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There are very few other things which can give you joy that is comparable to bringing a pet home. Adding a new member to your family, one that will very soon become an irreplaceable part of your world, is often an overwhelming experience. But if this is your first experience with adopting a pet, you probably are stressed about how you can ensure that everythingโs right.
help you with making your new pet feel at home, here is a list of few things
that you should do.
your home
first thing that you need to take care of, even before you bring your new pet
home is to prepare the place for the new member. This includes everything from
gathering supplies to putting safety gates above stairs if youโre bringing in a
little puppy or a kitten. Get all the food and medicine that the vet suggests
for your pet. Put away things that might be dangerous for the pet or things
that you donโt want to be chewed away by your little curious friend. Designate
a safe place in your house where the new pet can stay when it is not running
and jumping around. You could get initially get a crate for the pup or kitten
and later replace it with a bigger den. In short, do whatever you can to make
your new friend feel welcome and comfortable.
around the house
your newly adopted pet is in the house, let it take some time and explore the
house for itself. Do keep an eye though, so that it doesnโt get hurt. Show your
pet its bed, its food and toys. Also, start defining its limits gradually from
the first day itself. This will help when you begin training it later. You can
also let it explore the yard on leash and if there is a designated potty space,
lead your pet to it from the very beginning itself.
the family
If it
is you who brought the pet home, it already sees you as its parent now. But if
you are living with your family, it is important that your pet gets comfortable
with the other members of the family as well. So, take some time to introduce
your new friend to your family. Also, if you already have other pets in the
house, acquaint them with the new member too. But make sure that the older pets
are on a leash or in their closed spaces so that they canโt harm the new one in
any way. Make these introductions slow and subtle so that the new member can
have its time to sniff around and feel safe with everyone in the house.
Once this basic
orientation program for your new pet is done with, you can gradually move on to
training it, improving the diet and introducing new activity.