This is Ralphee. She has cerebellar hypoplasia.

And this is Max. He is a dog.

And together, they are some of the best pals on earth. Just see for yourself!
From the moment Ralphee was rescued from the barn she was found in, she and Max have been inseparable. Every time Max walks into a room, Ralphee starts jumping around and charging at him from all the excitement.

While it may look like Ralphee is suffering, the truth is, while CH does affect her motor skills, it is a non-progressive condition, meaning that it wonโt get any worse; aside from the wobbly way cats with CH tend to move around, they are just as healthy as any other cat. In fact, most cats with CH barely even notice that there is anything wrong, let alone mind.And Ralphee is most certainly a member of the "doesn't mind" camp, not letting her condition slow her down in the least. Volunteer's at the shelter assure us that she "is growing more mischievous by the day."