Dog Falls Down 30-Foot Well, Comes Out Unharmed

Dog Falls Down 30-Foot Well, Comes Out Unharmed

When Timmy fell down the well, it was Lassie who ran to get help. But what happens when it is the dog that finds themselves at the bottom of the well? For Buddy, the two-year-old goldendoodle, it meant one long night of fear and isolation followed by a morning of chaos, ingenuity, and eventually gratitude.

Watch the RescueOn Tuesday, Buddy was playing in the backyard just like any other day. However, when his owner Curtis Higgins went out to bring him inside for dinner, the dog was nowhere to be found. In fact, the entire Higgins clan was outside for the better part of the night, calling for Buddy and scouring the property for any sign of their beloved wasnโ€™t until the following morning when, in the light of day, Curtis remembered the old well on their property. He ran over and, low and behold, at the bottom of the 30-foot hole was none other than Buddy. Cold and alone, the poor dog looked up at his family with unfathomable sadness.Curtis immediately called 911 and before long a rescue team had arrived. โ€œWe kind of strapped him up in a makeshift flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants deal. [We] made a little rig, had two lifts and brought him up and got him out of there,โ€ said Jared Jackson of the Taunton Fire Department. And thanks to the quick thinking and fast acting of the Taunton Fire Department, Buddy was able to get out of the well and back on his feet. And while the poor dog was considerably shaken up by the events, before long he was back to his usualโ€™s more, Buddy walked away from his 30-foot tumble with nary a scratch! Thatโ€™s right - this dog fell down 3 stories into a hole and came out completely unscathed. And this is not his first time dancing with danger. The Higgins also state that Buddy was also struck by a car not long ago and survived. So, while Buddy'sย breed may actually be a goldendoodle, he sounds more like The Unsinkable Collie Brown to me. (Sorry about the pun, but I had to do it.)If you want more stories like this, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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