Read labels carefully and consult the veterinarian to ensure that the ingredients will not harm the animal through skin consumption or absorption. Do keep in mind that a few non-organic food dyes like Citrus Red 2 and Blue 1 are proved to be linked to adverse effect occurring in animals. The list of such adverse effects include tumors and allergic reactions. If you feel like you need a little dare, use organic foods to make a dye. Since you are making this yourself, you know exactly what is in it. The result is safe dyeing. You can make dye from vegetables like carrots, asparagus, sweet potatoes, beets, and spinach. Fruits like strawberries and cranberries can also be used.

Temporary dye and procedure

If you want a temporary dye, use organic chalk. These comprise of pet-friendly compounds which could be utilized to temporarily dry the fur of your pet. Verify the compounds and the procedure with your veterinarian before you proceed. It is prohibited to use spray paint. These compounds are extremely toxic to pets and also for humans. The outcome will be illness, and after some time, death. Your dog will be in pain if you use bleaches or acids.To dye your pet, add water to the food coloring. The color depends on your choice. Add as many amounts of water to get the color you want. Begin with a cup of water to every food coloring drop. Mix them inside a spray bottle. Ensure that your dog's fur is well-brushed and clean. Lighter furs are better to dye. Clean fur will make the dye last much longer.

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