Feline Corneal Ulcers: A Detailed Guide Understanding Corneal Ulcers In Cats

Feline Corneal Ulcers: A Detailed Guide Photo by Dids: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-kitten-1358845/

Feline corneal ulcers are an eye ailment that is prevalent in cats and can lead to discomfort, inflammation, and vision issues. Learn more about it here.

Feline corneal ulcers are a common eye condition in cats that can cause pain, inflammation, and vision problems. These painful sores occur on the clear outer layer of the eye and can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, infection, or diseases that affect the eye.

In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments for feline corneal ulcers, as well as tips for preventing this condition in your cat.

What Causes Feline Corneal Ulcers?

Feline corneal ulcers can be caused by several factors, including injury (scratch, abrasion), eye infections, autoimmune disorders, foreign objects in the eye, and other underlying health conditions. Additionally, some breeds of cats, such as the Siamese, may be more prone to developing corneal ulcers. Whatever the cause, immediate veterinarian care is required to stop more harm and guarantee proper healing.


The symptoms of Feline Corneal Ulcers can include:

  • Squinting or blinking frequently

  • Tearing

  • Redness of the eye

  • Cloudiness or swelling of the cornea

  • Light sensitivity

  • Pain or discomfort

  • Presence of discharge

  • Change in pupil size

  • A visible ulcer on the cornea

If your cat shows any of these symptoms, it's best to consult a veterinarian.

Is It Possible for a Corneal Abrasion to Develop Into an Ulcer or Descemetocele?

The development of a corneal ulcer or descemetocele from a corneal abrasion is indeed feasible. A corneal ulcer is a more serious damage that affects the corneal stroma than a corneal abrasion, which is a more minor wound to the cornea. If left untreated or if the abrasion is infected, it can progress to a full-thickness ulcer.

A descemetocele is a type of corneal ulcer that involves a tear or hole in the innermost layer of the cornea (Descemet's membrane), which can lead to fluid accumulation and bulging of the cornea. If left untreated, a corneal ulcer or descemetocele can result in permanent vision loss and can affect the overall health of the eye.

Early detection and prompt treatment of corneal abrasions and ulcers are crucial in preventing the development of serious complications.


Clinical Diagnosis of Corneal Ulcers In Cats

Clinical diagnosis of corneal ulcers in cats typically involves:

  • A thorough ocular examination, including assessment of corneal clarity, shape and location of the ulcer, and examination of the anterior chamber and lens

  • Measurement of corneal thickness with a pachymeter

  • The fluorescein stain test is used to identify the region of corneal injury and to determine the size and depth of the ulcer.

  • Culture and sensitivity test of any discharge or tearing to identify any bacterial infection

  • Schirmer tear test to assess tear production and to rule out dry eye

  • A complete blood count and serum biochemistry to rule out any systemic disease that may affect the eye.

  • Depending on the presumed etiology of the corneal ulcer and the patient's general condition, further tests could be carried out.

Treatment and Recovery

Treatment of feline corneal ulcers typically includes:


  • Keeping the cat's eye clean and protected

  • Administering medication as prescribed

  • Monitoring for signs of infection or worsening condition


  • Complete healing may take several weeks to several months

  • Regular follow-up visits with the veterinarian

  • Continuous administration of medication until fully healed

How To Prevent Feline Corneal Ulcers

  • Keep your cat's nails trimmed to prevent scratching the eye.

  • Keep objects that may cause injury out of reach.

  • Monitor for signs of infection and seek veterinary care promptly.

  • Keep your cat indoors when you are busy to avoid exposing your cat to irritants such as smoke or strong perfumes.

  • Provide adequate lighting to avoid eye strain.

  • Keep up with routine eye exams with a veterinarian.

However, the good news is that with timely and effective treatment, the majority of cats recover completely and regain their vision.

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